How We Transformed the B2B Marketplace: From Struggle to Success Mayank Patel July 29, 2024

In today’s digital age, a seamless online experience is crucial, especially for B2B marketplaces where efficiency and user satisfaction can make or break a business. We recently undertook a comprehensive transformation of the B2B marketplace to address some pressing challenges and elevate the user experience. Here’s how we did it and the incredible results we achieved.

Identifying the Pain Points

The marketplace was facing several significant issues:

  • Outdated Design: Our website had a bland design that failed to engage users.
  • Poor Mobile Experience: The site wasn’t responsive, leading to a subpar experience on smartphones and tablets.
  • Feature Deficiencies: Key features were missing or malfunctioning, making navigation and transactions cumbersome.
  • Offline Transactions: Conducting transactions offline led to delays and increased security risks.
  • Manual Processes: Product inspection and shipment were handled manually, causing inefficiencies and errors.

Our Approach to Transformation

To tackle these challenges, we implemented a holistic redesign and introduced new features aimed at improving both functionality and user experience.

Modern and Responsive Design

We completely revamped our site’s design, introducing a clean, modern interface that’s responsive across all devices. Now, whether our users access the site from a desktop, smartphone, or tablet, they enjoy a seamless experience.

Enhancing Functionality

We added several key features to boost functionality:

  • Managed Seller Catalog: Sellers can now easily list and manage their products, simplifying their experience.
  • Auction Center: This new feature allows users to track and place orders effortlessly, providing more visibility and options.

Strengthening Security

To ensure user authenticity and streamline onboarding, we integrated KYC (Know Your Customer) verification through a trusted third-party service provider.

Seamless Transactions

We implemented an integrated payment gateway, enabling users to set up Ewallets. This allows for quick, secure transactions, and sellers can receive payments directly into their wallets with the flexibility to withdraw funds as needed.

Automating Inspections and Shipments

We partnered with service providers to handle product inspections, ensuring quality and compliance. The shipment process was automated, including real-time order tracking, which significantly improved operational efficiency and user satisfaction.


The Results: A Thriving Marketplace

The impact of these changes was immediate and profound:

Surge in Registrations: Our new design and features attracted more users, leading to a significant increase in new registrations.

Streamlined Onboarding: The KYC verification process made onboarding new users easier, enhancing trust and security on the platform.

Improved Seller Experience: The managed seller catalog feature made it simpler for sellers to list and manage their products, boosting their satisfaction and engagement.

Better User Experience: Enhanced navigation and search functionality made it easier for users to find and purchase products, resulting in a more enjoyable user experience.

Efficient Transactions: Ewallets streamlined the order placement process, allowing for quick and secure transactions.

Reliable Deliveries: Automated shipment status updates and tracking improved delivery reliability, fostering greater user trust.

Popular Auction Center: Our auction centre quickly became a hit, offering users greater visibility and competitive pricing for their products.


Our comprehensive redesign and feature enhancements have transformed the B2B marketplace. By addressing the initial pain points and strategically improving the platform, we have not only overcome the challenges but also set the stage for sustained growth and success. This transformation exemplifies the power of thoughtful design and strategic innovation in creating a thriving digital marketplace.

Optimizing Efficiency and Cutting Costs with Custom and Open-Source Solutions Mayur Patel July 10, 2024

Let’s explore how businesses can significantly improve their operations and reduce costs by leveraging custom-built tools and open-source solutions. We’ll dive into strategies for optimizing workflows, maximizing productivity, and achieving substantial savings through the smart integration of tailored software and freely available technologies. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, our insights will help you streamline your processes and boost your bottom line.

Understanding Subscription Types

In the world of business, subscriptions generally fall into two main categories: mandatory and optional. Understanding these categories helps in making informed decisions about when to invest in paid subscriptions and when to seek alternatives.

