Is Vue good for large applications? Marketing August 2, 2021

What is Vue? 

Building User Interfaces should not be challenging all the time. Being adaptable is one of the key features of Vue. Building a dynamic web application that fulfills all the requirements mentioned by the client is of utmost importance. Even after successfully making the web application, getting engagement by targeting the correct audience is not a piece of cake. Vue.js helps you build an attractive UI/UX for your web application and capture the essence of your company/client’s ideas. This web framework can also be used to build a Mobile application. Hundreds of factors come into play while talking about web application development, but Vue will ensure that you meet all the project requirements, thus giving an efficient result.

 Why Vue? 

With so many options such as React, Vue, React native, etc. it can be confusing to choose the option that suits your needs. VueJS is a smart option and here is why: Initially started by a single developer in 2014, Vue has come a long way as people started understanding the potential in it and giving Vue a chance. This Javascript-based framework growing rapidly offers various plus points such as its user-friendliness, simple frameworks, easy integrations, high performance, etc. Framework setup for the same is not too large, it is just about 21 kb and thus can be easily downloaded within seconds. Here are some more reasons why you should go with Vue:


Be it AngularJS or React, Vue is adaptable to applications built using any framework. Its flexibility allows you to make the necessary customizations and accomplish your goals. Vue.js has similar features that can be seen in AngularJS and React and thus, it is open to applications built using any framework. The architecture of Vue makes everything easier. Customization becomes an important part of building an application because, with millions of applications out there in the market, Vue comes into play here and makes your application stand out with essential and efficient results.

2.Performance rate:

No application or item can be approved without initial and final testing. Testing makes you understand what you can change in the application and identify various scopes of improvement for you to provide better performance. Multiple testing and complex processes mean that you will need more helping hands that will lead to delayed results as all of them won’t be available at the same time. But Vue.js will bring ease through the process as it does not involve multiple testing processes. This leads to quicker response times and efficient results.

3.Easy Integration:

Dynamic UI/UX-enabled designs are very much required for building a website and this is one of the reasons that, there are multiple frameworks available for the same. Vue.js is a popular choice used to design applications as it is based on Javascript. The Javascript part of Vue makes it easy to integrate with any other Javascript frameworks and applications. Its simple mechanism to integrate with other applications is one of the main reasons that one should choose Vue.js.

4.Proper documentation:

Learning new things means starting from scratch, which can get a little hectic sometimes. Vue.js provides you with an understanding of its documentation in an easy way. The points mentioned are easy to understand and hence drive the developers to the Vue.js framework. The learning process of the framework becomes easier which means that the developers will have more time in hand to work on the web application after successfully learning the framework. All you need is some basic knowledge of HTML and Javascript which is a must if you are in this field of work. 


Vue is inspired by React and AngularJS frameworks and hence it has certain functions and features of both applications. Vue becomes a popular and smart choice for building large applications with many effective and efficient functions. 

Hire Dedicated Vue.JS Developers for High-Performance – Incentius Marketing July 30, 2021

Vue.js is an open-source, robust, and highly popular framework under the JavaScript family. Among all the frontend JS frameworks, Vue is the most popular because of its ease of use in developing high-performance web applications. This popular JavaScript framework is used for creating powerful and interactive user interfaces, and to build single-page web and mobile apps. Vue.JS provides a great opportunity to develop a new application in a short time, and hence this framework is today adopted by large enterprises like Netflix, Adobe, and Alibaba.

A business looking for developing interactive user interfaces should choose Vue.JS, as this framework is easy to use and learn. Finding a skilled and qualified Vue.JS developer is not a big deal, as businesses just need a careful approach to hire a Vue.JS developer. A competent Vue.JS developer using this framework can develop attractive and interactive user interfaces, and they can also combine this framework with other libraries or frameworks. Vue.js developers are the most sought-after professionals responsible for building superior software products. Thus, businesses looking to optimize their software business need to hire skilled Vue.JS developers.

Key Skills of Vue.JS Developers to Look For While Hiring

The popularity of Vue.JS is not only among the businesses that adopt this framework to build high-performance web and mobile applications but this framework is equally popular among software developers and engineers who use this framework to efficiently manage the graphical user interface of a web application. Professionals Vue.JS developers possess several skills and some of the vital skills that businesses should look for while hiring these developers include:

  • Proficiency in JavaScript in addition to the Vue.js framework will be vital because both of these software systems are based on web development, so the developers will have great expertise in building web applications.
  • Competent to implement the JavaScript framework with other libraries or frameworks, thus besides JavaScript, they should also be familiar with coding HTML and CSS.
  • Since Vue.js is mostly used for single-page applications, so Vue.js developers should have dexterity in adding web components in a high-performing Single Page Application.
  • Highly skillful in building modular and reusable components in Vue.JS and should be familiar with the Vue.JS ecosystem, especially the Vuex and Vue Router libraries.
  • Great expertise in building front-end and user-facing web applications

Reasons to Hire a Vue.js Developer

vue.js framework is developer-friendly because of its simple structure, and hence developers all over the world prefer this framework for building interactive and high-performance applications. When it comes to building web and mobile applications, businesses prefer to hire skilled and experienced Vue.js developers who will prove valuable for their organizations. Some of the benefits of hiring Vue.JS developers include:

  • There will be less chance of error in the web applications, as Vue.JS comes with smooth error-tracking so the chance of apps being bogged down by any bugs will be less.
  • Vue.JS framework offers great flexibility and integration, so Vue.JS developers can easily work with any existing applications or frameworks that businesses are already using. 
  • Building applications using Vue.JS is simple and easy, so Vue.JS developers make use of this framework to build high-performing applications that otherwise would be complex.

