How to Scale Your SaaS Startup? Marketing May 14, 2021


Software as a service or SaaS, is a software licensing and cloud service model. Using SaaS, you can connect to a cloud-based app over the internet. It is also referred to as-

In SaaS, instead of downloading and installing an app, you use that app over the internet. Traditional business software tends to be more costly than SaaS. You don’t have to manage technical complexities instead, just log in and start your work. Your IT department too can focus on other main activities instead of handling software issues. SaaS provider maintains servers, databases, data, and other software. This software allows users to use and access their products. You can customize the application’s features. SaaS companies divide their products into two bases, it depends on whether the company is B2B or B2C.

  1. B2B SaaS: It means the SaaS company selling their software and services to any other company as a service. They are not connected with the final user or consumer at all. They focus on marketing, sales, and customer service.
  2. B2C SaaS means the SaaS company selling their software and services to people for personal use. They target the final users. They tend to focus on networking sites or specific communities etc.

SaaS Companies provide applications and services to consumers through a subscription model. A. They offer various subscription plans to their clients. The plans depend on the functionalities they want. Some SAAS companies offer many applications within their product. Different subscription plans give access to different types of services. The SaaS market in India is huge and growing rapidly. According to Nasscom – the revenue of India’s Software-as-a-Service (Saas) industry reached $3.5 billion in FY2020. It has the potential to grow by about $13-$14 billion in 2025. India currently has more than 1000 SaaS companies. Chennai is the SaaS capital of the Nation.


Benefits of SaaS Companies


To SaaS customers

  1. Low cost: You don’t need to invest in any hardware to build your product. You can log in to the app with a minimal subscription fee and set it up for your own use. You only pay for the features you use. If you need the service temporarily, you subscribe to it only for that time.
  2. Scalability: If you want to expand your business, you can do it with a SaaS partner. You don’t have to buy any extra hardware for that. You can upgrade that with a rise in the subscription fee. 
  3. Easy access: SaaS provides you with the benefit of easy and unlimited accessibility. You can access your software anywhere at any time. You can access your software with any device having an internet connection. This is useful for companies that don’t have a confined office. 

To SaaS companies

  1. No piracy: If you are a SaaS company, you don’t have to worry about piracy. This is because you only give a subscription to your customers for a limited period. You manage your servers. This reduces the chances of piracy.
  2. Expansion to foreign markets: It is to expand your SaaS business in foreign boundaries. You don’t need any middleman or agent for that. SaaS startups provide interest-based services. That’s why you can expand your services globally over the internet.
  3. Lesser risk: You can predict your income by your subscription fee. This decreases the risk of sudden income fall. You can predict the market and make future policies.

Category of SaaS Companies

Here are a few important categories of SaaS companies-

  • Customer Relationship Software
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Accounting Software
  • Project Management Software
  • Email Marketing Software
  • Workplace Collaboration Software
  • Workplace Attendance Management Software
  • Payment Gateways
  • Web Hosting And E-Commerce
  • Communication Platforms
  • Sales Engagement Software
  • Human Resources
  • Social Media And Video Tools

Tips to Scale SaaS as per Your Needs

  • A great advertising strategy is key to scaling any business. Advertising and promotion can attract potential customers. It will help your business to reach everyone. You can use various methods like sponsored ads on social media, video ads, etc.
  • Keep your customer happy and pleased. Customer retention is necessary for any business. Solve their issues and problems as soon as you can. Show a genuine interest in their work and always ask for feedback. This will increase customer involvement and trust in your company.
  • Focus on customers’ needs and give attention to every detail. Make a product that consumers need.
  • Expand your business in foreign countries after thorough market research. Figure out the target customers, time zone differences, sites, and product localization. Make proper promotion strategies. You can also create international promotion calendars for the same. 
  • With the help of automation, you can expand your business. By automating day-to-day, you can improve your business process and efficiency. You can complete a lot of work with less effort.
  • If you are a startup, you don’t have many people to work with. You can outsource some of your work to any specialized firm. Those experts will do your work efficiently, and you will save on the cost of hiring also.
  • Find a proper and right pricing strategy. Keep experimenting with prices and packages. This is because your business doesn’t need to be going to be the same all the time. There will be many ups and downs, so you should be ready for that.


The use of SaaS software is increasing day by day, as is the demand for SaaS companies. It is beneficial if you invest in any SAAS startup. The demand is increasing as it has several benefits. You can establish your business with low investment risk. For consumers, using SaaS is a blessing. They can enhance their performance and save their time as well as cost. SaaS is easy to use and has great speed. It also provides you with reliability and assurance of data security. It has an auto-updating feature also. All these reasons have led to a significant increase in demand among the business as well as among individual users.


Product Startup: How to Build a Minimum Viable Product Marketing May 7, 2021


A minimum Viable Product is a development technique. It’s the initial version of the product with all the essential features. MVP is the first implementation of any product with basic features. It is made to check whether the product is fine or not. Also, users can provide feedback for any further improvements. It is an initial phase of the product but with all the necessary features. We can examine the features and then improvise them accordingly. This will help the clients to build the product more cost-effectively. Instead of investing a huge amount in developing the basic structure and again investing for changes, you can use Minimum Viable Product to design the basic structure of the product itself.

For example: Let’s say you are making a mobile application. We will make an MVP application with basic features first before launching the app. This will help us know what functions we need to add and what changes we can make to make it better, etc. This will also save the cost because if we launch the final app and users don’t like it, then the cost of making an app is not worth it, and the cost of making changes will be high. That’s why before launching any product in the market, build its MVP first.

Purpose of Minimum Viable Product

The purpose of making a Minimum Viable Product is to start manufacturing the product with a basic structure. The MVPs help them to understand the problems of the product at an early stage and this will help companies to prevent a huge loss. We need to test the original product many times before launching it in the market. We need to know whether the product will survive in the market or not. Thus, in such scenarios, MVP helps us the most. It helps us to visualize the idea into reality. With MVP, we can find the potential target customers well.

Steps to Build Minimum Viable Product for your StartUp

Step 1 – Build a product that customers want. Define the problem of the customers which you are trying to solve with your product. Target real-life problems.

Step 2 – Find a way that can solve that problem. 

Step 3 – Focus on and define your core features. Split them into a list of must-haves, should have, could have, and won’t have. 

Step 4- You don’t need to focus on the efficiency of the product. You just need to check its features and test that product.

Step 5– Build your MVP, and measure its productivity and success by launching it among initial customers. Learn from their feedback and make changes.

Advantages of Minimum Viable Product for StartUp


MVP can be cost-effective. Many people think that it is not true because you have to use all the features which cost the same. But it is true as it involves only a few features that we can adjust easily without any extra cost. Because the motive of MVP is to give the idea of the product only. That’s why this is pocket-friendly.

Saves time

MVPs can be built in less time than the full-fledged app because you only have to make a basic draft to get the idea of your product. The faster you build MVP and make relevant changes., the faster you can launch the original product. We can work on the product and also update it without any hassle and in less time.

Visualize your idea into reality.

