How We Transformed the B2B Marketplace: From Struggle to Success Mayank Patel July 29, 2024

In today’s digital age, a seamless online experience is crucial, especially for B2B marketplaces where efficiency and user satisfaction can make or break a business. We recently undertook a comprehensive transformation of the B2B marketplace to address some pressing challenges and elevate the user experience. Here’s how we did it and the incredible results we achieved.

Identifying the Pain Points

The marketplace was facing several significant issues:

  • Outdated Design: Our website had a bland design that failed to engage users.
  • Poor Mobile Experience: The site wasn’t responsive, leading to a subpar experience on smartphones and tablets.
  • Feature Deficiencies: Key features were missing or malfunctioning, making navigation and transactions cumbersome.
  • Offline Transactions: Conducting transactions offline led to delays and increased security risks.
  • Manual Processes: Product inspection and shipment were handled manually, causing inefficiencies and errors.

Our Approach to Transformation

To tackle these challenges, we implemented a holistic redesign and introduced new features aimed at improving both functionality and user experience.

Modern and Responsive Design

We completely revamped our site’s design, introducing a clean, modern interface that’s responsive across all devices. Now, whether our users access the site from a desktop, smartphone, or tablet, they enjoy a seamless experience.

Enhancing Functionality

We added several key features to boost functionality:

  • Managed Seller Catalog: Sellers can now easily list and manage their products, simplifying their experience.
  • Auction Center: This new feature allows users to track and place orders effortlessly, providing more visibility and options.

Strengthening Security

To ensure user authenticity and streamline onboarding, we integrated KYC (Know Your Customer) verification through a trusted third-party service provider.

Seamless Transactions

We implemented an integrated payment gateway, enabling users to set up Ewallets. This allows for quick, secure transactions, and sellers can receive payments directly into their wallets with the flexibility to withdraw funds as needed.

Automating Inspections and Shipments

We partnered with service providers to handle product inspections, ensuring quality and compliance. The shipment process was automated, including real-time order tracking, which significantly improved operational efficiency and user satisfaction.


The Results: A Thriving Marketplace

The impact of these changes was immediate and profound:

Surge in Registrations: Our new design and features attracted more users, leading to a significant increase in new registrations.

Streamlined Onboarding: The KYC verification process made onboarding new users easier, enhancing trust and security on the platform.

Improved Seller Experience: The managed seller catalog feature made it simpler for sellers to list and manage their products, boosting their satisfaction and engagement.

Better User Experience: Enhanced navigation and search functionality made it easier for users to find and purchase products, resulting in a more enjoyable user experience.

Efficient Transactions: Ewallets streamlined the order placement process, allowing for quick and secure transactions.

Reliable Deliveries: Automated shipment status updates and tracking improved delivery reliability, fostering greater user trust.

Popular Auction Center: Our auction centre quickly became a hit, offering users greater visibility and competitive pricing for their products.


Our comprehensive redesign and feature enhancements have transformed the B2B marketplace. By addressing the initial pain points and strategically improving the platform, we have not only overcome the challenges but also set the stage for sustained growth and success. This transformation exemplifies the power of thoughtful design and strategic innovation in creating a thriving digital marketplace.

Optimizing Efficiency and Cutting Costs with Custom and Open-Source Solutions Mayur Patel July 10, 2024

Let’s explore how businesses can significantly improve their operations and reduce costs by leveraging custom-built tools and open-source solutions. We’ll dive into strategies for optimizing workflows, maximizing productivity, and achieving substantial savings through the smart integration of tailored software and freely available technologies. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, our insights will help you streamline your processes and boost your bottom line.

Understanding Subscription Types

In the world of business, subscriptions generally fall into two main categories: mandatory and optional. Understanding these categories helps in making informed decisions about when to invest in paid subscriptions and when to seek alternatives.

1. Mandatory Subscriptions

Certain tools are essential for maintaining efficient operations and cannot be substituted easily. These are mandatory subscriptions, where paying for a subscription service is crucial for the smooth functioning of the business. Examples include:

  • HR Management: Tools like greytHR, workday, and BambooHR are indispensable for managing employee records, payroll, attendance, and compliance. They offer comprehensive solutions that streamline HR processes, making them a necessary investment for any business.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Solutions like Zoho, and HubSpot CRM help manage customer interactions, sales processes, and data analytics. These tools are vital for maintaining strong customer relationships and driving sales growth.

These tools offer features and capabilities that are critical to business operations, making their subscriptions mandatory.

2. Optional Subscriptions

On the other hand, some subscription services offer a wide range of features, not all of which may be necessary for every business. In many cases, businesses find themselves paying for a full subscription package while only needing a few specific features. This can lead to unnecessary expenses and underutilization of the service. Examples include:

  • Marketing Tools: Platforms like HubSpot offer comprehensive marketing, sales, and service software. However, if a business only needs email marketing or social media scheduling, the full subscription can be overkill.
  • Project Management Software: Tools like Asana or provide extensive project management features. A business that only requires task tracking might find the premium plans, which include advanced analytics and integrations, unnecessary.

In such scenarios, it may be more cost-effective to develop custom solutions or seek open-source alternatives focusing solely on the required features. By doing so, businesses can avoid paying for unused features and allocate resources more efficiently. For instance, a company might use open-source tools like Uptime Kuma for monitoring applications and Umami for website analytics, providing essential functionalities without the high costs associated with premium subscription services.

Our Approach to Subscriptions

We decided to take a strategic approach to subscriptions. By categorizing our needs, we were able to determine when it was worth paying for a full subscription and when it made more sense to develop our own tools. This approach not only saved us money but also allowed us to tailor solutions to our exact needs, saving time in the process.

Our Strategy for Cost and Time Efficiency

In our quest to optimize efficiency and cut costs, we developed custom tools tailored to our specific needs. By focusing on essential features and eliminating unnecessary complexities, we created solutions that saved us both time and money. Here are some examples of how our strategic approach to in-house development paid off.

TestOla – Online Assessment Tool

The Challenge: We were using a subscription-based tool to evaluate candidates, but this solution presented several challenges. The monthly subscription costs were high, particularly burdensome when we didn’t have ongoing hiring needs. Our hiring process is targeted and selective, focusing on specialized skills rather than mass recruitment, making the monthly subscription even less justifiable. Furthermore, the tool included many features that we never used, resulting in wasted resources. Configuring the tool to fit our specific requirements was also a time-consuming process, adding to the inefficiency.

Our Solution: To address these issues, we decided to build our own online assessment tool, TestOla. We started by conducting a detailed analysis of our actual needs, pinpointing the essential features required for our recruitment process. This allowed us to design a streamlined tool that eliminated unnecessary complexities and focused solely on our specific needs. By creating a user-friendly interface and essential functionalities, we significantly reduced the time spent on configurations. Developing TestOla in-house also translated to substantial cost savings by eliminating the need for a costly subscription service.

Outcome: TestOla proved to be an efficient and cost-effective solution for our online assessment needs. By focusing on essential features, we expedited the development process and created a tool that perfectly met our requirements. The tailored functionalities and user-friendly interface saved us considerable time during configurations. Additionally, we avoided the recurring costs associated with the paid tool, resulting in savings of approximately $400 per month. The development of TestOla demonstrated the benefits of custom solutions, providing both operational efficiency and financial prudence.


Empulse – Employee Feedback Tool

The Challenge: For our quarterly feedback cycles, we required a feedback tool with specific features such as Single Sign-On (SSO). However, the available paid tools that offered these features were either too complex to set up or required purchasing top-tier subscriptions. Our requirements extended beyond SSO to include functionalities such as loading employee data, configuring manager-employee mappings, setting time periods for feedback submission, and rolling out the feedback efficiently. While some tools on the market offered partial solutions, they either lacked the exact features we needed or included critical features like SSO only in their highest-priced plans.