In-house Development Vs Outsourcing: Overview of Pros and Cons Marketing July 23, 2021


Hiring a Software development company has never been an easy task. Choosing between In-House Development or Outsourced development is one of the most difficult decisions one might have to make. Organizing this development process becomes challenging as you go on to find some talented tech specialists. There are many factors that a person needs to consider such as money, time, skills, experience, working hours, etc. If you have just started a Software Startup, then it becomes even more crucial to avoid making any mistake that might have a huge impact on the company’s growth. Due to financial statements, many companies go for outsourced development as you can choose a pocket-friendly team. In this blog, you will read about what exactly is In-house development and what is Outsourcing with its pros and cons.

In-House Development:

When the projects or assignments are assigned to people who already work for the company, or assigned to new employees hired by the company, it is referred to as In-House Development. You would need to hire or select the right people for a particular task. Take into consideration their specializations and then hire them. In-House development means that you will have to build a team for your organization from scratch, i.e, go through all the steps that include interviews, reviewing applications, recruiting, onboarding, etc.


The practice of hiring a developed workforce of any other organization for a certain period or the duration of a particular project is called outsourcing. Companies generally go for outsourcing because of the cost-benefit and scalability. There are several companies in the field of travel, media, telecommunications, and more that rely on outsourcing for the completion of tasks and projects.

Pros and cons of In-house development:


1.Full involvement:

With the team working from the office, for the office, the engagement rate would be higher and so would be the involvement of all the concerned parties. The project details, updates can be shared with the organization. All the teams would be included in every step of the project and the authorities would have full control over the activities happening.

2.Company culture:

There are a few core values, morals, that every company has. Employees must learn to align their values with the company culture. With In-House Development, there is a plus point that you get to have a team whose values match with your companies’.

3.Effective Communication:

Communication is the key in any relationship; personal or professional. With an In-House Development team, the communication process would become much faster and efficient. You would not need to wait for emails to set up calls and can just have a face-to-face meeting to clear things up. 


1.Required skillset:

The trends tend to keep changing in every industry nowadays. With the In-House Development option, you don’t have the option of choosing from abundance for every project. As the software development trends keep changing, it is necessary to make sure that your team’s skills are always up to the level and match the requirements of the given tasks/projects. Keeping up with the changes becomes crucial when it can have an impact on the company’s growth.

2.It is costly:

Hiring an In-House team means paying for vacations, sick leaves, social security, recruitment, onboarding, etc. There are a lot of factors that come into play when talking about the finances of an In-House team. Even if the team has no projects or leads for a while, you would still be required to pay their salary.

3.Experience in hiring:

While hiring a new team, you must ensure that your decisions don’t have any negative impact on the company. Hiring the right people for the job becomes very important when you are utilizing the company’s resources and finances. Make sure that the added pressure does not cause any wrong decisions from your side.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing:


1.Lower rates:

Outsourcing cuts many expenses such as recruitment, onboarding, training, etc. With the same level of talent and expertise, or maybe more, you can have teamwork for the company at lower rates. One would not have to build a team from scratch and can choose the professionals from a sea of talented individuals.

2.No commitment:

Hiring for a particular project or a particular time means that you don’t need to commit, which is great. You can fire or hire anyone after a project without feeling guilty. This would also bring a different skill set and experience to several people over the course of many projects.

3.Abundant talent:

Outsourcing includes choosing the best from the crowd. The world is filled with talented professionals who are waiting to get that one chance to prove themselves. Do your research and select the people who meet the requirements of the project, the company, and can deliver quality content within the given time.


1.Time difference:

The best options for the job may serve your company from different countries. This means that you would have to suffer the consequence of the time difference. It can get a little problematic as the meetings would happen at an odd time for either of the parties. The time difference would also lead to delayed communication.

2.Lack of Control:

With an In-House Development team, you get to live and give inputs on every step of the development process but with an Outsourcing team, you would have limited control as they would not be working in the office. Your engagement would not be much with an outsourced team.

3.Trust Issues:

Signing an NDA and doing proper research on the outsourcing team is of utmost importance. As beneficial as the team sounds, they are a 3rd party after all. Make sure you take all the necessary steps and trust the right people.


There are pros and cons for both; In-House Development team and the Outsourcing team. It depends on the company’s requirements and budget that which option is the best for them. Make an informed decision and do thorough research. 

Hire Experienced and Skilled Python Developer for Exclusive Application Development Marketing July 19, 2021

Python is a top-level programming language with high-level built-in data structures with dynamic typing and binding features that are ideal for rapid web and application development. It is also used as a scripting or glue language to connect existing segments. This language is being used in several web development projects, machine learning, AI computing, and academic research, so Python is used for various tasks. Over the years, Python has become one of the preferred programming languages of developers because of its efficiency, readability, and syntax simplicity. The most valuable feature of Python is its huge standard library that reduces the coder’s burden by allowing them to obtain the value of the characteristics of the language along with its additional tools. 

The demand for Python developers has escalated by 456% in the research and analysis sector, as per the Forbes report. The flexibility of the Python language makes it valuable for diverse industries like web development, game development, system automation, security testing, general and application-specific scripting, finance and trading, and computer graphics, etc. Thus, businesses from any of these domains seeking Python developers with adequate skill set for the niche of their businesses will find challenges in hiring Python developers. Undoubtedly, the safest and most profitable way to hire Python developers is from leading development companies that outsource skilled and adept developers.