1. Mandatory Subscriptions

Certain tools are essential for maintaining efficient operations and cannot be substituted easily. These are mandatory subscriptions, where paying for a subscription service is crucial for the smooth functioning of the business. Examples include:

  • HR Management: Tools like greytHR, workday, and BambooHR are indispensable for managing employee records, payroll, attendance, and compliance. They offer comprehensive solutions that streamline HR processes, making them a necessary investment for any business.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Solutions like Zoho, and HubSpot CRM help manage customer interactions, sales processes, and data analytics. These tools are vital for maintaining strong customer relationships and driving sales growth.

These tools offer features and capabilities that are critical to business operations, making their subscriptions mandatory.

2. Optional Subscriptions

On the other hand, some subscription services offer a wide range of features, not all of which may be necessary for every business. In many cases, businesses find themselves paying for a full subscription package while only needing a few specific features. This can lead to unnecessary expenses and underutilization of the service. Examples include:

  • Marketing Tools: Platforms like HubSpot offer comprehensive marketing, sales, and service software. However, if a business only needs email marketing or social media scheduling, the full subscription can be overkill.
  • Project Management Software: Tools like Asana or provide extensive project management features. A business that only requires task tracking might find the premium plans, which include advanced analytics and integrations, unnecessary.

In such scenarios, it may be more cost-effective to develop custom solutions or seek open-source alternatives focusing solely on the required features. By doing so, businesses can avoid paying for unused features and allocate resources more efficiently. For instance, a company might use open-source tools like Uptime Kuma for monitoring applications and Umami for website analytics, providing essential functionalities without the high costs associated with premium subscription services.

Our Approach to Subscriptions

We decided to take a strategic approach to subscriptions. By categorizing our needs, we were able to determine when it was worth paying for a full subscription and when it made more sense to develop our own tools. This approach not only saved us money but also allowed us to tailor solutions to our exact needs, saving time in the process.

Our Strategy for Cost and Time Efficiency

In our quest to optimize efficiency and cut costs, we developed custom tools tailored to our specific needs. By focusing on essential features and eliminating unnecessary complexities, we created solutions that saved us both time and money. Here are some examples of how our strategic approach to in-house development paid off.

TestOla – Online Assessment Tool

The Challenge: We were using a subscription-based tool to evaluate candidates, but this solution presented several challenges. The monthly subscription costs were high, particularly burdensome when we didn’t have ongoing hiring needs. Our hiring process is targeted and selective, focusing on specialized skills rather than mass recruitment, making the monthly subscription even less justifiable. Furthermore, the tool included many features that we never used, resulting in wasted resources. Configuring the tool to fit our specific requirements was also a time-consuming process, adding to the inefficiency.

Our Solution: To address these issues, we decided to build our own online assessment tool, TestOla. We started by conducting a detailed analysis of our actual needs, pinpointing the essential features required for our recruitment process. This allowed us to design a streamlined tool that eliminated unnecessary complexities and focused solely on our specific needs. By creating a user-friendly interface and essential functionalities, we significantly reduced the time spent on configurations. Developing TestOla in-house also translated to substantial cost savings by eliminating the need for a costly subscription service.

Outcome: TestOla proved to be an efficient and cost-effective solution for our online assessment needs. By focusing on essential features, we expedited the development process and created a tool that perfectly met our requirements. The tailored functionalities and user-friendly interface saved us considerable time during configurations. Additionally, we avoided the recurring costs associated with the paid tool, resulting in savings of approximately $400 per month. The development of TestOla demonstrated the benefits of custom solutions, providing both operational efficiency and financial prudence.


Empulse – Employee Feedback Tool

The Challenge: For our quarterly feedback cycles, we required a feedback tool with specific features such as Single Sign-On (SSO). However, the available paid tools that offered these features were either too complex to set up or required purchasing top-tier subscriptions. Our requirements extended beyond SSO to include functionalities such as loading employee data, configuring manager-employee mappings, setting time periods for feedback submission, and rolling out the feedback efficiently. While some tools on the market offered partial solutions, they either lacked the exact features we needed or included critical features like SSO only in their highest-priced plans.