Our Solution: To overcome these challenges, we developed Empulse, an employee feedback tool tailored to our specific needs. We started by identifying the core features essential for our feedback process. Empulse was designed to be user-friendly and straightforward, focusing on functionalities such as SSO integration, employee data loading, manager-employee mapping configuration, and setting time periods for feedback collection. This customized approach ensured that Empulse was not only easy to configure but also aligned perfectly with our operational requirements.

Outcome: Empulse proved to be an efficient and cost-effective solution for our employee feedback cycles. By developing a tool that included only the necessary features, we created a system that was simple and effective. The ease of configuration and use allowed us to streamline the entire feedback process, from data collection to feedback rollout. This custom solution saved us both time and money by eliminating the need for expensive, overly complex subscriptions and providing a tool that catered specifically to our needs. The development of Empulse highlighted the advantages of tailored solutions, ensuring operational efficiency and significant cost savings.

Leveraging Open-Source Tools

Our development team strategically replaced paid subscriptions with open-source tools to optimize costs. Using GitHub for project management, we meticulously tracked each step through detailed tickets. We integrated Uptime Kuma for monitoring the health of our applications, websites, and APIs, and Umami for site analytics. Each integration was systematically documented, ensuring smooth implementation and efficient tracking. These open-source solutions provided essential services and valuable insights, delivering high functionality without the steep costs associated with commercial software.


By evaluating our subscription needs and developing feasible custom tools, we achieved significant savings in both time and money. Our tailored solutions like TestOla and Empulse demonstrate that building in-house tools can be a smart alternative to costly subscriptions, especially when the full range of features is not required. This strategic approach has streamlined our operations and ensured we only pay for what we truly need.

Tailwind CSS vs Bootstrap: Which one is a better CSS framework? Amit Jain February 1, 2023

What is Tailwind CSS?

  • Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for creating custom user interfaces quickly. It is a snazzy way to write inline styling and create an awesome interface without writing a single line of CSS.
  • Tailwind CSS gives developers much flexibility and control over how a component looks and feels, whereas typical UI kits include many prebuilt components, making it more difficult to create a unique UI. Its utility classes make it simple and quick to create reusable components that match the overall look and feel of your UI.
  • The first alpha version of Tailwind CSS was released on November 1, 2017, according to the GitHub release history.

What is Bootstrap?

  • Bootstrap is a free, open-source, and the most popular HTML, CSS, and Javascript framework developed by Twitter for creating responsive web applications.
  • Bootstrap includes a mobile-first, responsive fluid grid system that scales up to 12 columns as the device or viewport size increases. It includes predefined classes for easy layout options and powerful mixins for generating more semantic layouts.
  • Many companies use Bootstrap as part of their technology stack. Bootstrap is widely used by professional web developers when developing apps and websites for businesses in a variety of industries. According to SimilarTech, Bootstrap has been utilized to build over half a million websites in the United States.

Comparing Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap

a) Key Differences

  • The primary distinction between Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap is that Tailwind CSS is not a user interface kit. Unlike UI kits like Bootstrap, Foundation, and Bulma.
  • Tailwind CSS lacks a default theme and built-in UI components. Instead, it includes pre-designed widgets that you can use to build your site from the ground up. Bootstrap comes with responsive layouts, components, and utility classes.
  • Due to the required files, the file size of Bootstrap is larger than Tailwind. Whereas you can use PurgeCSS to remove unused classes in Tailwind CSS.
  • Bootstrap is well-known for its responsiveness and flawless design, whereas Tailwind CSS supporters typically value the framework’s customizability. The best option for you is determined by your priorities and project requirements.

b) Which one is more popular?

  • Tailwind CSS is a newer framework gaining a lot of popularity, replacing Bootstrap in comparison.
  • Bootstrap is used by well-known companies such as Spotify, Twitter, Lifebuoy, Forbes India, and Lyft, whereas Tailwind CSS is used by BlaBlaCar, Exyplis, and Bazzite.

c) Which one is a better choice?

  • Tailwind CSS does not impose difficult-to-reverse design decisions because apps and sites are made of predesigned widgets. Working with Tailwind CSS entails utilizing a set of utility classes that allow you to work with only what you require. This is a clever way to create user interfaces that are more open to developers’ creativity.
  • With Bootstrap, the sites almost always look the same, which limits our ability to incorporate creativity into the development environment. One of Tailwind CSS’s advantages is its ability to easily build complex user interfaces without encouraging any two sites to look the same.
  • According to StackShare, Bootstrap has a higher level of acceptance, with 42906 companies using it in tech stacks, including Spotify, Twitter, and Udemy. In contrast, Tailwind CSS is reportedly used by 380 companies, including MAK IT, Superchat, and überdosis.

d) Which one is an easier framework?

  • Bootstrap is a broader concept than Tailwind and necessitates using multiple files to access its full functionality. As a result, using Bootstrap results in a significantly larger file size than Tailwind.
  • Bootstrap is a component-based framework that includes prebuilt components and utilities for layering displays, spacing, and so on. It includes pre-styled mobile-first, responsive components for quickly creating flawless website pages.
  • CSS, on the other hand, is primarily a utility framework. Tailwind CSS is similar to writing regular CSS. It does not have any pre-built components, unlike Bootstrap.
  • There is very little CSS to write with Bootstrap’s pre-built components. As a result, minor changes in the design could cause problems. Tailwind CSS allows you to style your elements from the ground up using Tailwind’s styling syntax. It makes changes easier because you only need to remove a few CSS classes.

Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap: Which one to choose for your organization?

Tailwind and Bootstrap are used to aid in the creation of a project’s user interface to reduce development time and, ultimately, improve your user experience.

  • Tailwind CSS makes writing and maintaining your application’s code easier. You don’t have to write custom CSS to style your application if you use this utility-first framework. Instead, you can use utility classes to control your application’s padding, margin, color, font, shadow, and other properties.
  • Bootstrap is much older and has evolved significantly over time. Tailwind is much younger and smaller than Bootstrap, resulting in faster loading times in comparison.
  • The subject of developing with Tailwind or Bootstrap is vast, and determining which is superior should begin with research. Learning more about each approach and how to apply it will help you decide which is best for your needs. There are numerous methods for conducting research, and you can use them in small projects, watch videos, and become involved in the community.


So, which CSS framework should you employ? It always depends on your specific situation. If your project does not deviate too far from some of the more common layouts, or if you are a backend or full-stack developer, Bootstrap may be the better framework. Tailwind might be a better option if your project requires a lot of front-end customization, follows a different layout, or if you’re more experienced with CSS. Whatever you decide, make sure it meets the requirements of your project.

Can you use Node.js for Mobile App Development? Sumeet Shah December 1, 2022

What is Node.js?

  • It is a free, open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It is a full-stack development environment that divides tasks into fully separate nodes. Node.js has a large and active community, with many open-source libraries and frameworks available that can be used to simplify and accelerate development. This makes it an attractive platform for building web applications, especially for smaller teams or those with limited resources.
  • JavaScript is used to write Node. JavaScript is a popular programming language that almost every developer is familiar with. As a result, even for a novice JavaScript programmer, learning Node.js requires less effort and time.
  • Nodes make this environment useful to programmers, whether you’re developing iPad, iPhone, or Android apps. Because each task is divided into independent, separate node paths, tasks can run concurrently and seamlessly without clogging the server or consuming too much capacity.
  • Node.js also enables developers to share data between the server-side and client-side easily.  It is a popular platform for developing fast and scalable mobile and web applications.