With Titan group of companies like Google, Facebook, Quora, Instagram, Spotify, and Netflix using Python for their components, there has been a great demand for Python developers among both startups and well-established businesses. However, companies need to be careful while hiring Python developers and should pay attention to the following aspects:

Technical Knowledge and Background

Companies while hiring python developers should check their Python knowledge and skills, basic programming knowledge, as well as their project experience. This will give them an idea about their work responsibilities as well as their previous work experience. Developers who can show clarity on their Python proficiency and can briefly discuss their work and technical background will prove best for the company. Companies should also check developer’s experience with the use of Python frameworks and tools.  

Completed Python Certification and Courses

Companies looking to hire Python developers should make sure that the developers have complete Python courses and certifications that validate their skills and formalize their language knowledge. An adept and experienced Python developer will not only have knowledge on usage and comprehension of Python frameworks and tools but they must have completed Python courses and certifications.

Adequate Skill-Set

Companies while hiring Python developers need to be clear about the skill-set of the developers which they are looking for according to their company’s requirements. This will help them pick the perfect candidate possessing all the essential skills which they expect in the developers they are hiring. Usually, Python developers having basic knowledge of other programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are preferred who also have extensive knowledge of the Python frameworks, tools, and libraries. An ideal Python developer is also proficient in object-oriented programming, server-side templating languages in addition to good English communication skills.   

Traits to Look for while Hiring Laravel Developer for Your Next Project Marketing July 16, 2021

With around 500,000 live websites using the Laravel framework, it is no surprise that this web framework is widely used and trusted by developers for its simple and expressive syntax. Laravel is a PHP-based web-development framework that is based on the model-view-controller architecture. Businesses looking to make the best use of the Laravel framework will need to hire a proficient Laravel developer for optimum results. However, hiring competent and adept Laravel developers is not an easy task. Businesses first need to have clarity about their requirements and be aware of their target for their project. Businesses also need to set a budget and should be clear that whether they wish to hire Laravel developers for web development, app development, improve an existing website, or planning the addition of a few products.  

Qualities that Businesses should look for while Hiring a Laravel Developer

Knowledge of Languages and Latest Web Technologies – Sound knowledge and experience with languages like CSS, JavaScript, and HTML along with hands-on experience of web development is vital for a proficient Laravel developer. It helps the developer to easily comprehend the architecture. A developer possessing these qualities will be ideal to hire for the companies. Laravel developers must also be familiar with web development and database concepts, as they extensively work on web applications, right from configuring the backend according to the frontend to structuring the database storage.    

Expert in Object-Oriented Programming, API Services, and MVC – Laravel developers need expertise in working with API services such as REST and SOAP and a good understanding of model-view-controller architecture. Besides, adept and skilled Laravel developers also have experience with object-oriented modeling and design that help them to simulate solutions for real-world problems.

Hands-on Experience with Server Tools – Hiring Laravel developers having sound knowledge of server tools like Nginx, Apache, and PHP-FPM will be an advantage because Laravel being a PHP-based framework requires developers to know server tools. Laravel developers knowing cloud computing is also an advantage because companies are moving towards cloud-based deployment.

Knowledge of Database and Query Optimization – While hiring Laravel developers, companies must ensure that developers have working experience with NoSQL databases like MongoDB and DynamoDB. Developers having expertise in SQL databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL will be an added advantage for the companies. Databases are extensively used by websites for handling queries, storing credentials, and query inputs, so developers having hands-on experience with designing and optimizing databases will be extremely beneficial for the companies. Additionally, while hiring Laravel developers companies should also ensure that developers have an understanding of data abstraction concepts and implementation to maintain the privacy of the data.

2021 Software Development Trends Explained With Benefits Marketing

Software development is a field that is continually evolving. In the past year alone, due to Covid-19, the importance of Software development came to light. People finally gave into the digital revolution and understood the benefits of Software development and the need to do so. Undoubtedly, our society demands some progressive changes in this field. The majority of the companies acknowledge the fact that Software development will benefit their company, their interaction with the customers, customer service, feedback process, etc. Companies now accept the growing need for Software development and embrace it. The future is uncertain, unpredictable. Nobody knew that 2020 would be a turning point in everyone’s life. That being said, let us have a look at some of the Software development Trends for the year 2021 based on the current trends.

1.Artificial intelligence (AI): 

There is no question that the pandemic has uncovered the real value of AI. Better customer service experience, automating and augmenting core business processes, are just a few of the many things that will drive the evolution of Artificial Intelligence and data analytics in the years to come. 2021 will be a year where we will get to see copious amounts of companies will dedicate their time, efforts, and money to more sophisticated applications of artificial intelligence as they aim to deliver only the best to their customers.

2.Importance of Cloud:

Work from home, school from home, college from home, we have learned so much in the past year. SaaS providers have come into the limelight and played their parts appropriately. Cloud services remove many barriers such as location, rigid timings, and critical functions, which greatly benefit both; the company and the employees. Users do not have to pay for data center services with everything now moving to the cloud. This makes work and other things more convenient, effective, and practical. The luxury of cloud-based services ensures flexibility which is a huge advantage for the workers.  

3.Coding languages:

Interacting with technology sounds like a dream, but that dream is a reality for so many people. Coding languages like Python and JavaScript have already attained popularity and are in demand and this scenario will only change for the better. Python programming is a rapidly growing computer language that is used for data analytics. Different languages have different features and implementations but learning coding has proved to be beneficial only.