MVP helps us to develop the product into reality. Everybody has some plans in their mind before developing a product. But there will be no conformity whether the idea will be fully successful and error-free or not. That’s why we need to make MVP and resolve if any problems occur in the initial phases.

Get feedback from customers and define your target audience

With the help of MVP, you can get the feedback of the initial customers. You can use this feedback to improve the product and make necessary changes. You can promote the MVP in the market in various ways. If the people show interest in the core or MVP of the product, then they can provide feedback on the product, and you can target those customers easily.

Attract investors

If you make a successful MVP, then it will attract investors. You can show them the product, and they will invest in your company. When the MVP is going through several tests, feedback, and changes., then the investors will believe that you want to make the product more successful. If MVP is well-worked, it will show the idea of your business and thus, this will help you to find an investment easily.


All in all, it is a good idea to use MVP for your company. It has several benefits and advantages. You can save your cost and time. Also, it is necessary to save time in any large company because you have to handle many things. Therefore, start with a basic MVP and then go for the final product.



6 Reasons to Move on from your MS Access Workflow Marketing April 23, 2021



Microsoft Access was very popular when it was released in 1992. At that time, the 2GB database with a quick view and an intuitive UI to enter data was a big hit. We are talking of an era where the entire hard drive of a desktop was less than a GB. The real-time data updates had not arrived in the market. It was the beginning of the data-centric world that we know today. Unfortunately, as time passed, MS Access failed to keep up with the rapidly changing market and its cloud version was retired in 2018. It was very disheartening for its regular customers. There are other drawbacks too, and we will look at them as we go through the reasons to migrate from MS Access.

6 reasons to move on from ms access workflow

Reasons Why We Should Move Away From MS Access Workflow

There are several reasons to shift from MS Access to other PowerApps. Let us understand these reasons in detail:

  1. Syncing issues: MS Access is an offline software. That means you have to download it and use it only on local networks. It is difficult to merge data from offline software, and there is a very real risk of losing data if the merge/updates are not synchronized. Simultaneous and real-time updates between multiple users are not possible unless all the users are connected to the same network drive.
  2. Limited storage: MS Access has the greatest storage capacity of 2 GB, and it cannot be increased. It is a tiny storage space to work in. We have to store a lot of information that is impossible to store in MS Access. Another PowerApps provides us with cloud storage to store the data.
  3. Fewer users: MS Access also provides a limitation on users. The technical limit of users is 255 with the condition that all should be on the same network making it unsuitable for a global team.
  4. Added costs: You have to pay the license fee and hire a developer to handle MS Access. It is not economical, especially for small and medium businesses. The investment warranted in MS Access (if you are not a Microsoft Office user already) does not justify the returns. Much better solutions are available in the market at the same or at more competitive pricing. 
  5. License fees: For using Microsoft, we all have to pay the price sooner or later. It is not open-source, which is available at no extra cost. The best way to avoid this cost is to opt for any other database software for your company. 
  6. Mobile support: Nowadays, people want access to their data and applications on mobile devices. So they can check and change that easily. MS Access does not support mobile devices. This can be a major reason to migrate from MS Access.

Alternatives of MS Access

A quick peek into the Alternatives of MS Access:

  1. Zoho Creator: It is a low-code platform that can make the shift quick and secure. You can create custom forms, applications, and reports and add workflows. It is easy to use as compared to MS Access. 
  2.  Quick Base: It is also one of the popular low-code application development platforms. It mostly facilitates non-technical developers. They can build, customize, connect, and secure cloud applications. It also allows users to use publishing tools for creating custom formats. 
  3. Caspio: Caspio helps non-technical business professionals to create their web applications without coding. It is also a flexible and powerful tool for IT teams. Its documentation and visual platforms are pretty nice. 
  4. It has been a cloud technology since 2004 by HyperOffice. We can create drag-and-drop web forms and online data tables with it. It has a toolkit that will help us to handle information easily.
  5. Google Forms: Using Google forms, you can create custom forms. These forms can gather all sorts of information. The data from Google forms can be saved and manipulated in Google sheets. The forms look highly professional, which helps us to connect with customers.
  6. Team Desk: It is an online and cloud-based database software. It helps us for creating, maintain, and store the business database. We don’t need any IT team support to work on Teamdesk. It provides pre-built database templates.


As we saw above, various options are available. These options are way better than MS Access. You can Migrate from MS Access to any other database. You can save your data on the cloud, which is accessible to several users and cheap. They provide a new and pleasurable experience to the users. Migrating from MS Access is the need of the time. For beginners, it is the best way to start the work. The future of MS Access is not that bright, and Microsoft will invest less and less in Access and its features going forward. That’s why switching to PowerApps with new features and technology is the need of the hour. 

I hope you will get the answer as to why you should switch from MS Access to other apps.

For more such interesting blog posts, visit us at Incentius.


PowerBI vs Tableau: What Should I Choose for my Business? Marketing April 16, 2021


Let’s start this article by understanding business intelligence software and data visualization. Business intelligence software transforms data into actionable insights. It provides the visualization of the company’s data and analyzes it. Data Visualization means the graphical representation of companies’ insights. It helps us to represent a visual summary to bring out insights easily. The analysis becomes easy when data is represented in patterns. Charts, graphs, tables, and maps are some of its elements. PowerBI and Tableau are both business intelligence and data visualization tools. Both of them are good in their own ways. It is hard for a developer to choose one tool. Let us first understand both of them in brief.


PowerBI is a business service analytical tool launched by Microsoft in 2011. It connects the data with amazing visualization models and graphics. It helps companies to make quick and accurate decisions. It maintains data security and accuracy. Microsoft products like Azure, Office 365, and Excel are currently using PowerBI. It is low-price and suitable for startups with less investment. It bridges the gap between data and decision-making through its visualization. It will help us to analyze and promote data efficiently.


Tableau Software is a data visualization software. It was developed by an American interactive company in 2003. It helps us to explore and download data quickly. Its algorithms help us to organize and combine data from various sources. It helps us to transform data into dashboards that can be shared easily. It is accessed on our desktops, tabs, or even on mobile phones. A free version of Tableau is also available but with limited facilities. The more money you pay, the more features you get.

The Key Differences between Power BI and Tableau

Let’s see a comparison between PowerBI and Tableau under the following parameters.

  • Cost
  • Data Visualisation
  • Bulk Data Handling Capabilities
  • Integration
  • Setup
  • Functionality
  • Popularity


PowerBI is cheaper than Tableau. PowerBI is set up by Microsoft, it is pocket-friendly. It is freely available without any basic download charges. PowerBI is pretty affordable.

Tableau comes with a 14-day free trial with basic tools only. The more price you pay, the more you get. It is a non-profit tool, especially for startups.

Data Visualization

PowerBI focuses on data manipulation and reporting. It focuses on data manipulation more. It provides simple visualization tools. Tableau is better for data visualization and scaling. It has the best data visualization tools.

Bulk Data Handling Capabilities

PowerBI cannot handle bulk data easily. It cannot be used for import functionality. It is not efficient in handling huge data. That’s why it is suitable for smaller companies.