Node.js frameworks to use for mobile app development:

1. Ionic

One of the cross-platform app development frameworks for Node.js is Ionic. The framework mainly focuses on building hybrid mobile apps. The Ionic framework requires the developer to create apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, this framework supports SaaS and AngularJS for developers. Developers can employ this framework to add UI elements to their applications. The Ionic framework is adaptable and can be used for iOS and Android. Officially, the Ionic framework integrates with Angular, but it also offers support for the frameworks Vue.js and React.js. Ionic also provides several independent yet robust methods for creating mobile applications that outperform current HTML5 development frameworks.

2. Xamarin

Xamarin apps are native apps! The apps will operate in the manner that people anticipate, whether it’s designed in a consistent UI across platforms or creating a native user interface. To construct a mobile application, Xamarin employs C# and .NET. It is a free, open-source application development platform for creating Node.js-based Android and iOS apps. With more than 60k community members, Xamarin is a member of the .NET dynasty, which continuously improves its framework. When it comes to creating multi-platform apps, Xamarin is typically used. It allows developers to write a single piece of code once, then utilize it across other platforms. CA Mobile for mobile banking and Novarum DX (medical app) are the two popular application examples with Xamarin.

3. React Native

React Native is one of the best solutions for developing mobile Node.js apps. It is among the largest and most popular GitHub projects of all time. Therefore, even if you run into issues with the framework, they may be simply fixed. The framework enables the development of successful iOS and Android app versions using the same codebase. React components incorporate pre-existing native code and communicate with native APIs using JavaScript and the declarative UI paradigm of React. As a result, completely new teams of developers can create native apps and work more quickly. Well-known apps like Uber Eats, Discord, and even Airbnb use the React Native framework for creating and managing mobile applications.

4. Mobile Angular UI

It is employed for creating hybrid Node.js applications. Making and dividing the sections on your smartphone screen uses this open-source framework. A front-end framework called AngularJS is quickly rising in popularity. The developer community that uses it commends its capabilities and versatility. This makes it the ideal answer to the problems associated with developing mobile applications. The AngularUI team seized the chance to design a framework to aid programmers in producing outstanding mobile applications. It is designed specifically for mobile apps and allows for simple app navigation with scrolling that maintains the header and footer positions. It offers interactive UI capabilities, including switches, modals, sidebars, navbars, and overlays.


Is Node.js good for mobile apps?

  1. It is a server-side engine based on JavaScript that allows it to easily scale to accommodate its massive growth.
  2. It is a much better choice for high-performance, real-time apps and is used for everything from website to mobile app development.
  3. The Netflix team chose Node.js to create a fast, lightweight, and modular application. As a result, their new app’s startup time was reduced by 70%.
  4. Node.js developers can constantly publish and deploy new code since programs can be examined in place, and faults can be fixed without needing to restart. Additionally, an active open-source community continuously improves the technology, making it better almost on its own. It also implies that app upgrades can be completed as needed.


Did you know?

  1. As of January 2021, it is the 8th most popular language on GitHub, according to the number of pull requests.
  2. Currently, Netflix uses Node.js to manage the numerous requests it gets every day. Making it a network application that is always scalable.
  3. According to the 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, Node.js was the third most popular technology in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Other Technologies” category, and it has consistently ranked in the top ten in this category in previous years.


Summing it up:

Over time, the Node.js framework has significantly increased the accessibility of developing mobile applications. Node.js framework and its application have significantly helped enterprises to grow in the market. It has made it easier to develop high-performance applications with considerable user interface flexibility.

Benefits and Limitations of using Node.js Marketing November 30, 2022

What is Node.js?

  • Node.js is a runtime environment for implementing JavaScript code outside a web browser. It is used for building server-side applications with JavaScript and has become a popular choice for building scalable and high-performance web applications.  Smart applications built with Node.js deliver consistently strong performance. As a result, Node.js has solidified its position as a standard for creating applications for Linux, OS X, and Microsoft Windows.
  • If you have a solid programming foundation (such as Python), you can begin learning Node.js without first taking a Javascript course. While building Node servers, you can learn the fundamentals of JS.
  • Node.js has a collection of built-in modules that provide capabilities for tasks such as creating server-side web applications, working with data streams, and managing file systems. It also has a large and active community of users and developers who contribute third-party modules that extend the capabilities of Node.js. A full-stack JavaScript developer can create both client and server software. They are proficient in making a browser like Angular or Vue.js and creating a server using Node.js.


Why do developers prefer Node.js over other programming languages?

  1. Node.js enables you to use JavaScript for backend development, making it easy to match backend functions to front-end functions. When using node.js, you can share code between client and server applications. 
  2. Node.js can easily be used as a server-side proxy, handling many simultaneous connections in a non-blocking manner. It’s especially helpful when proxying different services with varying response times or collecting data from multiple sources.
  3. Node.js developers are good at multitasking and capable of handling data exchange between the server and the users. By integrating web-based applications, they also assist front-end developers.
  4. On an average, it takes about three months to learn Node.js and build a functional full-stack application.



1. Decent Library Coverage

Node.js includes a decent library of JavaScript modules, which greatly simplifies the development of web applications with Node.js. It has a sizeable and engaged community of users and developers, which has resulted in a rich ecosystem of third-party modules that extend the capabilities of Node.js. Developers can save a significant amount of time, effort, and resources by using Node.js libraries. However, choosing the right ones can take a bit of work as npm (Node Package Manager) is brimming with highly functional ones.

2. Flexibility

Programming flexibility is likely the biggest advantage in considering the benefits and limitations of Node.js. When Node.js is modified, only that specific node is affected. It only calls for a change to the node, as opposed to other run-time environments or frameworks that can require changes back to the core code. This flexibility means that Node.js can develop a wide range of applications with different requirements and constraints. Programmers can use APIs to incorporate communication protocols such as TCP, HTTP, DNS, and others into the server. Developers may experiment and explore Node.js applications with ease because of such seamless interactions of data transfer.

3. Easy to master

Considering that Node.js is built on JavaScript, it is simple to learn. Programmers may easily connect nodes to the rest of the full-stack development as it runs on JavaScript. This enables front-end developers to tackle difficult back-end programming jobs. And there is no need for additional server-side languages. It proves as a positive factor because it streamlines practically every aspect of development and makes it simpler for programmers of all skill levels to access the back end of your mobile apps. Even if you are a novice or a junior developer, learning and using Node.js takes less time and effort. Also, it takes relatively less time to write codes for Node.js.

4. Speed to market development

The ease with which developers may add new features, pre-made tools, and templates is one of the numerous advantages of Node’s JavaScript foundation. It offers a sizable package management library with tens of thousands of open-source choices that can be incorporated immediately into your app project. These pre-packaged choices cut down your time to market and your programming expenses. They help speed up the development process and get an application to market faster.

5. Demand for experienced Node.js developers

Although most computer and mobile app developers are proficient in Javascript, not all possess the engineering knowledge required to work in a Node.js environment. The market holds a small number of talented Node.js developers, which is good news for them. The graph below shows how npm trends have changed over the past five years. The number of Node.js downloads has grown steadily from 2018 to 2019. And in 2020, you’ll notice a sharp increase in downloads, from 2000 to 5000. The number keeps growing, reaching 6000 downloads in 2022. The rise in npm trends demonstrates the increase in demand for skilled Node.js developers attempting to compete in the market.




1. Maintenance issues

Improper application maintenance can cause issues with stability or flexibility, leading to the app’s failure. When developers write their code inefficiently or use outdated tools, performance suffers, and users may encounter more bugs and app crashes. In the direst scenario, adding new features may only become possible by completely rewriting the codebase. In terms of business, you will need to invest more resources in technology and plan for a much longer development process. Scaling is a bit more challenging with Node.js because it runs on a single thread. A developer needing more experience could have trouble with too many alternatives, resulting in an inconsistent application structure. Additionally, the fact that Node.js has a large stack is troublesome because the frameworks need strong ideologies and hence don’t offer explicit guidance on how to build code. 