Blockchain does have a significant impact on the current industries. The very first thing that comes to mind is transparency, you will have full visibility of what is happening at all times and can take control. With high-level cryptography algorithms and methods, security is guaranteed so you need not worry about that too. Immutability provided by blockchain will ensure that no damage is done or no changes are made once the process has begun which increases the chances of a successful outcome. Blockchain also increases efficiency which is never a bad thing. The future of blockchain is very bright.

6.Growth in Native App Development: 

Mobile apps are the future. Meant to run natively on the system, these apps make things more convenient, hassle-free and can be downloaded from the luxury of your bedroom. For the generation that is glued to their phones at all times, creating Native Apps would be a huge success and it’d be beneficial for the customers as well. Pandemic has taught us that we need to stay at home for now, but that’s the beauty of Software Development; you don’t need to create anything or even execute the entire process. There are various ways through which one can create an app, one such is React Native. 


With some brilliant and innovative ideas, the digital world will once again take over in the year 2021. Companies will now think about how they can effectively use the technology in a way that meets the needs of their customers but also makes the functioning and working of the company more efficient.  

How to Hire a Software Development Company? Marketing July 13, 2021

The goal of hiring a Software Development Company is to find the right people for different roles. There are various projects for any Software Development team. Finding the right set of people for certain tasks is crucial. Mistakes are bound to happen in anyone’s life, but make sure that while choosing your Software development company, you make the right decisions and do not regret your decision later. With so many options of different Software Startups in the market, you might want to hire the right software development company for your business so that your services stay in demand. Here are some tips you should consider while hiring a company:

1.Decide what you want:

The first step involves you knowing what you want, or what your company demands. Research and make up your mind about what kind of features you want in the software. Prepare yourself for the hunt. Prepare the structure of what you are looking for, and what you have to offer to the team.


Get to know about the company, their professional background. This will help you understand and analyze what kind of projects you can trust the company with. Ask them about their previous work, and it need not be necessary that the work they did has to be similar to the work they would be expected to do here, but check if they have handled complex projects (concerning your company’s projects) in their previous projects or not. You will get an insight into their work and understand how versatile they are along with what kind of project delivery you can expect from them.

3.Communication is key:

Software development is a process that requires clear and precise communication. If you want your ideas to be projected perfectly, then make sure the person on the other end understands them thoroughly. Having a good set of communication skills is of utmost importance as if you don’t understand what the company or your boss requires, all your hard work might just go to waste. Hire a company where people don’t hesitate to speak their minds so that you can always stay on the same page. Asking questions is not a sign of weakness, it’s actually a good thing if they ask questions and keep you in the loop with what is going on. This way you will always have a say in the matter as you will be updated with the latest happenings and can give them advice accordingly.

4.Be precise:

You cannot expect the team to deliver quality content if you only don’t understand what you require. Sit, think, do some research and make up your mind. Then write it all on a piece of paper or a document on the computer. Make a proper plan of what you want the result to be, which team should do what works, and what you are expecting them to do. Having a clear vision of your needs is important as it will make the whole process smooth and efficient. Think like an entrepreneur and make your decisions accordingly. 


Start looking for companies that match the job requirements. There are various platforms from where you can hire Software developer companies; Your business contacts might recommend some of the best developers they have had a professional relationship with or have heard about, several websites on the Internet like LinkedIn are great options to hire professionals, Listing directories are also available for companies to hire software developers that would best suit their company and fit perfectly in the role.

6.Check Customer Feedback:

Customers will always post unbiased reviews on the Internet. Their reviews will help you understand what they experienced and then you can decide if that is something your company wants. Strength of the company, their punctuality concerning the submission of projects, hitting deadlines, quality of their work, their relationships with different customers, all these points play a huge determining factor in the decision-making process.


Yes, the reach of companies has indeed expanded. We can hire teams from anywhere in the world, but make sure you know where the company is based. This will help you get an idea of the time difference, whether your company is comfortable with it, and tackle language barriers if there are any.


Hiring a Software Development Company is not an easy task but it doesn’t have to be that way, just keep some points in mind and look for people who meet the company’s requirements. The hiring process is a crucial part of any company, but it can become a smooth and efficient process with the right mindset. 

Free Power BI template to analyze Employee Attrition Marketing

Employee attrition refers to the reduction of a company’s workforce. The reasons for which employees leave can be both voluntary and involuntary. Attrition, to an extent, can be considered normal in a business environment and can be dealt with. But if the attrition rate increases for a company, the matter becomes of serious concern. It may take a long time to find the people who can fill the positions required. A lot of things come into consideration, their specialization, experience. 

In today’s world, majority of the people will jump for a new job opportunity. The number of people who work in the same place from their first job till their retirement is very less. People nowadays demand new work life, new experiences, and will happily leave one company for the other. With these attrition rates, HR leaders can step up and work towards reducing the attrition rate. Creating an atmosphere that ensures employee engagement and productivity can help improve the quality of work in the organization. 

Problems are bound to increase with such high attrition rates in any company. A relationship between any customer and employee takes some time to build, and many such relationships will suffer due to employee attrition. Now with the understanding of employee attrition and knowing the fact that attrition rates can be improved, you can divert your focus in the process of reducing attrition rates.

Getting an insight into the Employee attrition rate and analyzing the reasons for attrition may help the company in the future. There are tools available in the market, but those tools are either custom-made and require a lot of time or require technical know-how. You can skip these hurdles and leverage tools like Power BI to draw insights relevant to your organization. We have put together a free template for you to get a better understanding of Power BI and how it can serve your organization.