Tableau can manage huge data more easily than PowerBI. Tableau is suitable for large companies.


Both PowerBI and Tableau can integrate with a third party. But Tableau has invested a lot in its integration. That’s why it is better in out-of-box integration.

PowerBI provides API access and out-of-the-box dashboards.


PowerBI comes in three forms. These forms are PowerBI mobile, PowerBI Desktop, and PowerBI service. These elements will let us create, share and consume business insights easily.

Tableau comes in four forms. These forms are Tableau Prep, Tableau Desktop, Tableau Online, and Tableau Server. With the help of any of these forms, you will set up your initial instance. It will give us access to the tool.


PowerBI cannot answer every question. Tableau can answer the user’s queries. As it is more modern than PowerBI.


Although Tableau is older than PowerBI, it is less popular. PowerBI has a community of approx 5 million users, whereas Tableau has a community of just 0.25 million users.

Power BI vs Tableau: Which is Best? 

The above parameters clearly define both of them. If you have less investment, go for PowerBI. It is pocket-friendly, especially for startups. Larger companies can prefer Tableau because it can handle bulk data easily.

PowerBI is more user-friendly and simple to use. It gives easy access to data for any user. It is more popular, with 5 million users in 2016. 

Tableau offers a good analytical toolset. It wins in speed and capabilities. It is less popular than PowerBI, with 0.35 million users in 2017.

Both of them are very distinct. The company can choose any one of these according to its organization’s preferences.


Both are powerful and reputable data visualization tools. They have their strengths and weaknesses. But the final decision depends on the company’s needs.


Advantages of using React for my frontend development? Marketing April 2, 2021


Meaning of React.js

React.js or React is a front-end developer library. It is an open-source JavaScript library. Generally, we use React to build user interfaces or single-page applications. React was developed by Jordan Walker and launched in 2013. The main motive of Reacts’ creation is to make the Frontends. It is an MIT-licensed Library that is readily available to everyone. JSX is the syntax extension of JavaScript that React uses. React is easy and simple to read and write. React brought a revolution after its launch. It is so handy and useful for developers. Frontends are the side of an application that the final user sees or utilizes. That’s why the front end should be creative and user-friendly.

Before React, we only have two ways to create a front – HTML and CSS. But both of them are slow and basic. Then React was introduced, which brought a revolution. Its features are unique and efficient. Virtual DOM and reusable components are the most fascinating features of React. React provides your frontend scalability and flexibility too. React is flexible, you can customize it as per your need. React supports an amazing developer’s toolkit. These toolkits have every feature to make the developer’s work easy and fast. It is to note that React is not a framework. It is a JavaScript library that was developed by Facebook.

Using React is an amazing library for front-end development. You can create amazing templates, graphics, and animations by using React. An app built by React performs on both platforms, Android as well as IOS.

Advantages of using React for Frontend Development

There are several benefits of using React for front-end development. You have access to amazing toolkits and features. Reusable components will make the developer’s work simple and easy. Its Virtual DOM is a blessing for developers. Let us check out some of its advantages in a little detail.


1. Reusable Components 

A major advantage of using React is it allows code and components reusability at any time. This will save developers time and effort. This is very useful when you have to build a complex app. As you don’t have to write the whole coding again. The concept of Reusable components differentiates React from others. For example- If you are making an application like Instagram. Status updates, profile feeds, and photos are the components. A status update has some further components. Like, share, like, or comment. These components, once developed, can be used frequently. This will save time and speed up the development process.

2. Virtual DOM 

VDOM stands for Virtual Documentation Object Model. React uses Virtual DOM to change the data and then updates the browser. React scan the DOM to identify the changes and update the selective section only. This ensures less loading time and faster development. It is a javascript object and lightweight. Its Virtual DOM gives websites and apps a great performance benefit. Virtual DOM updates only the selected ones, not all the objects. DOM enhances its performance speed a lot.

3. Easy Learning Curve

One of the reasons for choosing React is that it is easier to learn and install. If you are familiar with JavaScript, it is easy to grasp React. It holds an easy learning curve. Also, many online tutorials and books are available for easy understanding. It is a very simple library with not-so-complex tools. If it is hard to learn technology or framework, it will take more time for the development process. But React is easy to learn and takes less time. That’s why businesses and big brands are more inclined toward React.js.

4. Developers Toolset

React comes with a useful developers’ toolkit. Developers can find various in-built customizable charts, graphics, animations, or documentation tools. These components allow us to build an app with lesser time. These tools are very helpful for newbies. It has two toolsets-

  • React Developer tools – This is great for observing current props and state
  • Redux Developer tools – These tools will help us to observe dispatched actions and current store states. Also, it provides tools to record and check the past state of an application.

5. One-way Binding

It uses a one-way direction flow that is downwards. In this structure, any change in the child element cannot affect the parent element in any way. This will help us to achieve code stability. React ensures that we can work directly with components. You can also use data binding to change child elements without affecting the parent one. It binds data sources from the provider and consumer together and synchronizes them together. One-way binding reflects any change in components logic that gets reflected inside the UI.

6. Faster Development

Its performance makes it better than any other library or framework. The reason behind this is its Virtual DOM. It leads to smoother and faster development. It increases the productivity of the developers. With its reusable components and development tools also. You can quickly develop an app by using React. 

7. Scalability and Flexibility 

React makes an app flexible and scalable. Scalability means that unlimited users can log in to a web application without any issue. Its components are flexible and customizable. That’s why developers can handle it easily and as per their needs.


The bottom line is that React is perfect for front-end development. You can rely on React, and it is worth using. React is cheaper than other libraries and frameworks. This is beneficial for startups that don’t have much investment. They can use their money for some other purpose. We can use it for every type of project, whether it is small, medium, or large. It is a robust UI library that can handle every project. That’s why companies prefer to use React for their long-term business goals. Also, React has big community support. It is backed by Facebook and its communities. Many successful companies use React for their projects. Facebook, Netflix, Uber, Instagram, Amazon, and Pinterest are some of them. 

I hope you will get to know about its benefits and this article is helpful for you all. Feel free to reach out at Incentius.


Do I have to use React for my front-end? Marketing March 30, 2021


There are many front-end technologies available in this web development era, but some are taking over the whole market at current times. Among these front-end technologies, React is one such front-end technology that has been used by almost every company. But why is React the best? Can we use it for creating the front end? Well, here you can get answers to all queries.


React.JS React or ReactJS is an open-source library. It will help us to create the front end of a web application. It was developed by Jordan Walker for Facebook in 2013. It can be used as a foundation for building single-page applications or mobile applications. It is a JavaScript library to develop user interfaces. It is an MIT-licensed library backed by Facebook and its communities. It is one of the best JavaScript libraries for front-end development. Nowadays, it is necessary to create an appealing user interface, which makes React.js more useful in this web development era. React.js has several amazing features that make developers’ work easier. It supports reusable coding and virtual DOM

Before React.js, we have only two options for front-end development – HTML and CSS. These two were ruling the front end and were quite basic. But one of the JavaScript libraries called React brings a revolution with its introduction. Its DOM enables developers to install Server-Side Rendering (SSR) without updating the whole view every time. React has come up with a unique feature after every update. Thus, this fascinates developers a lot to work on React, which led to the growth of React’s community increasing rapidly. React is efficient, fast, and scalable to build the front end. So let’s move on to knowing more about this JavaScript Library.