Our Solution: To overcome these challenges, we developed Empulse, an employee feedback tool tailored to our specific needs. We started by identifying the core features essential for our feedback process. Empulse was designed to be user-friendly and straightforward, focusing on functionalities such as SSO integration, employee data loading, manager-employee mapping configuration, and setting time periods for feedback collection. This customized approach ensured that Empulse was not only easy to configure but also aligned perfectly with our operational requirements.

Outcome: Empulse proved to be an efficient and cost-effective solution for our employee feedback cycles. By developing a tool that included only the necessary features, we created a system that was simple and effective. The ease of configuration and use allowed us to streamline the entire feedback process, from data collection to feedback rollout. This custom solution saved us both time and money by eliminating the need for expensive, overly complex subscriptions and providing a tool that catered specifically to our needs. The development of Empulse highlighted the advantages of tailored solutions, ensuring operational efficiency and significant cost savings.

Leveraging Open-Source Tools

Our development team strategically replaced paid subscriptions with open-source tools to optimize costs. Using GitHub for project management, we meticulously tracked each step through detailed tickets. We integrated Uptime Kuma for monitoring the health of our applications, websites, and APIs, and Umami for site analytics. Each integration was systematically documented, ensuring smooth implementation and efficient tracking. These open-source solutions provided essential services and valuable insights, delivering high functionality without the steep costs associated with commercial software.


By evaluating our subscription needs and developing feasible custom tools, we achieved significant savings in both time and money. Our tailored solutions like TestOla and Empulse demonstrate that building in-house tools can be a smart alternative to costly subscriptions, especially when the full range of features is not required. This strategic approach has streamlined our operations and ensured we only pay for what we truly need.

Tailwind CSS vs Bootstrap: Which one is a better CSS framework? Amit Jain February 1, 2023

What is Tailwind CSS?

  • Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for creating custom user interfaces quickly. It is a snazzy way to write inline styling and create an awesome interface without writing a single line of CSS.
  • Tailwind CSS gives developers much flexibility and control over how a component looks and feels, whereas typical UI kits include many prebuilt components, making it more difficult to create a unique UI. Its utility classes make it simple and quick to create reusable components that match the overall look and feel of your UI.
  • The first alpha version of Tailwind CSS was released on November 1, 2017, according to the GitHub release history.

What is Bootstrap?

  • Bootstrap is a free, open-source, and the most popular HTML, CSS, and Javascript framework developed by Twitter for creating responsive web applications.
  • Bootstrap includes a mobile-first, responsive fluid grid system that scales up to 12 columns as the device or viewport size increases. It includes predefined classes for easy layout options and powerful mixins for generating more semantic layouts.
  • Many companies use Bootstrap as part of their technology stack. Bootstrap is widely used by professional web developers when developing apps and websites for businesses in a variety of industries. According to SimilarTech, Bootstrap has been utilized to build over half a million websites in the United States.

Comparing Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap

a) Key Differences

  • The primary distinction between Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap is that Tailwind CSS is not a user interface kit. Unlike UI kits like Bootstrap, Foundation, and Bulma.
  • Tailwind CSS lacks a default theme and built-in UI components. Instead, it includes pre-designed widgets that you can use to build your site from the ground up. Bootstrap comes with responsive layouts, components, and utility classes.
  • Due to the required files, the file size of Bootstrap is larger than Tailwind. Whereas you can use PurgeCSS to remove unused classes in Tailwind CSS.
  • Bootstrap is well-known for its responsiveness and flawless design, whereas Tailwind CSS supporters typically value the framework’s customizability. The best option for you is determined by your priorities and project requirements.

b) Which one is more popular?