This template will help you get a better insight into the attrition rate. These matrices have all been created to help you analyze the employee attrition rate of your company. This will help you understand the behavioral analysis of attrition and the reasons behind the same. All you have to do is:

1.Open the file with .pbix in Power BI.

2.Click on the “Get Data” tab under the home section and then browse for the supporting .xlsx file (fields in the excel file should match with the supporting file) that has employee details.

If you want a tool that focuses on the trend of attrition for a year, click here and claim your free tool!

Would you like to get a sample salesforce attrition model for your company? Please email us at

Hire PHP Developer for a Full Range of Web Development and Maintenance Services Marketing July 5, 2021

PHP is an open-source and easy-to-learn web development language that is widely used on the web today. This secure web development language proves handy for a range of services, from a code fix or simple script to more complicated web application development.

Today, every organization in need of a robust or customizable website or application prefers PHP. However, choosing this language is not just sufficient because the ultimate success lies in hiring the right PHP developer who can bring the best results with maximum agility. Hiring experienced and talented PHP developers will allow businesses to avail full range of services like PHP web app development, ongoing maintenance, management, and up-gradation.

A PHP developer writes, tests, and maintains code for web pages, programs, and applications using the dynamic scripting language called PHP. However, a good PHP developer not just writes, tests, and maintains code for web pages and works on projects of different complexity but also has sound analytical and problem-solving skills and collaborates with many skilled developers to create myriad apps and also efficiently handle troubleshooting whenever required.

A good developer is well capable of building customized solutions for businesses, irrespective of the industry in which they operate, and develops optimal PHP-based web solutions in sync with their industry and project requirements.

With millions of PHP developers around, hiring the best is a difficult task especially for a non-technical person. Besides, several factors such as the experience of the developers, technical skills of the developers, and budget of the hiring company, influence the decision of hiring the best PHP developer. Generally, PHP developers do know most of the PHP frameworks like Zend, Laravel, Yii, CakePHP, Symfony, Joomla, Kohana, etc. While hiring a skilled and knowledgeable PHP developer, companies must ensure that the developer possesses the following skills:

·      Working experience on frameworks like Laravel, YII2, Symphony

·      PHP programming language knowledge

·      Working experience with SQL/MySQL databases

·      Good understanding of JavaScript and sound knowledge of HTML & CSS

·      Hands-on with CMS like Joomla, Drupal, WordPress

·      Knowledge of control systems like SVN and Git

While hiring a good and experienced PHP developer, businesses do have the option to explore traditional job portals or if they need top-quality PHP developers without the hassle of in-house hiring, then they can check with companies that provide their developers for a few weeks or months to carry out their web development needs.

Businesses while hiring PHP developers have the basic skill set of the average web developer besides having the necessary skills for writing clear and maintainable PHP code. The developer should be able to analyze website requirements, troubleshoot code, implement database solutions, and add backend features to optimize performance.

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Hire MEAN Stack Developer to Create Web Apps & Websites Marketing


MEAN a Stack is a group of software that allows software developers to build efficient and effective hybrid apps. MEAN is an acronym of software like MongoDB, Express.JS, AngularJS, and Node JS used to create the fastest and most robust applications. All the platforms combined help create and efficiently designed environment from front end to back end and stored in a database that improves the functionality of the create website or app.

MEAN Stack is used for creating adaptable and versatile mobile and web apps that use JavaScript both on the client and server end. Businesses that are looking for a full-fledged web application development should go for MEAN stack development and hire a MEAN stack developer who can manage complete software development activities such as designing, development, integration, and testing.

Businesses that are aiming for reliable, responsive, and scalable web apps should power their app’s competence with JavaScript technologies should opt for MEAN that has garnered popularity in the web industry and has become the go-to technology in the Enterprise market.

MEAN Stack developers can speed up web application development and can create high-performance websites, fast and scalable APIs, e-commerce websites. Hiring an experienced and competent MEAN Stack developer will help businesses transform their website or web application into a high-performing, effective, and dexterous business.

MEAN developer is efficient in using all the four technologies MongoDB, Express JS, Angular, and Node JS, and delivers fast robust, scalable, user-friendly web applications and websites. The developers can establish and integrate environment development tools, and test, deploy robust products that are scalable, fast, and responsive.

Mean stack developers must have in-depth knowledge of JavaScript because they work on the front-end and the back-end of the application that are all based on JavaScript. Besides, MEAN Stack developers should also possess the following skills:

·      Hands-on experience on the front-end and back-end processes

·      Knowledge of HTML & CSS

·      Good understanding of programming templates and architecture design

·      Knowledge of web development and cloud technologies

·      Sound knowledge of DB architecture and SDLC

·      Experience in developing in an agile environment

·      Hands-on experience on Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node

Businesses can hire MEAN Stack developers to develop intuitive web applications based on JavaScript. This user-friendly framework can be used to build several dynamic websites and interactive applications capable of standing the test of time, and this framework also ensures a quick and systematic approach for all types of web applications.

MEAN Stack developer is capable of working on a diverse skill set and has hands-on experience of working with different code languages and applications that allow them to be successful in MEAN Stack development.

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How to start an online business? Marketing

With the digital world taking over the world, an online business sounds like a great idea. Investing in your business online can seem a little daunting at first. There may be many companies out there already offering the service you might provide. But that should not stop you from working towards your goal. Think about what makes your idea, your business stand out from the rest, and what is it that you offer that will catch the attention of people.

Starting a business online is not going to be easy but there are a few things you need to keep in mind that may help the process become easier.