Contribution of React.js in web development

ReactJS brings a revolution in web development with its features and React is like a dream library for any developer. It has everything which a developer needs. It enables developers to create a dynamic web application with amazing speed. Initially, it was used to render views in applications, and it even allows developers to build reusable components that save their time and effort. Its Virtual DOM ensures the UI updates quickly and efficiently. Also, it gives us the benefit of SPA (Single-Page Application) to a social networking app, which helps to improve the app’s performance.

After a lot of struggle with HTML and CSS, we finally got a library that works speedily, navigates quickly, and consumes less time. Also, it doesn’t bind developers with any pattern like MVC, MVP, or MVVM. It allows them to make an app in the way he wants. They are free to make any changes and update the application accordingly. It is well-established with an ecosystem full of developers’ tools. Developers can find many ready-made charts, graphics, and other customizable tools which help developers to make an app in less amount of time. React uses JSX syntax extension of regular Javascript, which makes React easy to learn and write. 

Is it good to use React.js for front-end development?

You must go ahead with the idea of using React for front-end development. It can create amazing graphics, templates, and animations with React. It is worth using. React’s main motive is to build the user interface. Let’s now understand some benefits of using React. 

Benefits of using React.js for front-end development

1. Faster development

React allows developers to use individual components on both server and client-side together. This speeds up the process of app development. In simple words, different people can write every single code. There is no need to rewrite that entire logic again. Also, if there are any changes, it will not change the logic of the application. With the help of its reusable components and developer tools, an app can develop faster. 

2. Reusable components

Reusable components allow us to use the same code frequently. Each coding has its logic and controls. But you can reuse them whenever you want. Reusable components will increase the productivity of developers. They can complete projects in less time and more efficiently. This feature may look small but it can create a big advantage in your development efforts. It is a set of many components that gives us a facility of reusable components.

3. Developer tools

Since react deals with the user interface. That’s why it should be great and appealing. This is why we have to choose a front-end development software with a set of developer tools. React has a great developer toolset. It has two toolsets-

  • React Developer tools are great for observing current props and state
  • Redux Developer tools help us to observe dispatched actions and current store states. Also, it will provide us with the tool to record and check the past state of an application.

4. Flexibility and Scalability

If we compare React with other front-end frameworks, then we will find that it is more flexible than others due to its modular structure. This provides developers with the choice to work freely, and its flexibility saves developers time and money in the long run. The application made with React is scalable as well. They allow unlimited users to log in and use apps without any issues.

5. Superfast rendering

When you are building a high-load or complex application, then you must define everything clearly from the very beginning. A minor modification or error can create a huge blunder in coding, and it is difficult to review the whole coding before making a change or update. To overcome this problem, React introduced Virtual DOM. DOM allows us to make any change in the coding, and it will change the entire coding automatically. This makes rendering faster and easy.

6. Easy learning curve

React is easy to learn and write. It is less complicated than other frameworks. It has a simple library that deals with the view layer only. Anyone with a JavaScript background can learn it without any hassle. Also, it will become easier as you start working on it. Well-structured documentation and tutorials are readily available, and many training centres and books are also available.


In nutshell, you can use React for your front-end development. It provides us with the best feature for creating the user interface. Also, you can create small, medium, and large-size apps with React. Nowadays, it is necessary to create an amazing user interface because the final users are going to see the User interface only. If you want to make your application different from others, then you must use React to develop it.


Enterprise Software – What stack should I choose? Marketing March 19, 2021


Enterprise Software Development and the Importance of Selecting the Correct One

Enterprise software development is developed to meet the needs of the entire enterprise. It does not focus on an individual’s goals and needs. It is also referred to as Custom Software Development. The reason behind this name is that we can customize this software as per our needs. Its main aim is to design context. Enterprise software development is a little complex. We have to understand the problem of the whole enterprise, which is a difficult task. It is necessary to choose the right technological stack for a company. Choosing a stack depends on the needs of the business. It is important to choose the right stack for our project. Every stack has a distinct set of features. So we must choose the one that is compatible with our needs. Also, it will affect the cost to the company as well. The stack we choose must be quite popular. It will help an enterprise to find experienced developers without any hassle.

Tech Stack

A tech stack or Technology stack is a set of tools that developers use to make a web application. It is a combination of programming languages, libraries, patterns, servers, software & tools. All of these help developers develop an application. It has various layers of components and servers. A tech stack is also known as a data ecosystem for storing and analyzing technologies. We must choose a tech stack after knowing its pros and cons. It is because our project depends on the Tech stack which we will choose. Tech Stack consists of two components called frontend and backend. These are also known as client-side and server-side.

Popular used Technology Stacks for Enterprise Software Development

The most common and popular stacks for enterprise development are-

  1. .NET stack
  2.  MEAN stack
  3.  ROR stack
  4. LAMP stack


1. Type of project 

We must consider the type of project. Our choice depends on the complexity of our project. 

  • If the project is small, then we need a stack that is simple and faster. For example- Drupal or WordPress.
  •  If the project is medium-sized, then we need a high technological stack. The stack should be sophisticated. It has various combinations of tools and features to support the project.
  •  If the project size is large or complex, then we need a program with many features. We need a stack with complex and more sophisticated features.

2. Scalability 

We must choose a scalable stack. The stack must have room for new changes. Our stack must handle the growth with an increase in app users. The stack must consist of provisions of vertical as well as horizontal scalability.

3. Maintenance 

The maintenance of the web app depends on the codebase of the app. It is necessary to choose a language that uses a manageable coding style. This will help developers to change and transit the app code easily. If the coding style is verbose, then it is a little difficult to change them. 

4. Cost of development

Nowadays, almost all the stacks are open-source. But a tech stack with complex features may charge you a certain license fee for that. You must analyze all the in-built and premium features before buying any stack. You must see whether it will fall under your budget or not. Also, some tech stack developers demand a high salary. The cost of maintenance should also be taken into consideration. 

5. Team expertise and Knowledge

The knowledge and expertise of developers affect the decision. We must choose a stack that our team can handle. Also, you can train your employees to handle certain stacks. 

Back End Tech Stack for Enterprise Software Development

Backend Tech stack also refers to server-side stack. This is not visible to the end user. It involves business logic, databases & management. It ensures the proper functioning of all the features and components together. It is the inner working of the website which is not visible to its end-user. A back-end stack consists following elements –

1. Programming languages – They create logic for apps and websites

2. Frameworks – They provide support to applications

3. Servers – They manage client requests

4. Databases – They store data, documents, web pages, etc.

Some famous Back-end technologies are NodeJS, PHP, .NET, Python, etc. It uses its tools to create a web application with its well-structured code. 

Front-End Tech Stack for Enterprise Software Development

Front-end Tech stack also refers to the Client-server stack. It is a user-side software. It enables a user to interact with the program. It is employed with both mobile and web development. It handles the user-facing code of a website.