  • Tailwind CSS is a newer framework gaining a lot of popularity, replacing Bootstrap in comparison.
  • Bootstrap is used by well-known companies such as Spotify, Twitter, Lifebuoy, Forbes India, and Lyft, whereas Tailwind CSS is used by BlaBlaCar, Exyplis, and Bazzite.

c) Which one is a better choice?

  • Tailwind CSS does not impose difficult-to-reverse design decisions because apps and sites are made of predesigned widgets. Working with Tailwind CSS entails utilizing a set of utility classes that allow you to work with only what you require. This is a clever way to create user interfaces that are more open to developers’ creativity.
  • With Bootstrap, the sites almost always look the same, which limits our ability to incorporate creativity into the development environment. One of Tailwind CSS’s advantages is its ability to easily build complex user interfaces without encouraging any two sites to look the same.
  • According to StackShare, Bootstrap has a higher level of acceptance, with 42906 companies using it in tech stacks, including Spotify, Twitter, and Udemy. In contrast, Tailwind CSS is reportedly used by 380 companies, including MAK IT, Superchat, and überdosis.

d) Which one is an easier framework?

  • Bootstrap is a broader concept than Tailwind and necessitates using multiple files to access its full functionality. As a result, using Bootstrap results in a significantly larger file size than Tailwind.
  • Bootstrap is a component-based framework that includes prebuilt components and utilities for layering displays, spacing, and so on. It includes pre-styled mobile-first, responsive components for quickly creating flawless website pages.
  • CSS, on the other hand, is primarily a utility framework. Tailwind CSS is similar to writing regular CSS. It does not have any pre-built components, unlike Bootstrap.
  • There is very little CSS to write with Bootstrap’s pre-built components. As a result, minor changes in the design could cause problems. Tailwind CSS allows you to style your elements from the ground up using Tailwind’s styling syntax. It makes changes easier because you only need to remove a few CSS classes.

Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap: Which one to choose for your organization?

Tailwind and Bootstrap are used to aid in the creation of a project’s user interface to reduce development time and, ultimately, improve your user experience.

  • Tailwind CSS makes writing and maintaining your application’s code easier. You don’t have to write custom CSS to style your application if you use this utility-first framework. Instead, you can use utility classes to control your application’s padding, margin, color, font, shadow, and other properties.
  • Bootstrap is much older and has evolved significantly over time. Tailwind is much younger and smaller than Bootstrap, resulting in faster loading times in comparison.
  • The subject of developing with Tailwind or Bootstrap is vast, and determining which is superior should begin with research. Learning more about each approach and how to apply it will help you decide which is best for your needs. There are numerous methods for conducting research, and you can use them in small projects, watch videos, and become involved in the community.


So, which CSS framework should you employ? It always depends on your specific situation. If your project does not deviate too far from some of the more common layouts, or if you are a backend or full-stack developer, Bootstrap may be the better framework. Tailwind might be a better option if your project requires a lot of front-end customization, follows a different layout, or if you’re more experienced with CSS. Whatever you decide, make sure it meets the requirements of your project.

Why is Blockchain the future of Technology? Harshal Sonavane December 12, 2022

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a system in which a record of transactions, especially those made in a cryptocurrency, is maintained across computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer network.. Its power and inventive traits stem from the presence of several unique properties and novel methods. Blockchain is a sort of database, but it varies significantly from traditional databases in how it stores and handles information. Blockchain holds data in blocks that are digitally connected together rather than rows, columns, tables, and files like traditional databases do. Furthermore, a blockchain is a decentralized database administered by computers in a peer-to-peer network rather than a central computer as in traditional databases. 


Why is Blockchain Important?

Blockchain enables multi-step transactions that require verification and traceability to be verified and traced. It can help to ensure secure transactions, reduce compliance costs, and speed up data transfer processing. Blockchain technology has the potential to improve contract administration and product auditing.

The global blockchain industry increasing to $20+ billion in 2023 is another indication of how quickly businesses are adopting blockchain.