1. A business idea that the people demand

You won’t be the first one to be starting a business online nor will you be the last one. The people, the audience have abundant options to choose from. Identify what the people demand and provide them with that. Take inspiration from your own life, think about how some problems in your life could be solved with the help of a certain tool or a service. This may help you come up with an idea that stands out from the ones already in the market.

2. Conduct Market research:

Yes, this step will require you to dedicate a certain amount of time and resources but this is an important step. It will help you understand the audience you are trying to target. Knowing the target market and understanding their beliefs, thought processes, values will help you in the long run. You will also understand how the customer behavior pattern differs in various markets. Learn from market research. 

3. Know your competitors

In today’s world, there is at least one company that serves a product or service that you can think of. When you take a step in the business direction, make sure you do a competitor analysis. It is important to know what strategies your competitors are using, the audience they are targeting, etc. The more the number of competitors, the more the demand for the product or service. Knowing about competitors will help you form a business plan, company strategy, target market, and identifying resources that your company could use for its growth. 

4. Setting up a profitable online business

Nowadays people find online stores more convenient than conventional stores. The online market has great potential. So while setting up your business online, make sure to go through all the steps thoroughly and conduct research. Developing a business plan, picking the right e-commerce website builder, choosing the appropriate brand/domain name, setting up the details of the website, taking shipping into account, and finally launching the market online. All the steps are important and deserve your time and attention. 

5. Increase the online traffic

From a sea of businesses, what will drive people to your market? Create strategies and plans that will promote your business in all possible ways. Build an online presence, use the power of social media. Contact companies through emails. Use a creative domain name and keep in mind the SEO. Work on the content for your website by considering SEO. Use your connections to promote the business among people and advertise your business through social media, local markets, or partner up with some other companies.

6. Multiple payment options

Make the process smoother for the people easier. Include multiple payment options for the audience so that they get the luxury of choosing from any one of those. Or in many cases, if one option does not work, it will not drive them away from the purchase since other options are available. 

7. Be open to feedback

Providing services or products to the people is one thing, but making sure you are working in the direction of what they expect or demand is important as well. Have a feedback section where the audience can post their reviews. Read them and address as many issues as you can. 

8. Have an entrepreneurial mindset

Starting an online business is not going to be easy. Having a mindset that can handle the pressure, the success, maybe the failure in a proper way becomes important. An entrepreneurial mindset will help your business grow and achieve your goals.


Your idea may be brilliant but unless executed properly, the dream of turning that idea into reality might just stay a dream. Building an online business is a challenging task but in the end, it will be worth it. It is never too late to start your own business. 

10 Tips on how to start your Software Startup Marketing June 18, 2021


The IT industry has come a long way in the past few years and will continue to grow in the upcoming years. Your idea may be brilliant but if you want to make an impact on the people, a place for your company in the market, you will need to execute your ideas properly. Make sure that the amount of hard work, time, effort, dedication, money, sleepless nights that you put into work amount to something meaningful. In this blog, you will read about some points that one should keep in mind when starting a Software Startup.

Draw a Business Plan:

The most important step when starting your own company is to draw a Business Plan. Prepare a detailed plan that includes your ideas, the reason why you are starting this startup, the audience you want to target, your vision of the company, financial projections, market research, market strategy, etc. All these factors play a major role in any startup and need to be accounted for. 

Market Research:

It comes as no surprise that there are several Software companies out in the market. You need to understand what makes your idea stand out and how you will convince people to buy your software. Conduct thorough research, know your competitors, know what they offer to the audience. Your goal through this process should be to realize if your idea has a place in the market or not. As great as your idea maybe, it will be worthless if it is not practical or convincing enough for people to invest in.

Find Investors:

If you want your startup to survive in the long run, it is important to find an Investor. With the help of an investor, you can improve the way your startup will function. Funds are needed for various activities such as marketing, day-to-day work, asset purchase, etc. Partnering up with investors will not only help your company’s financial status but with their expertise, they can even guide the company’s way towards success. Present your proposal in such a way that negates the possibility of investors hesitating to invest in your startup.

Build an MVP:

Building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is an essential step for any startup. While you put your company out in the market, it is only fair that the users get a chance to give feedback. MVPs help the company realize where they want wrong and how they can fix their mistakes. The feedback that will help you improve your work is always healthy and thus building an MVP is a step that should not be neglected. 

Create your company’s website:

In the digital world that we live today, online presence has attained a new height. The world of the internet will allow users to engage from any corner of the world. Creating a website for your company will have several advantages such as accessibility; anywhere at any hour of the day, establishing credibility; to earn the trust of companies these days the mark that is required is the presence of their website, Cost-effective; The luxury of creating a website at the comfort of your own home can save you a lot of money, Marketing; Marketing plays a huge role in the expansion of any business and to spread the news online has become a piece of cake nowadays.


Test the software as it will ensure that it is of the highest quality. You would only want to provide superior quality work to your customers, right? Software testing and quality assurance will help you move one step forward in that direction.

Get the required licenses and permits:

Make sure that you obtain the necessary licenses and permits. It will not only protect your company legally but also bring a certain level of credibility to its name. Failure to have the required licenses permits may result in fines. 

Hire your team:

The recruitment process plays a crucial role. Do not hire people instantly. These people will set the foundation for your company as they will be among the first people to get hired. Their work will determine the company’s future and hence will be of utmost importance. You need to think about various factors; what kind of work do you expect from them, what kind of skill set are you looking for, their pay scale, how many employees can the company initially have, etc. Outsourcing and Freelancing are also great options as it means access to more software experts.