  •  For the web, we use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript languages. HTML is used to build and place content. CSS is for the styling of content materials. JavaScript is its scripting language.
  •  For mobile, native and hybrid technologies can be used. Hybrid is based on languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Native on Java, Kotlin, Xamarian, etc.

Some of the Front-end Tech Stack are ReactNative, AngularJS, Vue.js, etc.


In a nutshell, we must keep every factor in our mind while choosing a stack for your project. The stack must support and fulfil the needs of business goals. The success of our project depends on the stack only. You must check the pros and cons of every stack and then choose one from them. You must have an experienced and skilled set of people. Cross-check all the aspects of every stack. If you choose the right tech stack, then it will save you cost as well as time.


Is PHP still a good web development language? Marketing March 12, 2021

Is PHP still a good web development language

As a developer, you have several options of languages to choose from for your project. Several new languages are available in the market. But still, many developers prefer PHP over others. PHP has many big platforms, such as WordPress, Drupal, etc. There are many reasons for choosing PHP. Today, 80% of the websites on the internet are a product of PHP. Even today, PHP is a large platform for web development. Its new updated versions are making it better with new features. Now, let us take a look at PHP in detail.


PHP is an acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor. It was designed by Rasmus Lerdorf and launched in 1995. It originally stood for Personal Home Processor. It is a general-purpose language for web development. It can create dynamic page contents, encrypt data, and control user access. It is compatible with almost all servers and platforms. Such as Windows, OS X, etc. It is freely available for all. In PHP, we are not limited to HTML as output. We can output almost every type of file, like images, PDFs, XML, and XHTML. PHP language improves itself with every new update and takes every feedback seriously. On comparing PHP 5 with PHP 7, its performance and speed increase 2-3 times. Developers use PHP as its learning curve is easy as compared to other languages.

How is PHP efficient for Web Development?

There is a list of features that makes PHP an efficient language for web development. Some of them are

1. In PHP, we can make any change and update in coding without any hassle.

2. It supports reusable components as well as has predefined functions. 

3. PHP web development is stable and user-friendly. as compared to other programming languages.

4. Developers can use it with extensions and add-ons also. It will help them with web development efficiently.

5. PHP programming also has a well-structured library. These libraries help in speed and flawless coding.

6. PHP has an embed-ability which allows its code to be embedded with HTML language easily.


Is PHP programming still used by developers?



Yes, PHP programming is still used by developers for programming their web applications. PHP language is a hub of facilities and simplicity. You can learn it easily and start using it in no time. It has cross-platform applications, and compatibility with many servers. It supports several types of documents and files for output. Some of its features are-

1. Simple and easy to learn – This language is very logical and well-structured. Its coding is very simple and easy to learn. The syntax of PHP is also simple and well-organized. Its command functions are easy to use. It also supports reusable components and has pre-defined functions. This will save developers time and effort. 

2. Cost-efficient – PHP is available for free to all. You do not need to pay any download or licensing fee. It is an open-source language that saves budget. All tools and features are easily available to developers. It is cost-efficient as you can use a full-fledged framework with a bare cost.

3. Cross-platform compatibility – PHP is compatible with almost every platform of the operating system. It is a platform-independent framework. It can be integrated with Other programming languages and databases too.

4. Employees availability – PHP is one of the oldest languages available in the market. That’s why it is easy to find employees to program PHP. It is an advantage for companies.

5. Improving – Developers believe that PHP is improving with every new update. With every new update, many new features attract developers to use PHP. Also, for commercial purposes, PHP is the best choice.

6. Flexibility – PHP is very flexible. It is integrated with HTML, XML, JavaScript, etc. PHP can run on almost every platform. Such as Windows, Unix, Linux, etc. Also, we can make any change even after the start of the project. This will save developers time.

7. Security – The security of every language depends on the knowledge and expertise of developers. PHP has some in-built features and tools that protect web applications. These tools will help developers to work without any insecurity. 

8. Tools support – PHP supports many tools that work as a helping hand for developers. Some of its tools are

All these tools will make the developer’s work easy and effortless. 

Popular brands that use PHP

PHP is popular among startups for its server-side application logic. Many popular companies are using it because of its end-to-end computing infrastructure. Approximately 40,000 companies are using PHP for web development. Some giants that are using PHP are:

1. Facebook

2. Wikipedia

3. Tumblr

4. Slack

5. MailChimp

6. Etsy

7. WordPress

All these companies believe that PHP is an enormous language for web development. PHP can help them to grow by its distinctive features. It is great to know that Facebook was primarily developed using PHP. Its entire code is written in PHP. With the rise of its PHP 7, it has become more popular among companies.


This is all about the PHP programming language. PHP is a kind of language that can develop any kind of web application. Its flexibility, scalability, learning curve, documentation, and everything attract developers to use it. It is a simple, reliant, useful, and front-end development language. Any inexperienced person can use it easily if he has some knowledge of any language. Also, PHP web development gives more control to the developers. PHP’s features are uncountable. Many developers think that PHP is just old and useless programming. But I don’t think so, as it provides us with a lot of facilities and features. PHP web development is here to stay and will not die in the near future also. PHP is growing and will grow gradually.


React and React Native – What’s the difference? Marketing March 8, 2021

react js vs react native


React.js simply referred to as React mostly, is an open-source framework. It was designed by Jordan Walker for Facebook and the community and released in 2013. React is a type of JavaScript library. It is a front-end JavaScript framework used to build user interfaces or UI components. It is backed by Facebook and a large community.

We can make single-page or hybrid mobile applications using React.js. It has a virtual DOM (Document Object Model), which enhances its performance speed. It will help us to make applications for Android as well as for IOS. Its framework has proper tooling, which makes it more efficient.


1. Easy to learn:

React uses JSX syntax, which is easy to write and learn. Even if developers are unfamiliar with react, but with some basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript, they can begin to use it. 

2. Job & Hiring:

React has a very big community, as Facebook maintains it. That’s why many people show their interest in learning React. This is a benefit for companies as they can find a skilled and experienced React developer without any hassle.

3. Virtual DOM (Virtual DOCUMENT OBJECT MODEL): Virtual DOM enhances its performance speed a lot. Virtual DOM enables the view layer in web browsers efficient.

4. Reusable Components: We can reuse code components in React. It saves a lot of time and effort. It has a set of many pre-existing components and also gives us a facility for reusable components.

5. Helpful toolset: React has handy tools for developers. This toolset makes the task easier and more understandable for them.


React Native is a platform that allows us to build native mobile apps and cross-platform apps. It was created by Facebook and the community and launched in 2015. React is the base abstraction of React Native. Facebook created React Native for its internal use. It focuses on mobile apps rather than browsers.

We can write apps in JavaScript, Java, C++, and Python. It uses JSX as the syntax, which makes its performance better and more efficient. It doesn’t use HTML or CSS. It supports both IOS and Android applications.