So, what exactly makes blockchain so appealing to businesses? First and foremost, it lowers operational expenses. The elimination of middlemen is beneficial to the company since it decreases not just costs but also the point of contact, enhancing efficiency and development.


Pros and Cons of Blockchain





Faster transactions and 24/7 access

Data is not totally immune to cyber-attacks.


Because it is a distributed ledger, it produces numerous database copies throughout the network, so it is extremely safe.

High electricity use may be harmful to the environment.


There are no third parties or middlemen.

If you lose your private key, you cannot retrieve your account since there is no central intermediary.


Records or information maintained using blockchain technology are permanent, therefore there is no need to worry about losing the data.

Blockchains need miners or those with powerful computers and specialized software that solve computational challenges in return for fresh crypto coins.


Types of Blockchain

Public Blockchain

A public blockchain is a permissionless, non-restrictive distributed ledger technology. Anyone with an internet connection may sign up for a blockchain platform to become an authorized node and join the blockchain network. A node or user on the public blockchain is permitted to view current and historical information, validate transactions, or perform proof-of-work for an incoming block, and mine. The most fundamental application of public blockchains is cryptocurrency mining and exchange. As a result, Bitcoin and Litecoin blockchains are the most commonly used public blockchains. If users closely adhere to security rules and practices, public blockchains are largely safe. However, it is only dangerous when players do not strictly adhere to security standards.

Private Blockchain

A private blockchain is a limited or permissioned blockchain that operates solely within a closed network. Private blockchains are often utilized within an organization or company where only selected members of a blockchain network participate. The governing organization determines the degree of security, authorizations, permissions, and accessibility. Thus, private blockchains function similarly to public blockchains but have a smaller and more restricted network. Voting, supply chain management, digital identification, asset ownership, and more applications use private blockchain networks.

Example – Hyperledger Fabric, Enterprise Ethereum

Consortium Blockchains

Consortium blockchains are permissioned blockchains that are administered by a collection of organizations rather than a single corporation, as with private blockchains. As a result, consortium blockchains have greater decentralization than private blockchains, resulting in higher levels of security. However, forming consortiums may be a difficult process since it necessitates collaboration across several firms, which creates logistical obstacles as well as possible antitrust risk (which we will examine in an upcoming article). Furthermore, some supply chain participants may lack the necessary technology or infrastructure to use blockchain technologies and those who can decide that the upfront expenses are too high to pay to digitize their data and link to other supply chain members.

Example – R3

Hybrid Blockchain

A hybrid blockchain is one that combines private and public blockchains. It combines the properties of both types of blockchains, allowing for both a private permission-based system and a public permission-less one. With such a hybrid network, users can control who gets access to which data is stored in the blockchain. Only a selected section of data or records from the blockchain can be allowed to go public, keeping the rest confidential in the private network. The hybrid system of blockchain is flexible so that users can easily join a private blockchain with multiple public blockchains. A transaction in a private network of a hybrid blockchain is usually verified within that network.

Example – Food Trust by IBM


Winding Up

There should be no doubt that blockchain technology will benefit and attract a wide range of potential enterprises and organizations, all of which will undoubtedly invest in it. While it will serve as a remedy for various market obstacles, the technology still has a long way to go.

There will be a significant development in this field over time; whether you are a tech enthusiast or not, blockchain technology offers new and interesting work and investment prospects to offer, all of which are worth examining.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of blockchain?

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin are some popular examples of blockchains.

What do you think the future of blockchain technology in financial markets will be?

Blockchain usage is increasing in the financial services industry; it is a breakthrough that has changed the global financial system, making it safer and more efficient. Blockchain technology is improving the global financial services business in a variety of ways. The most significant benefit of blockchain is "cross-border settlements," which is the concept of constructing a worldwide network using blockchain that is both cost-effective and possibly transparent. It is bringing down costs but also adding value to service seekers.

Will Blockchain Actually Change How The Internet Works?