2. Inadequate for apps with heavy computation

Despite being single-threaded and event-driven, Node.js struggles to handle complex CPU-based computations for the same reason. Node.js uses all available CPU power to complete a task when it gets a significant CPU-driven task in its event loop.  Eventually, the event loop slows down, making your application’s user interface even more difficult. Node.js released the “worker threads” module in 2018, enabling programmers to run several threads concurrently. But unfortunately, it was not prepared to tackle CPU-bound computing problems.

3. Shifting API 

Node.js’s Application User Interface has changed numerous times. Not every change is backward compatible. It means that developers must make changes to the accessible code bases in order to maintain compatibility with the most recent version of the Node.js API. Thus, the shifting API may cause problems for developers in the long run.

4. Callback error

Watch the alert if you maintain a lot of queued tasks running in the background. You might find yourself in “callback hell,” as Node programmers like to put it. Callbacks are nested many levels deep as a result of this. Callbacks are actions that take place after a task has been completed. If too many of them run in the background, their callbacks may nest inside of one another. Although the asynchronous nature of Node may be partially to blame, it happens when you need to execute clean code or have better code architectures.

5. Excess use of memory

Excessive memory consumption by a Node application is frequently detected by scripts that use operating system facilities or production monitoring tools. Sometimes the application fails because it exceeds a Node.js or operating system limit. This is referred to as an out-of-memory error. An out-of-memory error causes the Node.js application to generate an error output and terminate.


Did you know?

  1. More than 97% of all modern web applications use npm modules, making Node.js ideal for complex web application development needs.
  2. The Node.js implementation was originally designed for the Chrome browser.
  3. As it powers several Node.js PaaS providers, the Node package manager is commonly known as the core of almost all deployment systems.


In a nutshell:

Node.js is one of the fastest-growing technologies today. More and more developers are adopting it because of its simplicity and speed. It also provides better performance than other frameworks in the market. Although, it is always important for developers to carefully evaluate the available options and choose the best technology for their specific needs and requirements. Besides this, Node.js also has excellent library coverage, which I have discussed in my previous blog.

Exploring Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Node.js Sujeet Pillai November 23, 2022

What is Node.js?

The Node.js platform helps execute JavaScript code on the server side. Node.js is used to create apps that need a continuous connection from the browser to the server and is frequently used for real-time applications such as news feeds, chats, and web notifications. It is usually used as a backend service where Javascript works on the server side of the application, and thus, it is used as both the frontend and backend.

Advantages of Node.js

  • Easy Scalability

i) Node.js supports both horizontal and vertical scalability. This means that using node.js as a backend in applications allows them to be distributed across multiple servers, increasing their horizontal scaling. Further, it aids in vertical scalability, which improves application performance on a single server.

ii) The cluster module is one of the many features included with Node.js. It enables load balancing across several CPU cores, which simplifies delivering desired results via smaller modules without burning out the RAM process.

 iii) Node.js employs a non-blocking event-loop mechanism that ensures high scalability and allows the server to process requests in real time. High-traffic websites are the primary users of Node.js.

  • Cross-functional team building

i) Node.js provides full-stack development, which means the developer can create both client and server-side web applications. 

ii) Assume that your company has two distinct teams in charge of product development. One team is in charge of project development, while the other is in charge of product quality testing. Both teams are working independently and are confined to their respective responsibilities, now, chances are these two teams may have communication gaps. Here, Node.js can help you to prevent this loophole. 

iii) It assists you in forming a team that focuses on improving your development life cycle, allowing you to address challenges instantly. They can communicate with one another directly and devise a solution to their problems if any. This work environment promotes higher productivity and allows you to resolve such issues quickly.

  • High-end performance of Applications

i) Applications with a node.js backend are extremely effective because of their potential to multitask.

ii) Its event-loop and non-blocking I/O operations enable code execution at a significant speed. This, in turn, improves user interface performance.

iii) GoDaddy, a web hosting company, used node.js during their Super Bowl ad campaign and saw significant improvement in their app performance. They could handle 10,000 requests per second with no downtime while employing only 10% of their hardware, all thanks to the high-end performance of Node.js as their backend.

  • Building Cross-Platform Applications

i) Node.js can help to build cross-platform applications, which eliminates the need to spend time writing separate codes for different desktop versions such as Windows, macOS, and Linux

ii) As a result, businesses have more time-to-market intervals and better scalability of their applications. It also provides a more user-friendly experience by supporting a wide range of desktop versions.

Disadvantages of Node.js

  • Inability to perform heavy computing tasks

Node.js is single-threaded and event-driven, which makes it unsuitable for heavy computational tasks. When Node.js receives a large CPU-driven task in its event loop, it uses all of its available CPU power to complete that particular task, leaving other tasks in a queue running. This certainly slows down the event loop, complicating the user interface even more.

  • Unstable API causing a change in codes

The frequent API (Application Programming Interface) changes, which are generally backward-incompatible, are one of the most significant drawbacks reported by Node.js users. Unfortunately, this forces them to change the access code regularly to keep up with the latest version of the Node.js API. As a company that focuses on providing a more user-friendly experience, it can backfire and confuse customers.

  • Lack of library support

Diverse NPM(Node Package Manager) registries and libraries are either of poor quality or incomplete and poorly documented. As a result, if some amateurs create a Node.js web application, monitoring becomes difficult. Only well-qualified and reputable experts with project experience can propel your project to success. Because it is open-source and has such a large pool of libraries and modules, it may suffer from a lack of high coding standards. For exceptional results, it is critical to select the right technology partner to build your web applications.

There is a widespread misconception that Javascript developers are also Node.js developers. To learn node.js, one must be familiar with the Javascript back-end, but this standalone can’t support you to become a Node.js developer. Despite the constant increase in demand, finding an experienced Node.js developer is still challenging.   

 The growing demand for Node.js:

  1. For starters, node is open-source and free to use, encouraging businesses to experiment and improve their scalability.
  2. Node.js is lightweight, which means it employs a simple event-driven architecture. Enterprises want to save money while providing the best features and efficiency possible to expand their market reach. Node’s dynamic functionality is assisting not only large corporations but also small and medium-sized businesses in achieving this goal.
  3. Companies saw significant improvements in productivity, economic growth, and application performance after implementing Node.js in their business strategy. According to studies, 85% of businesses use Node.js to build web applications.
  4. Enterprises based in the United States and Canada claim that incorporating Node.js into their strategy has increased their developers’ productivity by 68%. Adopting a better technology (Node.js) and allowing enough time for its adaptation is proving profitable for the organization in the long run.
  5. Companies such as Netflix, LinkedIn, Amazon, Reddit, eBay, and PayPal have expressed strong interest in implementing Node.js as their backend. Amazon even claims that Node.js has futuristic features, while Netflix asserts that node’s implementation will help to reduce startup time for better expandability.

Did you know?

1) Node.js is eBay’s primary backend programming language.

2) Node.js contributes to a 58% reduction in development costs.

3) Node.js contributes to a 50%-60% reduction in loading time.

4) According to research, Node.js is used by 36.42% of professional developers for its frameworks, tools, and libraries.

In a nutshell:

Node.js is easy to learn and use. You can start using it right away. There are no installation steps required. You only pay for hosting when you start using it. This makes it easy to try it out without spending any money.

Contact the expert team of Incentius for all your application and software development work. We bet our team will make sure that you get the best!


Types of Software Developers- Do you have trouble deciding the one you need? Sujeet Pillai

You do not need to be a programmer or a developer to implement digital transformation in your existing business or to introduce a new startup. You may always hire professionals. The trouble is, how do you know who to look for? Let’s have a look.