1. Hot Reloading – This is the most attractive feature of React native. If you make any change in your code and it is visible automatically during development. All the changes can be tracked. This will save developers time and effort in making the app

2. JavaScript – It uses JavaScript to build native apps. Using JavaScript makes React Native unique and handy. As it is a very easy language than other programming languages.

3. High Performance – It also supports code reusability. Its regular updates make it a better place to work. With the use of native tools and controls, we can make its performance better and more efficient. 

4. Cross-platform Usage – In React Native, we code only once and can use it on many platforms. The code is written in JavaScript. But, later, it can convert to native views also. It works for both IOS as well as Android devices. 

5. Saves money and time – As it is compatible with both Android and IOS. So, developers have to install only one app, which will save them money. Also, with the help of its great tooling task, developers can execute tasks rapidly.


1. Primary setup – React.js is an open-source framework library. It can build user interfaces or web browsers. You have to choose web packs and bundlers. React Native is a JavaScript framework. We can create native mobile applications with it. In React Native, we have everything ready to set up.

2. Styling and DOM – React uses HTML to render browsers and CSS for styling. It uses virtual DOM to render the browser. In react, we create a stylesheet in JavaScript. React Native doesn’t use HTML to render the apps. React Native uses native APIs to render apps and for styling also.

3. Developer tools – React supports many tools in-built. These tools save a lot of time and effort for developers. It uses third-party CLI tools and has excellent support for major IDEs. React Native supports many innovative tools. As hot reloading, handle logs, Live Reload, etc. We can even use Redux Dev tools and Chrome Dev tools in React native.

4. Animations and gestures – In React.js, we use CSS for developing animations. It doesn’t give us much flexibility as compared to React native. React Native uses animated APIs for inducing animations across various components. We can get to know about various new ways to use JavaScript and create animations for apps

5. Compatibility – React is a single piece of code that is not compatible with many platforms. React Native is compatible with many platforms, which are Android, IOS, or windows.

6. Navigation – React uses a router for navigating web pages. React native has an in-built navigator for navigating mobile applications.


React is a JavaScript framework for building browser-based apps. React Native allows us to create native or cross-platform apps for mobile and web. React native is dependent on React.js as its underlying framework. Since both of them have many similarities. It makes its learning curve easy and understandable. To learn React native, you have to first learn about the basics of React.js. Communities of both of them are also getting better day by day.


Should I use python for data analysis? Marketing February 26, 2021


Should I use python for data analysis

Python programming is internationally one of the fastest-growing languages. Python is used to handle data in an efficient manner. It was designed by Guido van Rossum and first appeared in 1991 in the Netherlands. Data scientists use it frequently to handle their data better because of its high potential in the data science sector. It can be used for scripting applications or building web applications also. 

In this era of technology, we have to store, maintain and process data with a lot of data with accuracy. Incorrect handling of this data can be expensive and time-consuming. Many programming languages offer the same, and Python is one of them. All of them are unique in their way. But some features of Python make it different from any other language. First of all, it has an amazing robust ecosystem which makes it easier to read and learn. Secondly, it has a set of data-oriented feature packages. That makes programming easy and speedy for programmers. Programmers must consider Python for data analysis due to its capability and ongoing improvement. It is great for mathematical computations and algorithms.


Data analysis refers to collecting raw data and converting it into logical and statistically meaningful data. It is helpful to draw conclusions, generate insights and make better decisions for the company. Nowadays, businesses need to maintain and manage large volumes of the data generated. That helps them to extract useful information. There are many tools through which data analysis can take place. For example- Python, Java, SQL, etc.


1. Through data analysis, we can obtain accurate data for our business strategies. You can get to know about the target set or actual outcome and can make plans accordingly.

2. We can get to know about areas which are overfunded and help to cut down our costs.

3. Data analysis also gives us an idea of future consumer behavioural patterns. It enables us to make future inventions in our products.

4. Through sentiment analysis, we can analyze customer reviews online. This will help us to know about negative or positive reviews about our products. We can make changes to our products accordingly.

5. Data analysis can anchor your graphic design and digital marketing strategies.

6. Data analysis can be used to take action to enhance productivity and business gain.

7. Also, we can collect information about our customer’s demographics. Through this, we can target the consumer group accordingly.


Python is a data-centric programming language. It offers a lot of facilities and tools to programmers. These tools and features make data analysis easy and cost-effective. Let’s take a look at some of its features that make it a sound option for data analysis.

1. Libraries Collection It has a huge collection of tools as libraries. These libraries are available free of cost to any user. These tools save a lot of time and can fix most problems. Some of these libraries are Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, seaborn, etc.

2. Scalability Python is one of the best languages to scale rapidly. There are many approaches to fixing the same issue. One can handle all from a few records to billions of rows of data using python.

3. Flexibility It is highly flexible, which makes it one of the most requested languages among programmers. We can build data models, and web services can apply data mining, etc., using python. Many new models and algorithms can be built on it.

4. Python Community Python has great community support. It is open-source, which means it’s available freely and, as a result, has a large community. It employs a community-based development model. 

5. Easy to learn It is one of the easiest languages to start with. It has a smooth learning curve. Its ecosystem makes it very understandable and readable and a great first programming language to start learning.

6. Data handling capacities We can easily install well-tested packages for data analysis in python. We can also handle data available in bulk. It also contains several libraries with renowned algorithms. NumPy and Pandas are some of the mainly used libraries for data analysis in Python.


Python has one of the best ecosystems among all the languages for data analysis. It has a robust ecosystem that makes it one of the easiest languages also. It is growing gradually, which makes Python a better platform to work on. It makes it understandable and readable, which helps a newbie learn Python. It has a simple syntax, and its commands mimic the English language. It is great for building a data science pipeline and machine learning. It is a general programming language that we can use for production as well as for research & development. Python is easy to write and easily interpretable.


Python is a well-structured programming language that is very helpful for any business. Also, it is very easy to learn and understand Python. There are many reasons to select Python, as we discussed all the features above in this article. Its tools and features make it more efficient and unique. It gives us various solutions to the same problem, which makes it flexible and scalable. It has community support as well as it is open-source. Most programmers prefer Python nowadays. Python is a base for any data scientist, especially for data analysis.


Can I build a mobile app with VueJS? Marketing February 19, 2021


Vue.js or vue is a web framework used to develop single-page applications and user interfaces. It uses HTML-based template syntax and supports single-file components where the template, script, and styles can be collocated in a single file. The clean separation between javascript, HTML templates, and styling makes it very developer-friendly. Vue is not backed by any popular company and is mostly community-driven. It is used not only for web interfaces but also for desktop and mobile app development with tools such as electron framework, vue-native, and capacitor framework.


1. Easy to learn – For learning Vue.js, all you need is basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This makes the learning process much easier. It also provides many tools to its users that make Vue easier than other frameworks.

2. Documentation – Its documentation is very precise and clear. This will help a newbie to learn vue interestingly. It is well-structured and concise, covering all the possible topics.

3. Performance – Its script is very lightweight, which makes its performance faster and more efficient.

4. Open-source – It is an open-source framework that is available to all developers. No company will face any licensing issues.