Though blockchain is still in its early stages, it is rapidly progressing. While the hype continues to rise, there are still technical barriers to mainstream adoption, including scalability, data protection, and technology standards. Furthermore, blockchain necessitates a market-wide understanding of technological implementation in relation to the current regulatory environment. There are also technological concerns connected to security. So far, security breaches have been caused by the user and human mistakes rather than by fundamental technology, but these flaws must be rectified. It will take time to develop the necessary tools and overcome these restrictions, but continuing investment in blockchain technology will likely alleviate many of the difficulties and obstacles encountered, similar to previous technological revolutions. Possibly 20 years from now, like the internet, blockchain will be common. Let’s wait for more innovations in blockchain technology.

Which is the biggest blockchain company?

Coinbase Global

Exploring Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Node.js Sujeet Pillai November 23, 2022

What is Node.js?

The Node.js platform helps execute JavaScript code on the server side. Node.js is used to create apps that need a continuous connection from the browser to the server and is frequently used for real-time applications such as news feeds, chats, and web notifications. It is usually used as a backend service where Javascript works on the server side of the application, and thus, it is used as both the frontend and backend.

Advantages of Node.js

  • Easy Scalability

i) Node.js supports both horizontal and vertical scalability. This means that using node.js as a backend in applications allows them to be distributed across multiple servers, increasing their horizontal scaling. Further, it aids in vertical scalability, which improves application performance on a single server.

ii) The cluster module is one of the many features included with Node.js. It enables load balancing across several CPU cores, which simplifies delivering desired results via smaller modules without burning out the RAM process.

 iii) Node.js employs a non-blocking event-loop mechanism that ensures high scalability and allows the server to process requests in real time. High-traffic websites are the primary users of Node.js.

  • Cross-functional team building

i) Node.js provides full-stack development, which means the developer can create both client and server-side web applications. 

ii) Assume that your company has two distinct teams in charge of product development. One team is in charge of project development, while the other is in charge of product quality testing. Both teams are working independently and are confined to their respective responsibilities, now, chances are these two teams may have communication gaps. Here, Node.js can help you to prevent this loophole. 

iii) It assists you in forming a team that focuses on improving your development life cycle, allowing you to address challenges instantly. They can communicate with one another directly and devise a solution to their problems if any. This work environment promotes higher productivity and allows you to resolve such issues quickly.

  • High-end performance of Applications

i) Applications with a node.js backend are extremely effective because of their potential to multitask.

ii) Its event-loop and non-blocking I/O operations enable code execution at a significant speed. This, in turn, improves user interface performance.

iii) GoDaddy, a web hosting company, used node.js during their Super Bowl ad campaign and saw significant improvement in their app performance. They could handle 10,000 requests per second with no downtime while employing only 10% of their hardware, all thanks to the high-end performance of Node.js as their backend.

  • Building Cross-Platform Applications

i) Node.js can help to build cross-platform applications, which eliminates the need to spend time writing separate codes for different desktop versions such as Windows, macOS, and Linux

ii) As a result, businesses have more time-to-market intervals and better scalability of their applications. It also provides a more user-friendly experience by supporting a wide range of desktop versions.

Disadvantages of Node.js

  • Inability to perform heavy computing tasks

Node.js is single-threaded and event-driven, which makes it unsuitable for heavy computational tasks. When Node.js receives a large CPU-driven task in its event loop, it uses all of its available CPU power to complete that particular task, leaving other tasks in a queue running. This certainly slows down the event loop, complicating the user interface even more.

  • Unstable API causing a change in codes

The frequent API (Application Programming Interface) changes, which are generally backward-incompatible, are one of the most significant drawbacks reported by Node.js users. Unfortunately, this forces them to change the access code regularly to keep up with the latest version of the Node.js API. As a company that focuses on providing a more user-friendly experience, it can backfire and confuse customers.