Software Engineers and Software Developers are not the same!

We understand that it is hard to digest but yes, Software Engineer ? Software Developer! Let us dive deeper into this. 

A software engineer creates tools for developing software using components from a hardware system and tends to tackle problems on a large scale. A software developer, on the other hand, creates software that works on a variety of machines, utilizing pre-built tools to create apps and complete projects. The work of a software engineer is sometimes a highly collaborative activity that necessitates cooperation abilities. The position of a software developer is typically more solitary, allowing them to apply many of the same abilities as their engineering counterparts on a smaller scale.

First thing first, you do not require a software engineer!

Need for Software Developers- What do Developers do?

Consider our contemporary way of life: we’re constantly staring at little and large screens, then pausing to gaze at even larger screens. As long as people are wondering about or want the next better thing, the demand for software developers will continue to rise.

So, what is the role of a software developer? The software developer is the major weapon in the battlefield of innovation and software-based digital transformation. Software is being integrated into the distinctive value offerings of businesses that are digitally changing. As a result of this integration, the organization has begun to become more technology-driven. A developer is a software architect who ensures that the application or web works correctly, is secure, can withstand the test of time, and is easily upgraded and adaptable, just like a “conventional” architect does with a building.

Today, the software is so deeply embedded in our daily lives that the relationship you have with your customers is frequently directly related to the effectiveness of your business operations or, more importantly, the experience your customers have. This emphasis on the developer also entails greater accountability for software quality and implementation.

Common Types of Software Developers you might need

Different developers with much the same tech stacks are unlikely to be able to apply their skills and experience in different areas nowadays. It’s the equivalent of asking your mobile developer to work on a game. He may be familiar with the technologies, but he is not a game developer. As a result, there is a significant difference in developer types.

1 – Mobile App Developer

A mobile developer is familiar with the technicalities of mobile operating systems like iOS and Android, as well as the development environment and frameworks that are used to produce applications for them. Flutter, React Native, Ionic, Quasar are all examples of this. Mobile developers build apps for smartphones such as educational apps (for learning languages, reading enthusiasts, sports fans, and so on), online shopping apps, and so on. Mobile developers work closely with designers, QA engineers, and DevOps specialists in their jobs. Of course, mobile app developers will create your software, which we may use on our Android or iOS devices. As a result, these developers may have expertise in one or both of these platforms.

2 – Web Developer

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, web development became a popular way to break into the software development industry. Web developers are software developers with a focus on website development. There are three types of web developers: front-end, back-end, and full-stack. Front-end developers are in charge of the parts of the site that users see and interact with; back-end developers are in charge of the parts of the site that users don’t see. They tailor the webpage for each user by using algorithms. A full-stack developer is someone who works on both the front-end and back-end of a website. We will go through the full-stack developer in a separate category as well.

3 – Full-Stack Developer

Full stack developers straddle two independent web development domains: the front end and the back end. Full stack technologies refers to the entire depth of a computer application. To put it another way, full stack developers are the development world’s Swiss military weapons. Full stack developers are well-versed in both front end and back end development. These smart professionals can smoothly switch from one development environment to the next since they are experts in many programming languages.

DevOps Engineer

These are Engineers who are familiar with the technologies and tools used to create, deploy, and integrate systems, as well as manage backend software. To simplify the term, backend developers build products, whereas DevOps can design, deploy, and monitor those same apps. To explain the process, consider the following: A programmer (developer) builds apps. Applications are deployed, managed, and monitored by operations. DevOps both devops and deploys, manages, and monitors applications. DevOps involves knowledge of tools like Kubernetes, Docker, Apache Mesos, Jenkins, and the HashiCorp stack, among other things.

Identifying the type of software developer your business needs

You’ve now learned about a few different kinds of software developers. It’s possible that their development environments will collide or not. There are many distinct kinds of software developer responsibilities in various technical functions, and there is currently no globally approved taxonomy, terminology, or industry glossary. The functions of a job description and knowledge of abilities can vary from one company to the next. It is, nevertheless, necessary to learn the specifics of each sort of software developer. Knowing the most typical sorts of software developers will help you bridge the gap between your company’s growth and your knowledge of software development. It’s critical to conduct research and gain information about company operations before beginning or expanding any business enterprise. This will help you see where they intersect and where they diverge. You will be better prepared to hire software developers for your next project if you have a thorough understanding of each sort of software developer.

We, at Incentius, are happy to listen to your doubts regarding Product Development. Have a certain service or idea in mind, or simply want to talk about what’s possible? We’d be delighted to help. Contact us.

Debunking Top Software Outsourcing Myths still existing in 2022 Harshal Sonavane November 22, 2022

Software Development Outsourcing has been a part of the IT business for a long time. However, many organizations are still undecided about whether to outsource or develop digital products in-house.

 As a software development outsourcing company, we frequently deal with the consequences of software myths. False assumptions and preconceptions stymie collaboration and product development. Some clients have unrealistic or stereotypical assumptions. Others are wary of making critical judgments and are hesitant to do so. 

 We clarify the most popular myths regarding Software Development outsourcing development for all of us in this blog. We hope that this blog post clarifies what outsourcing is all about. Cheers!

1. Software Development Outsourcing is for Big Players only

It makes no difference what size you are. Despite the fact that outsourcing companies prefer larger clients, they do not turn away small enterprises. The biggest customers of BPOs are small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). Even small businesses can benefit from Software Development outsourcing. Because it’s critical for businesses to deploy their MVP quickly despite a lack of resources or capabilities, outsourcing some jobs may be necessary. You may always outsource IT-related tasks and focus on other things in a better way, whether you’re an established company or a startup.

Small businesses benefit from Software Development outsourcing because they can get up and running faster, more efficiently, and with better quality, all while managing their budgets and other important tasks. According to surveys, a significant number of small enterprises have outsourced a business process in the last few years, and the majority of them plan to outsource even more after COVID-19. The primary difference between large and small businesses is their motivation for outsourcing: the former seeks to reduce expenses, while the latter seeks to increase productivity. So, while the reasons for this may differ, the advantages still exceed the concerns.

2. Software Development Outsourcing is Expensive

The first and most widely held misconception about custom software development is that it is too costly. In reality, organizations claim to have worked with software development firms largely to save money. 

“Research says you can save up to 58% of the development cost by outsourcing software development instead of getting it built in-house.” 

Furthermore, keep in mind that an in-house team necessitates additional funds for employee benefits and training, as well as infrastructure investment. Your in–house team is also compensated depending on their time in the office, which has been proven to be inefficient. Hiring entails a variety of costs, including training, compensation, infrastructure, and more, as well as the ongoing annoyance of managing human resources around the clock.

But on the other hand, the Time and Material Model, which is commonly used in Software Development outsourcing projects, assures that your money is wisely spent and corresponds to the performance. An IT Outsourcing Company has all of the necessary resources on hand, and the client only has to pay that amount for the task at hand, not for any other costs. This makes it a reasonable choice with cost savings and, of course, a convenient option. There could be instances when outsourcing software developers could sound more expensive than hiring in-house developers, but this happens extremely rare and would be justified if the product requires extreme customization, expertise, time and efforts. Cloud-based apps, agile methodologies, and selecting a front-end framework for the software are just a few aspects.

(Read: How to Hire a Software Development Company?)

3. Quality is compromised

We’ve grown accustomed to the idea that superior quality comes at a hefty price. That’s why gaining excellent outcomes for a low price seems odd. Is it obligatory that a lower price implies a lower level of quality? That’s a bit of a stretch. You can’t compare quality and pricing in Software Development outsourcing because they differ from country to country and area to region. It is purely determined by the value of a region’s currency. Regardless of the region to which you outsourced, a software product maybe even better if you have chosen the right candidate for the task. As a result of the easy availability of experts without probably going into debt, outsourcing software development not only saves money but also gives you access to the finest developers.