5. Computed properties – One of the most important features of Vue.js, Computed properties help listen to changes made to data elements and reactively compute properties.

6. Template – In Vue.js, we use HTML-based templates that bind the DOM with Vue.js instance data. Developers can also use components with render functions.

7. Tooling and Libraries – Vue.js has various new and innovative tools such as CLI, , Vue Loader, development tools, Vue Router, and Vuex. These tools help developers to work smoothly and efficiently.


By using Vue.js, we can develop mobile apps with the help of the Vue native and capacitor framework. These two frameworks use different approaches to packaging vue code into a mobile app. A capacitor is a framework that embeds a WebView component in a mobile app(Android and IOS) and renders HTML and CSS within it in a mobile app. Vue-Native, on the other hand, compiles vue components into native mobile code on each platform. Both approaches of having their pros and cons, and the decision to adopt either must be based on one’s preferences. 


Vue Native is a JS framework written by GeekyAnts that will build vuejs code into a mobile app using Vue.js. It allows building the app into both android and IOS applications. Vue native is originally inspired by React Native and was a part of the React-Vue compilation. Developers can build apps with the help of their natively provided rich UI elements. This native framework helps in building lightweight apps as the code is finally compiled into native Android or IOS code. There are many APIs and components available in Vue native as well as access to device APIs like the camera or the native share component. Note that Vue native does not build to HTML. It uses the Vue system to build mobile components that can be mapped to native components in each mobile ecosystem. A large part of Vue native can also be understood from React native’s documentation and libraries.


1. Data binding – It supports two-way binding. This ‘reactive feature instantly propagates any data changes to the view. It also eliminates the need to write a lot of boilerplate code. Developers can follow the reactive programming paradigm and code their components with that in mind.

2. Declarative rendering – This type of rendering helps developers build state-to-outcome-based templates. Only the state-to-outcome mapping needs to be provided, and the underlying engine takes care of the ‘how’. Since vue is a reactive framework, this also means re-rendering only occurs when data changes.

3. Command-Line interface – A great cli reduces the time of initial project setup. It also includes a project generator and allows us to create different types of projects through a selection of pre-built boilerplate starter kits. It helps new developers to begin with a new project and generate scaffolding very easily.

4. Reusable UI components – This will help save the developer time as we can use the same code without writing them repetitively. We can use the same code on any platform (iOS, Android, or the web). This is one of the main advantages of using frameworks that compile to native code rather than writing in native code directly. A single codebase can be maintained.

5. Compiles to React Native – Developers can use React native for advanced features as the compile process of both Vue Native and React Native matches. It will become easier for developers to develop more complex features that require React Native libraries.


1. It is easy to learn Vue native as it uses HTML-like components, CSS, and JavaScript. Most of the developers are already familiar with all these languages.

2. Vue Native is flexible and scalable too. Developers can customize it as per their needs and interests. It also provides various tools like Vue CLI, Vuex, Vue Test Utils, etc., for developer delight.

3. It has well-defined and clear documentation. It helps developers to adapt to the new framework quickly.

4. It is compiled with React native, which allows further complex feature development if required.

5. It brings a reactive paradigm to the mobile app ecosystem. Hence developers familiar with reactive web programming can apply the same concepts to mobile app development.

6. It is open-source under an MIT license, which allows even commercial usage.


1. It may not be suitable for gaming or heavy-animation apps.

2. Some information regarding features is missing in Vue- Native documentation. To get all the information, you may have to look at React native’s documentation.

3. The approach is not completely single-code multi-platform. Some features and use of device APIs may require some native code as well.

4. Sometimes, the use of libraries of React native may be required to complete some features of a Vue native project.


You can build an app with VueJS. One framework that can be used is vue-native. It is open-source and has great documentation. The WebView approach can also be used using frameworks like Cordova and Capacitor. We’ll outline the features and the pros and cons of those in a future blog.


Is the MERN stack right for me? Marketing February 15, 2021


In this article, let’s get to know about the MERN stack, its importance, what it consists of, and why we should use it. How the MERN stack can help build scalable apps while retaining developer productivity.


MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. MERN is a web development framework that combines four of these technologies in one stack. MERN includes variations of all these frameworks. It is designed to make the development process easier and faster. It is an open-source stack and supports the Model View Controller paradigm. It is most popular in the development market as it provides an end-to-end framework to the developers. Good knowledge of the MERN stack can be beneficial for your career as a developer.

Let’s have a quick overview of each of the essential components of the MERN stack.


MongoDB is a document database program released in February 2009. It provides fast response and can handle large datasets by sharding (dividing) them across several machines. It uses JavaScript, and it is very easy to set up MongoDB. We can store data in the form of JSON syntax, which gives us a wider reach in terms of developer knowledge.


Express, also referred to as express.js, is a back-end web application framework released in November 2010. It is used by Fox Sports, PayPal, Uber, and IBM. It promotes code reusability with its in-built router and has the biggest community for Node.js. It is mainly used for the designing of web applications and APIs.


React, also known as React.js, is a type of JavaScript library that follows a declarative style of programming. It was developed by Jordan Walke and launched in May 2013. It is a front-end library that is used for building user interfaces.


Node.js, or simple Node, is a JavaScript runtime environment launched in May 2008. It is used to build applications that encapsulate business logic. It has fast code execution and is scalable. Since Node.js is written in Javascript, developer skills from the front end are highly reusable for backend development.


MERN stack has various features that will tempt the developers to choose it for their applications. First of all, it comprises four frameworks that will make the whole process easy for them. Also, it provides front-end development and back-end development in a common language – Javascript. MERN stack projects also feature robust and in-built tools for testing. In MERN, we can reuse code and have a component-based approach. It also supports the Model View Controller paradigm, which makes it more helpful for structured development. It is full-stack with a 3-tier architectural pattern.

  • Front-end display tier – React.js
  • Application tier – Express.js and NodeJs
  • Database tier – MongoDB

Also, we can use JSX in React, which allows us to implement our ideas more quickly during development. While it is useful for making small applications very easily and efficiently, it can be adapted to manage large applications as well. It is very efficient to use MERN as we can develop highly efficient code in less time. Nowadays, MERN is getting traction from new developers. They are interested to learn the MERN stack, which will be a plus point for companies as they can find highly experienced personnel for their company very easily. Also, it has great documentation and community support. We can also code for Android and IOS applications in the MERN stack project. Developers have an amazing, consistent experience while working on the MERN stack. 




MERN stack uses four frameworks in one framework. Also, you need not hire different specialists for different technologies, which will save a lot of money and time for the entrepreneurs. It also uses only one language that is JavaScript which saves time in learning it.


We can enjoy a full stack only in one MERN stack. It provides front-end and back-end development. It gives us a 3-tier architectural pattern facility.

Talent availability

MERN learning is becoming very popular among youth nowadays. They are keen to become experts in this field. This is very helpful for companies to find skilled developers for their company easily.


It is open-source, which will help companies avoid the problem of proprietary licensing, which is beneficial for the developer too. They can use MERN easily without any such problems.

Easy learning

It is easy to learn MERN as it comprises only one language (JavaScript), and most of the developers are familiar with it. Also, many MERN stack tutorials and knowledge articles are available to the learners.