Software Consulting:

Software consultants will bring a business perspective to the technology. They offer advice that will help your company keep up with the latest technology. Their expertise will help in improving the structure and efficiency of the company’s work in a way that will be good for the company in the long run. Their advice will help you understand how an application should be implemented using the latest industry approaches. 

Build an emergency fund:

You cannot expect your startup to succeed in the first few months. It takes time to build a company, and that is why emergency funds are important. They are an essential part of the plan. During the time of any crisis or unplanned situation, you will always have your Emergency funds to fall back on. 


Building a Software Company from scratch is not an easy task. But you have to believe in your idea and work in the direction of achieving your goals. Following these tips might help you brilliantly execute your idea. 

4 Essential Characteristics of an Entrepreneurial Mindset Marketing June 11, 2021

Our mindsets can either ignite our ambitions and make us work in the direction of success or obstruct our path of success by blinding our ability to learn and grow. An entrepreneurial mindset is a way of thinking that will empower you to take ownership of your life. This mindset will force you to push your boundaries and become the best version of yourself. This can only happen if a person can overcome challenges, be driven, motivated, and have an optimistic attitude. With this mindset, you will be able to constantly work on your skills and become action-oriented. 

Four Essential Characteristics of an Entrepreneurial Mindset are: 

1. Creative Thinking

People with an Entrepreneurial Mindset do not complain about problems and challenges that they face, rather they overcome these challenges by using their creativity. They follow a path different from that of conventional thinking.

Anyone and everyone can have a creative mindset. Creativity comes from inspiration, and inspiration can come from even the little things. Creative thinkers tend to see the world differently. It takes new creative ideas to stand out from the crowd. Entrepreneurs need new innovative ideas to bring solutions to problems, the existing ones and the ones that they will face over time. Thinking outside the box is a key step towards success. 

2. Decisiveness

An Entrepreneurial Mindset means the ability to make decisions that will have an impact on the future of your business.

Decisiveness is key to achieving your desired goals. One must be able to look at the situation, get to know all the facts and make an informed decision. Entrepreneurial thinking means that a person should be able to balance emotions with reasons and make a decision that will have a positive impact. 

Indecisiveness does not just delay your actions but it is also implying that during that period, you have done nothing. 

3. Ability to learn from Experiences

If your goal is to achieve success on your first try, then there’s a high chance that you will not be able to achieve your goal. And that’s okay, everybody fails.

Failure is a better teacher than Success, it teaches you how to face the reality of this world. To become an entrepreneur, textbook knowledge will never be enough. The experiences that an individual faces in the real world are the lessons that are important for learning. 

Valuable lessons are taught through real-life experiences which in the future play an important role in developing your business. Such experiences can also help you understand what it is that the people want, their demands which can help you work in the correct direction. 

4. Accountability

Skip the excuses. Become responsible. You are the one who is responsible for your actions, and whatever the outcome may be, you need to hold yourself accountable for your actions.

Whether you succeed or fail, you need to stand for yourself and make the audience know that it was because of your actions that we are here. 

Accountability is a characteristic that should be taught to everyone in the workplace. The power that accountability holds will help a company efficiently reach its goals as it eliminates the time that is being spent on unproductive behaviour. 

With time, accountability will increase the confidence and skills of an individual. 


An entrepreneurial mindset can be developed and enhanced through experiences. There is no specific set of people who can have this mindset. Anyone willing to put in time, effort, do the work, and learn from their mistakes can cultivate this mindset. 

Top 10 Reasons Why Investors Give Up on Startups Marketing May 28, 2021

As a startup, you need money and expertise to start your business. You find investors who believe in you and invest in your business. You cannot start a business only with your money. You have to find an investor who can help fuel growth for your startup. Startups can earn good money shortly with their new and innovative ideas; However, there can be a few reasons why investors might hesitate to invest or pull out from your startup.

Following are the Top 10 reasons why investors are not investing in your startup.

1. No Niche

The most obvious and common reason for not investing in your startup is risk. While investors are willing to take this risk they would never do it if the risk ratio is too high. They would closely evaluate your product/service offering and associate a success/failure risk ratio to it. The higher the probability of your product is similar to others in the market, the higher are the chances of investors starting to lose hope in you.

2. Inexperienced team

Investors will reject your startup if they do not find your team capable of handling your business. It is essential for you to put a disciplined team together. The team needs to be one that is aligned with you and your companies’ objectives. In addition, your team should have appropriate skills, qualifications, knowledge, and experience. A holistic team make a good prospect towards attracting investors. 

3. Improper business plan

If you are not able to express your business to the investor, they will lose interest in your startup. You should be able to sell future prospects to investors and how committed you are to achieve it. If they don’t understand your plans and don’t believe in your commitment, they will not invest in your startup. Additionally, remember to prepare a good and impressive business plan that comprises the structure of the business, your target, projections, documentation, sales plans, etc.

4. Diluted Focus

If you are spending too much on developing your product or developing too many products investors will question your ability to take them to the market. Spreading yourself across too many things reduces your chance of success and that is the last thing you want. As a start-up entrepreneur, you want to identify that one thing you believe in strongly and go after it. It’s a classic reversal of “Too many cooks spoil the broth”. In this case, it‘s too many avenues that lead to spoiling your chances.