You can acquire superior end-products with unmatched quality for less money by outsourcing IT-related work. All you have to do now is make sure the job is being taken care of by the proper person with considerable experience and competence. As a result, assuming that Software Development outsourcing produces low-quality services and results is false on all accounts. Choosing the best outsourcing service provider among the rest is the best approach to lessen the danger of receiving low-quality products.

4 . There is a potential Privacy and Security breach

Many people believe that Software Development outsourcing businesses can see through a company’s genuine image at first glance. It may sound frightening, but this is the worry that most businesses have when outsourcing. Trust is the foundation of any successful and long-lasting commercial partnership. Outsourcing companies work by winning their clientele’s faith, which they may do by being honest and truthful. Fortunately, the law and technology are on your side too. 

It is the responsibility of Software Development outsourcing companies to use this information in the best interests of their clients. Outsourcing companies place a high premium on the security and safety of a company’s data. To limit the risk and stress of disclosing personal information, businesses must pick the correct Software Development outsourcing work provider. Checking their policies on privacy and intellectual property is another technique to ensure that your chosen offshore company does not pose any risk. They must also use preventative technologies and be able to monitor data flow. It’s also a good idea to see if they provide such training to their staffers.

5 . Outsourcing is Time-Consuming and lacks Productivity

Of course, a custom software development company may not be able to offer next-day completion because it normally builds unique software for particular clients rather than for the bulk. However, contrary to another common custom software development myth, most custom software development businesses guarantee an acceptable timeframe for deploying custom software in your company. However, the notion that Software Development outsourcing takes time is an old one. In fact, outsourcing may result in a significant increase in company productivity and efficiency.

It has even been statistically demonstrated, and as a result, software development outsourcing will provide larger returns for a lower investment, making it a global trend. Software Development Outsourcing, rather than being a time-consuming task, saves your company valuable time that can be used in processing other important elements of your business, allowing you to use your time more profitably and effectively without having to worry about a lot.

(Read: In-house Development Vs Outsourcing: Overview of Pros and Cons)



To sum it all, up to your question– Is it better to have an in-house core tech than to outsource? — You must realize that assembling and managing an internal development team takes a significant amount of time and resources. This is due to the fact that you must interview people, aboard them, offer them insurance and other perks, as well as obtain offices and provide PCs, laptops, and other hardware to your in-house development team. Instead, you might outsource the creation of your tech product to a professional software product development company. Software Development Outsourcing software development offers companies immediate access to better software developers with the necessary training and expertise. Apart from that, outsourcing your software product development to a growing country like India provides you with cost-effective software development.

We at Incentius, a technology and professional services company that specializes in product engineering, take our Software Development outsourcing services seriously and devote the necessary resources to produce the finest solutions for clients. For further information, please contact us.

Types of Software Applications: A detailed guide for 2022 Marketing August 17, 2022


What are Software Applications?

Software Application can be defined as software that uses a computer’s features to complete a specific task. The user will have direct interaction with the Software Application. IT aids them in becoming more productive and completing certain personal or corporate activities. Software Application also includes software that is produced internally or externally to meet a company’s specific needs. An operating system will always be the foundation for application development.

Software Application comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its own set of functionality. Each of these pieces of software is intended to make your life easier in some way. Many of these are aimed at improving the user’s efficiency. This type of software is distinctive and provides an excellent user experience. Various sorts of Software Applications that you have used at one time or another can be found in your system. While there are many distinct types of software applications, let us talk about the most widespread ones.


Broad Categories of Software Application

1 – Freeware

It is offered for free, as the name implies. You can employ freeware Software Applications that you can download from the Internet. Even if you pay qualified software engineers to do the job, you won’t be able to change or customize this software without unlawfully messing with the source code. AdobePDF, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome are examples of free Software Applications that provide some basic functionality. These are available for download on the internet.

2 Shareware

This is given away to users for free as a trial, usually with a limited-time offer. If consumers want to keep using this Software Application, they will have to pay. When users are given access to the source code of a piece of software, they are typically encouraged to copy and distribute it. WinZip, Snaplouch, and Adobe Acrobat are instances of shareware.

3 – Open source

The open-source software application, as the name implies, has an open-source code that is freely available on the internet. This type of Software Application allows you to customize the software and even add new features. Many people genuinely assume that open-source software is the same as free software. However, in this case, ‘free’ refers to the freely available source code, which makes the software available for development. These could be offered for free or for a fee. Open-source Software Application examples include Moodle and Apache Web Server.

4 – Closed source

Closed source software applications have closed source code. Even if you have a premium account, no one can see or see the source. This category includes the majority of the Software Application packages you use. These are usually chargeable and have patents on the source code’s intellectual property rights. It usually comes with a set of restrictions. Microsoft Windows, Adobe Flash Player, WinRAR, MacOs, and other applications are examples.

Most Common Types of Software Application

All the types of Software Applications we are about to discuss now belong to one of the categories we discussed above.

1 – Word Processing Software

Let us use the following application as an example in this case: Microsoft Word is a word processing program. Word Processing software is used to manipulate, format, and create notes, letters, faxes, and documents, as you may know. Synonyms and antonyms are among the functionalities available. With the word art tool, you may customize the fonts, colors, and styles to your liking. It also has features for error checking, as well as grammar and spell checking.

2 – Spreadsheet Software

Let us use Microsoft Excel as an example before moving on. To execute manipulations and calculations, spreadsheet software is used. Data is stored in intersecting rows and columns in spreadsheet software. A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. The row and column labels are written in the cell. We can define the data value as text, date, time, or number while entering data into the cell. It includes numerous formulas and functions for doing calculations such as arithmetic, logical, and text operations, among others. It includes graphs and charts for displaying data graphically. Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows and number for MAC OS are two more such examples.

3 – Presentation Software

Presentation software allows you to present your ideas and thoughts in a visual way. The material can then be presented in the form of slides. The software consists of three elements: a text editor for entering and formatting text, an inserter for graphics, text, video, and other multimedia files, and a slideshow for displaying the data. You may add videos, documents, charts, graphs, and photographs to your presentations to make them more interactive and interesting. Microsoft PowerPoint is the best example When it comes to developing an app, you may be debating whether it is better to spend a few thousand dollars on a professional or save money and hire a freelancer. However, if you are a more serious business that requires high-quality software, we would advise you to spend some money on hiring a professional app development agency. Why? Because it comes with a slew of advantages. Approaches and other codes become vital for new technology for the developer on a personal level. Professional developers, on the other hand, operate as part of a team and can deliver greater results in less time. They provide low-cost custom app development services. Greater mastery of features is provided by an app development company. presentation software.

4 – Multimedia Software

Multimedia software allows you to edit, record, and generate video, audio, and image files. Video editing, graphics, and animations all employ this type of app software. VLC player, MX Player, and Windows Media Player are all examples of multimedia software. Many applications for mobile phones and the system have been available as the entertainment mode has grown. Multimedia software applications include music and video entertainment apps, navigation apps, social networking apps, news and weather apps, educational apps, and ebook reader apps for test preparation.

5 – Web Browsers

Web browsers or simply browsers are Software Applications used to access and view websites Web browsers, or simply browsers, are software applications that allow you to access and view websites through the internet/World Wide Web. It fetches the required information from a web server and displays the content just on the screen when the user wants it. Google Chrome, Internet Explorer (now Microsoft Edge), Firefox, MS Edge, Safari, and others are the most popular web browsers.