Now let’s conclude on all the aspects MERN stack in brief. MERN stack is a pack of technologies, and its unique features are best for any startup to use. It is a highly efficient framework for the development of applications. MERN is scalable and flexible too. It is full of features that will make development faster and smoother for a developer. It has various testing tools, which is a helping hand for developers while programming an application. Many big brands use the MERN stack nowadays. Some of them are Ubereats, Instagram, Walmart, etc. MERN stack project gives an incredible user experience, and it is a fully responsive app for developers. All of these features make the MERN an incredible framework that fulfils all the development needs efficiently. Also, we can learn MERN online. Many platforms provide classes and tutorials for MERN learning. Keeping all these points in mind, we can use MERN for the development process of applications in companies.


React vs Vue: What do I choose for my new startup? Marketing February 5, 2021

React JS VS Vue JS
React, and Vue are two front-end javascript web frameworks used to build user interfaces. As an entrepreneur of

a startup, it’s critical to choose the best user interface builder for your company. But the question arises
which one should we pick? Both are good in their own way, which creates confusion. Both of them use a Virtual
DOM are lightweight and exposes a lifecycle approach. Also, they are component-based UI development frameworks
to enable the reusability of UI.

Let’s understand both of them separately and briefly to decide which one we should pick.


React, which is also known as React.js, is a type of JS library that follows a declarative style of programming.
Jordan Walke developed it to target the specific needs of Facebook. That’s why Facebook and related communities
have powered this up since May 2013.
We can make single-page and mobile applications with it. It allows us to create large web applications that can
change based on data. It is very fast, scalable, and simple. A variant called React Native has a native approach
that will help us to make IOS, Android, and Web applications from a common codebase.


Vue which is also referred to as Vue.js created by Evan You and a team of 24 developers financed via
crowdfunding. It was aimed at improving available JS tools in February 2014.

Vue is an open-source model view used for building UI and single-page applications. It is a JS framework used
for desktop and mobile app development with electron or Cordova frameworks.

React vs Vue

There are certain parameters on which we can compare both of these frameworks. We must take a look at some most
important parameters:

  • Coding style
  • Flexibility
  • Documentation
  • Syntax
  • Community and Popularity
  • Job and Hiring

Coding Style

React uses JSX style, where both HTML and CSS are expressed via JavaScript with XML syntax. Everything in React
is treated as a component by the JS framework.

Vue has a coding style that resembles much of the web development scenario. It separates CSS, HTML, and
Javascript. It has a more traditional approach and is more structured to separate concerns.


React is flexible and doesn’t come with any kind of in-built routing solutions. Advanced state management and
composable UI is possible with React.

Vue is also flexible and also allows the composable UI approach. A companion library called vue-router enables
Javascript frontend routing as well.


React’s documentation is less effective in comparison to Vue’s. React follows old-school tradition. Its
documentation is not well structured and accessible.

Vue has amazing documentation with new concepts and clarity. It has very clear and precise documentation which
is easier for a newcomer to learn and implement.

That’s why we prefer Vue over React based on documentation.


React uses JSX syntax extension of regular Javascript. JSX is used because it is faster than a normal
javascript. In React, we can use JSX syntax with normal JavaScript syntax.

Vue uses HTML template syntax. Usually, developers are familiar with HTML templates which help them to use Vue

Community and Popularity

React is backed by Facebook which gives React worldwide popularity in the early-stage immediately after its
launch. It is also used on multiple Facebook projects. It has a big and more popular community than Vue.

Vue is not backed by a big organization and has a smaller market share. But it is growing gradually as per
time. But it remained very popular in its home country in its initial years. It has fewer resources and packages
as compared to react.

Job and Hiring

As React has a more popular and big community, more experienced and skilled engineers are available than Vue.
It is easier to find an experienced React developer who can understand the job in less time and work

Vue is also growing day by day which will gain people’s attraction towards it. People are interested to learn
Vue which will increase the number of vue’s developers rapidly in a few years. Also, vue comes third in the
list of technologies programmers most loved in 2020.

These are some parameters that give us information to compare both frameworks (React & Vue).


Now we can give the answer to our question which framework is best. It depends on our business needs. If we
want to develop a large app then react can be used. If we want our developers to have access to better
documentation then we can prefer vue. So, it is very tricky to choose between both of them. But for a new
startup, react is preferable to view because it is more popular which will help us to find experienced
developers. Also, since it is lightweight and offers a simple JS design, we can create a large app with it. It
also allows developers to make their own designs.

However, every business has various needs and preferences. That’s why it is better to choose according to your
needs after researching both of them in detail. For more reach out to us at Incentius.


Press release 2014-03-14 – Amit Jain, Sales Compensation & Analytics expert joins Incentius Team as Partner Marketing March 14, 2014


Mar. 14, 2014 – PUNE,
India — Amit Jain, an expert at sales and marketing functional areas like customer targeting, customer segmentation, sales force sizing, sales territory alignments, and sales force performance management, has joined the Incentius team as Partner. Amit brings with him 10+ years of experience working with mid-tier and large enterprises, primarily in the pharmaceutical industry.

Amit has previously worked with market leaders in the sales and marketing analytics industry, like ZS associates, and sales compensation management companies like Synygy Inc.

Amit brings on board key consulting and analytics expertise that will further reinforce Incentius strengths in this area.


Press release 2013-12-12 – Incentius Launch Marketing December 12, 2013


Incentius launches to provide analytics and integration support to consulting companies worldwide, primarily in the sales compensation, analytics, and effectiveness space. The company’s aim is to act as a force multiplier for consulting companies. The company will provide technology and operations support to consulting companies to help them maintain a laser-beam focus on their business and achieve better client growth and satisfaction.

Incentius’ unique model is designed to provide affordable, high-quality, performance-driven results for consulting businesses. The company hires highly motivated and dedicated individuals from “best-in-class” schools and
invest in their professional development. Incentius has designed a rigorous professional development program has been instituted to continually expand analysts’ knowledge, upgrade their skills and improve their ability to deliver.
Training is given under several practice areas like analysis design, operations management, and tools development

Incentius‘ founders have years of experience in sales analytics, operations, and administration. They form part of an in-house advisory team that provides key business and industry insights to all analysts to discharge their duties. This creates a key value add that clients receive. As a result, services offered include
experience and industry knowledge in addition to excellent resources.

Incentius is committed to pushing the technology frontier in tools and techniques used for sales analytics and operations. The advisory team is constantly looking to apply standard tools from other practice areas to sales
analytics, including machine learning techniques, predictive modeling, etc. This helps consultancies gain key technology skills despite busy client servicing schedules.


Sujeet Pillai

Sujeet has over a decade of experience in managing Sales Analytics and operations processes. He also has key technology knowledge that, along with his experience, helps him create innovative, cutting-edge strategies to achieve
client goals.

Mohit Dubey

Mohit has years of experience in sales compensation administration. He has been an entrepreneur for several years now and brings on board some key general management skills, entrepreneurial experience, and administration skills.