5. You approach the wrong investor

The major mistake done by the startup is that they approach the wrong investor. Investors are not defined as someone with money. They invest because of their interest and knowledge in the space. It is like approaching someone with an interest in real estate with an offer to implement in a social networking startup. You should ensure that the investors should have the same interest and genres. As close an investor can be to the field, the higher are the chances of them investing. It is because they understand the space and it is easy for you to convince them.

6. Lack of focus

If you are not committed and focused on your startup, no investor will pay any heed to you. You need to have a proper track record and a focused approach towards your main goal. You want to be completely invested in your idea/startup. Split responsibilities is a complete NO and investors would not show any interest in partnering with you

7. Lack of marketing techniques

A good business plan, strong product, and dependent team does not necessarily result in being successful. In today’s world, you need to know the ways of capturing the audience’s mindset through innovative marketing techniques. You should know the right ways of hitting the sweet spot and rhyming it with the buyer’s thought process. A structured and well-articulated marketing plan will boost up your sales and increase your brand value.

8. Lack of trust

Trust is the costliest thing in the world. Once you lose it you can’t get it back easily. You need to have trust in your team and your investors. The same applies to them while working with you. It takes time to build it and happens only once you spend time together. Make sure you build a team you can depend upon without any micro-managerial approach. The moment you have to go this route there will be friction and the team will start losing trust in each other. 

9. Lack of market knowledge

You are entering the market, but you know nothing about it. You don’t have information about your competitors, customers, regulations, documentation, and other key information. If you are not familiar with market regulations, this will discourage the investors. That is why make sure that you conduct proper market research before starting a startup. If you don’t have proper statistics and information about the market investors will stay away from you.

10. Poor projections

A smart entrepreneur is one who always has an eye on what’s coming next. If you are completely focused on the future you may lose sight of what is coming next and won’t be able to plan accordingly. This will lead to a lack of foresightedness and you would not be able to show a bright future to your investors. Always, prepare a plan with future goals.


These are some reasons because of which investors may not invest in your business. That is why make sure to keep all the essential components in your startup. You can convince your investors by presenting your business’s bright side to them.

5 Things To Do Before Running Your Business Out Of An Incubator Marketing May 21, 2021


Let us first understand the meaning of the word incubator in any business. An incubator is a kind of organization that helps startups to set up their business. It is a catalyst tool for national economic development. They provide them various facilities at free or low cost

  • Workspace
  • Mentorship
  • Expertise
  • Access to investors
  • Loan for working capital

The NBIA (National Business Incubators Association) categorizes incubators into 5 types

  • Academic institutions
  • Non-profit development corporations
  • Venture capital firms
  • Profit property development ventures
  • A combination of all four.

These incubators help to plan, launch, manage and grow your business. They assist you with marketing, networking, accounting, financial, legal, and research activities.

Some benefits of an Incubator

They can give a powerful start to your business. Let us study incubators’ pros:

  • They offer you several services for free or at minimal cost. It helps you preserve your cash and utilize it judiciously
  • Incubators usually help with access to subject matter experts who provide a great deal of guidance and advice for your business
  • Proper direction helps you to stay focused on your goals
  • A sound base of investor network gives you access to probable opportunities to raise funds along with the right level of inputs to allocate them wisely in varied avenues of business.
  • With the opportunity to be able to use the latest/advanced technologies & infrastructure they provide appropriate support from a self-sustainability standpoint

Starting a business on your own is always a monumental task with ample challenges that will beat you to the ground. There are several factors that you should consider before starting your own initiative. However, it is not possible to take care of every single detail and that is why we take help from incubators. They help in the above-stated ways while helping you expand the business. That is why it is critical to find a perfect incubator for your startup. Here are a few tips to be on top of during your incubator search:

Know your incubator

Just like a bank knows you better than you do, you should know every aspect that you may need from the incubator. Start with a list of services, investor and mentoring network, expertise, location, infrastructure and compare incubators vis-a-vis each other. Select the most suitable incubator for your startup and that can help you leverage its strengths and help your business and empower it to grow and flourish.

Prepare a proper pitch

Before applying to any incubator, prepare a proper pitch deck about your startup. Define your goals for the incubator so that they can help you accordingly. Focus on technical details, business model, and future projections. Sell the idea of being unique from others and what inputs would lead you to be successful.

Build a winning team

A proper team is the biggest asset of your company. The team will decide the future of the startup. The more efficiently they work, the more are the chances of the company to succeed. In the initial stages, you may depend on the incubators, employees but that can’t happen in the longer term. As stated by Jim Collins in “Good to Great” it is critical to get the right people on the bus if you want to enjoy the journey. You want to build a team that can continue the business without any hassles. Make sure that your team members have appropriate skills and have a good experience. They can bring new ideas for the growth and development of business. A great team increases your chances to get a great incubator for your startup.

Determine what you want to give to your incubator

That means developing a proper plan about how much you want to invest in the incubator. Sometimes incubators are costly according to your company’s needs. That is to choose how much you are willing to give to your incubator. Also, check that they are satisfying your needs or not at that cost. You can consult with your legal advisor or any other advisor. They will guide you about this matter and tell you whether to invest in that particular incubator or not.

Time is Money

Do not depend on the incubator to create your plans and associated timelines. Make a plan for your business and choose your incubation period. It will help you manage the company after exiting from the incubator. Make a proper exit plan for your startup.


This is all about incubators and how they help to grow a startup. They also lend you money for your startup. They also build MVPs for your company. That is why you can contact incubators for your startup. You should consider all the above points before starting your business. This will ensure that you are going in the right direction at the right time. Because your business depends on the incubators’ advice. I hope this article is helpful for you and you got everything you need.