6 – Simulation Software

The term “simulation” refers to a recreation of the real world and its surroundings. The simulation provides a real-world physical environment to mimic similar behavior, function, and key nature. Hence, a monitoring tool that allows the user to view a process without performing it is known as simulation software. When the work of an existing system is not very accurate, predictable, or harmful, such software is useful. Engineering, robotics, flying systems, weather forecasting, testing, teaching, and video games all use it. The best example of simulation software is MATLAB and Ansys.

7 – Database Software

A DBMS (Database Management System), often known as a database Software Application, is a collection of data connected with any application. This aids in data organization by allowing users to create and manage databases, as well as store, alter, extract, and search for information within them. When we start an application, it pulls data from the database and modifies it before storing it. MS Access, Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, IBM Db2, and other database Software applications are all examples.

FAQ: What is a Custom Software Application?

Custom Software Application is a tailor-made application that is designed, created, and deployed for specific users. It requires expertise to actually develop an entire Custom Application. And as you know, different people choose different aspects of the app, but they all don’t know how to apply those features professionally. Explaining the required functionality to the developer and letting them know what you want from the app is the best strategy. They comprehend the entire scenario and put the recommendations into action in a technical and systematic manner. 

Even though there is a certain choice of features based on availability, the developer makes tweaks to offer originality to the product. You can also concentrate on other critical core business tasks by delegating app development to experts. Though you can engage individual freelancers for your app development needs, it’s always best to have an expert team on board.

How Incentius helps you build your Software Application

When it comes to choosing the appropriate Software Application for your company, you’ll need to make informed selections, hold brainstorming sessions, and think critically. You’ll need to define and prioritize your requirements, as well as assess and budget for your current process. You should also know exactly what you’re looking for and what you want to achieve with the new Software Application.

As you may have figured, app development is a job best left to professionals. Incentius is a technology and professional services company specializing in analytics, operations, and product development.

Best DevOps Tools to Use in 2022 Sumeet Shah June 10, 2022

What is DevOps? DevOps is a set of tools and practices that bring together software development and operations, bridging the gap between the two. This approach is witnessing a rise in its demand due to provision of high quality software delivery on a continual basis. The aim behind using this approach is to make sure that flaws are reduced to the minimum and productivity is increased to the maximum. 

For this purpose, although there are a number of DevOps tools that are used in the market, few of them are exceptionally good namely, AWS, Jenkins, Terraform, and Kubernetes. These tools automate the process of software development by focusing primarily on collaboration and communication between the professionals with different roles and working in different teams. 

This blog will illustrate the best tools with their respective categories to use for DevOps processes:

1. Containers- Docker:

Containers are software development platforms that enable developers to create, test, and deploy products in resource-independent conditions. Each container contains the whole runtime environment, which includes the software, its modules, source code, settings, and all of its resources. Platforms for containers provide orchestration, automation, security, governance, and other functionalities. For fast application development and deployment, DevOps mainly relies on containerization, with Docker being the most extensively used container technology. The Docker engine was created to make developing, deploying, and managing containerized applications on single nodes easier. Docker is free and open-source software that works with cloud services and runs on Windows and Linux.

2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)-Terraform:

Hashicorp developed Terraform as an open source tool to automate the provisioning of infrastructure resources. It supports all public and private cloud infrastructure provisioning like Networks, Servers, managed services, and Firewall. Infrastructure as a coding philosophy is used to create, manage, update, and destroy infrastructure resources such as virtual machines, containers, networking, and others. Terraform uses a notion called state files to keep track of the state of your infrastructure. HCL (Hashicorp configuration language) is Terraform’s own domain-specific language.

3. Container Orchestration System – Kubernetes:

Kubernetes is a prominent container orchestration platform and an open-source DevOps solution for automating the deployment and administration of containerized applications. To achieve effectiveness and quality in production, developers use Kubernetes to automate tasks like container initialization, scalability, communication, security, and more. Kubernotes is unique because it has the ability to heal itself. It makes modifications to your application or its setup while also monitoring its health. Rollouts and rollbacks get automated. It also provides a set of Pods with their own IP addresses and a single DNS name for Service Delivery and load balancing. 

4. Continuous Integration/Delivery (CI/CD)- Jenkins:

Jenkins is a Java-based open-source automation platform with plugins designed for Continuous Integration. If you want to integrate a certain tool, you need to install the tool’s plugins. It also enables you to deliver your software on a continuous basis by interacting with a variety of tests and deployment technologies. Jenkins, which was created by Kohsuke for Continuous Integration (CI), is now the most extensively used Continuous Delivery (CD) solution. It has thousand-plus plugins that allow it to integrate with almost any tool. Jenkins continues to gain traction as the most widely used continuous integration and delivery tool in the world.


In order to actualize the benefits of DevOps, choosing the best tools is imperative. Right tools help realize the advantages by breaking down communication silos and improving productivity. It must be noted that it takes time to implement the culture shift and not just a night.

Why choose MEAN Stack Development for your next project? Marketing January 20, 2022

Creating a web application necessitates the use of a software stack that you can trust, rely on, and that deliver effective results. Modern developers employ a mix of new technology to achieve faster and better results in their projects. The MEAN stack is a great example of this type of innovation. 

What is MEAN stack?

MEAN Stack is a JavaScript-based web and app development platform utilized by millions of people across the world. It is a collection and integration of technologies used to create web apps. Several Web App Development Companies employ MEAN stack technology, which stands for “MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js.” It’s an open-source stack for developers who want a quick and systematic way to prototype MEAN-based web apps. MEAN is a full-stack JavaScript that runs from client to database to server. You can deal with your items utilizing specific attributes with MEAN Stack programming. You may also revolutionize and update the data layer without having to worry about migrations. Understanding the benefits of MEAN stack development and what you require from the project will also help you decide what factors you need to consider while hiring a software development company, or whether you should go with in-house development or outsourcing.

Why should you choose MEAN stack development for your next project? 

1. Reduced cost development:

MEAN JS is an open-source full-stack JavaScript framework that can help you stay open-source and free. Technology is written in MEAN Stack in an open-source programming language, JavaScript. As a result, the platform is open-source as well which means you can download it for free and use it. Furthermore, when compared to the LAMP stack, the MEAN stack requires fewer total developers. License costs are also not charged by MEAN Stack development businesses.

2. Flexible and efficient:

After app creation is complete, the developer can easily begin testing on a cloud platform. MEAN Stack makes developing, testing, and deploying apps considerably easier and more efficient. It is more efficient than most other systems and has a competitive advantage. JavaScript is one of the most widely used languages in project development, and it makes shifting duties and handling issues simple for the entire team.

3. Based on Javascript:

The JavaScript language is used to implement the entire MEAN web development process. JavaScript is a multi-paradigm, high-level language that is used extensively in data management and recovery. Overall, it’s a very developer-friendly framework that helps the entire MEAN Stack development team by providing faster backend replies and allowing the application to evolve.

4. Easy data transfer:

Anybody, whether they are front-end or backend developers, can learn MEAN stack development quickly. It is simple to comprehend, grasp, and apply during the development process. JSON files are a data exchange format that is used by Node.js and Angular. With the help of mean stack development services, data transportation across the system is also relatively painless.

5. Interactive:

Real-time apps can help you engage a wide range of users. In any web application, Angular is well-known for its amazing user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). As a result, many of your favorite brands employ Angular.JS, which is widely regarded as the best front-end technology. It also supports the Model-View-Controller architecture, which ensures that the user interfaces are of high quality.

6. Influential community:

JavaScript has a big user base. The frameworks are enabled by developers. The deprecation of Angular.js in favor of Angular is the most popular example within their network.

7. Infinite modules:

With the help of Node.js, the MEAN stack can control an endless number of modules. It also provides a large number of JavaScript modules which can be beneficial to the users. Because these libraries provide pre-defined outputs, developers don’t have to write long programs to get certain results. These libraries are extremely quick and ensure that the entire code is proper. Overall, libraries save the programmer time and increase the rate of the creation of software.

8. Large Talent Pool:

JavaScript, being one of the most frequently used programming languages in the world, provides aid to developers all over the world and contributes to the evaluation of development companies. There are also specialists all over the world that are dedicated to helping other medium-stack web developers with their problems.

9. Brilliant Performance:

NodeJS is a key component of the complete MEAN stack for development framework, ensuring high performance. With its high-end outputs, it may be used to create interactive web-based applications. NodeJS is easier to grasp, understand, and provide better outcomes than other programming languages. NodeJS is the most widely used framework for creating high-performance server-side solutions and tools and you can find developers who can help you create web applications.

10. Efficient Management:

Companies that use MEAN stack projects benefit from the use of JS. There is no confusion for the management team because the dynamic teams all speak the same language.


For building dynamic, exceptional, and highly rated online apps, MEAN Stack makes for the greatest possible choice of framework. It is used by top mobile and web application development businesses that are increasingly using this contemporary approach to creating.

Do you need to be a programmer to start a Software Startup? Marketing January 10, 2022

In today’s world, we often hear about new startups and businesses. Some of these startups are led by experienced professionals while the others are headed by professionals who have just entered the world of startups and entrepreneurs. Every year, several software startups enter the market. Not all of these startups are started by programmers or people who are software developers. Having a great startup idea can sometimes be enough to start a business.

Starting an online business can be challenging. A few things that can help you begin your software startup are: 

1. Have a clear idea:

You might not know how to work through the process, how to develop the software but what is important is that you must know what the result should be. You can hire a team of software developers for the required results and guide them by clearly laying out the goals and requirements.

2. Undergo basic training:

If you believe that a certain skill set is required to operate a software startup, then you can undergo basic training and learn a little about the world of software. With time and experience, you will be able to learn many new things that will be helpful in the entrepreneurial world. Your software startup will teach you things along the way.

3. Have a structured business plan:

An idea can start the process, but you need to understand that without a plan, the process can take a wrong turn. Your efforts will be of no use if you do not have a proper plan. Before you engage and enter the software development market, make sure you thoroughly research all areas of the sector. This section provides information about your company’s description, location, marketing objectives, rivals, procedures, required equipment, and expenses. This will also help you determine whether you can start and run a software firm.

4. Online promotions:

With the introduction of social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc. your business can become a success if you spread the word through these platforms. Software development is a field that has its major clients looking for companies and organizations online. In current times, people like to sit at home and surf the internet to get the services they need. Establish social media profiles for your company and provide details about your new product regularly. It also is a good idea to use post upgrades on various social media sites to target a specific group at a low cost, depending on factors such as cost.

5. An entrepreneurial mindset:

Having a mindset that motivates you to work to your fullest potential and overcome every obstacle is essential. Starting a new venture can be challenging due to many factors. If you are new to entrepreneurship, then entering the market will take some time as you adjust to the happenings and realize where to focus your efforts. A software firm will require software developers. 

6. Build a website:

An online website can be an official platform where you communicate with your customers. Including chatbots, questionnaires, query sections, about us pages, and the team’s description can help the users understand the company better. An online website will also allow users to reach out to you at any given time, from any given place. You can keep them updated through blogs, and slowly build a dynamic website that will allow them to engage with you.


Starting a software startup without any knowledge of programming is not impossible. Be prepared with a structured plan, and stick with your goals. Hiring a good team can be helpful in the long run. 

Incentius announces partnership with a leading global non-profit organization. Marketing

Incentius is an analytics, modeling and reporting company targeted at helping consulting companies obtain better efficiency. The firm is pleased to announce a partnership with a non profit organisation to upgrade a legacy application to a more modern data and analytics stack. 

As part of this engagement, the expectation from the client is to deliver:

  • Re-architecture of data structure.
  • Migration of legacy data into new data structure
  • Automation of data ingestion and processing
  • Dynamic dashboard generation in PowerBI

We will provide technology and analytic support to the client and help them unlock extra value from their data assets. With a focus on simplifying the data management process, the in-house team aims to standardize on a modern, easy-to-use secure survey analytics structure that allows them to offer reports across various markets. Our team will be supporting implementations in PowerBI and rearchitecting their legacy data store. 

About Incentius: 

Incentius founders have years of experience in sales analytics, operations and administration. They form part of an in-house advisory team that provides key business and industry insights to all analysts to discharge their duties. This creates a key value add that clients receive. As a result services offered include experience and industry knowledge in addition to excellent resources. The advisory team is constantly looking to apply standard tools from other practice areas to sales analytics including machine learning techniques, predictive modeling, etc. 

Incentius announces partnership with a leading organization that provides quick, affordable, collateral-free loans Marketing December 23, 2021

We are proud to announce a partnership with a rapidly growing Bengaluru-based fintech organization that provides capital loans for small and medium-scale businesses.

There are millions of small enterprises in India. Many of these enterprises lack capital and would not be a good fit for the current banking model. Top companies are mastering the art of evaluating tiny firms based on their digital and informational footprints, their ability to repay, and accordingly helping them in provisioning fully fund zero-collateral loans.

In this partnership, both the companies share a vision of mutual collaboration, end-user success, and growth opportunities for years to come. Given that the organization’s entire business model revolves around online loans, their portal happens to be a mission-critical element that needs continuous monitoring and ongoing optimization. Incentius will be using their DevOps expertise in setting up application monitoring to track usage trends, site performance, and overall traffic growth as well as issues that negatively impact the application’s performance. Additionally, a CI/CD pipeline will be set up for a faster time to market, shortening the review time and optimizing the overall code quality of the application. 

This partnership will enable Incentius to expand its service portfolio and provide scalability to solve the industry’s access to finance problems.

“Our team is excited and thrilled to be a part of a probable revolutionary platform and will continue to focus on the mission of improving the overall effectiveness in the current process,” said Amit Jain, Co-Founder and Director of Customer Success at Incentius. “We are proud of what we have achieved until now and look forward to continuing our relationships with our valued customers and clients with an unwavering commitment to focusing on productivity enabled through deep business knowledge, new-age technologies, and innovative cloud platforms.”

Here is the link to the original press release:

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Incentius partners with leading organization to develop an auto-code automation testing platform Marketing December 13, 2021

PUNE, India – Dec. 9, 2021 

We are proud to announce a partnership with a rapidly growing Bengaluru-based organization that transforms software delivery by leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Deep Technology. They have developed an auto-code automation testing platform that is self-learning and easy to maintain and has already covered substantial ground in the Digital Commerce and Medical Devices Industries.

In this partnership, both the companies share a vision of mutual collaboration, end-user success, and growth opportunities for years to come. This partnership will enable us to expand our service portfolio and provide scalability to satisfy the industry’s rising needs around the world.

The team at Incentius will be helping them make a shift from their current desktop-based application to a web-based platform. The platform aims to help clients develop software better, quicker, and cheaper. It will lower clients’ R&D expenses, speed up the time to market, improve quality, and lower business risks.

Both organizations together want to evolve the way companies manage their technology development. We want to deliver end-to-end automation by designing and deploying frontend web-based management applications without compromising on flexibility, timeliness, and quality.

The combined efforts of both organizations will help all organizations to become less reliant on external vendors for their testing program while enhancing their decision support capabilities leveraging our automation.

“Our team is excited and thrilled to be a part of a probable revolutionary platform and will continue to focus on the mission of improving the overall effectiveness in the current process,” said Amit Jain, Co-Founder and Director of Customer Success at Incentius. “We are proud of what we have achieved until now and look forward to continuing our relationships with our valued customers and clients with an unwavering commitment to focusing on productivity enabled through deep business knowledge, new-age technologies, and innovative cloud platforms.”

Here is the link to the original press release:

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