  • Lack of library support

Diverse NPM(Node Package Manager) registries and libraries are either of poor quality or incomplete and poorly documented. As a result, if some amateurs create a Node.js web application, monitoring becomes difficult. Only well-qualified and reputable experts with project experience can propel your project to success. Because it is open-source and has such a large pool of libraries and modules, it may suffer from a lack of high coding standards. For exceptional results, it is critical to select the right technology partner to build your web applications.

There is a widespread misconception that Javascript developers are also Node.js developers. To learn node.js, one must be familiar with the Javascript back-end, but this standalone can’t support you to become a Node.js developer. Despite the constant increase in demand, finding an experienced Node.js developer is still challenging.   

 The growing demand for Node.js:

  1. For starters, node is open-source and free to use, encouraging businesses to experiment and improve their scalability.
  2. Node.js is lightweight, which means it employs a simple event-driven architecture. Enterprises want to save money while providing the best features and efficiency possible to expand their market reach. Node’s dynamic functionality is assisting not only large corporations but also small and medium-sized businesses in achieving this goal.
  3. Companies saw significant improvements in productivity, economic growth, and application performance after implementing Node.js in their business strategy. According to studies, 85% of businesses use Node.js to build web applications.
  4. Enterprises based in the United States and Canada claim that incorporating Node.js into their strategy has increased their developers’ productivity by 68%. Adopting a better technology (Node.js) and allowing enough time for its adaptation is proving profitable for the organization in the long run.
  5. Companies such as Netflix, LinkedIn, Amazon, Reddit, eBay, and PayPal have expressed strong interest in implementing Node.js as their backend. Amazon even claims that Node.js has futuristic features, while Netflix asserts that node’s implementation will help to reduce startup time for better expandability.

Did you know?

1) Node.js is eBay’s primary backend programming language.

2) Node.js contributes to a 58% reduction in development costs.

3) Node.js contributes to a 50%-60% reduction in loading time.

4) According to research, Node.js is used by 36.42% of professional developers for its frameworks, tools, and libraries.

In a nutshell:

Node.js is easy to learn and use. You can start using it right away. There are no installation steps required. You only pay for hosting when you start using it. This makes it easy to try it out without spending any money.

Contact the expert team of Incentius for all your application and software development work. We bet our team will make sure that you get the best!


Impact of 5G Technology on Mobile App Development Amit Jain

What is 5G?

With the ever-changing requirements of technological advances, the need for higher speed, comfort, and network connectivity is skyrocketing. Despite the fact that the 4G network has provided all of the necessary services, it is insufficient for the next wave. For the world of the internet, the evolution of 5G technology is a game-changer. 5G isn’t just a more advanced version of 4G; it’s a completely new network infrastructure. 5G has the ability to completely change the way mobile networks work. This technology provides more stable high-speed mobile internet connectivity. It facilitates the transfer of large amounts of data more comfortably and rapidly by allowing for speedier downloads. Users’ perceptions of smartphones and mobile apps will alter as a result of the 5G network. 5G is a watershed moment in the digitalization era. We are on the verge of entering the golden age of cellular technology, 5G technology. The promise of 5G technology is that it will improve the user experience by allowing smartphones to connect to networks more quickly.

Features/Benefits of 5G

  • Low to Non-Existent Latency

Network interference and delays can be lethal when you’re trying to make vital decisions in real-time or run machinery and software. The latency of 5G is near zero, reducing the 50 milliseconds of 4G delay to 1 millisecond. Sure, faster website loading times are good, but the ones getting the most benefits are going to be connected driverless vehicles, remote surgery, and responsive virtual reality.

  • Connectivity 

5G connectivity will be available to up to a million devices. Increased connection density will make it easier to integrate IoT into mobile apps. If you’ve ever tried to use mobile internet in a highly populated area, you’ll realize how serious connection density is to the user. 4G can only connect 2000 devices within a 0.38-mile radius. On the other hand, 5G can connect up to 1 million devices. The capability gets around 4G’s constraint of only being able to connect 2,000 devices at a time inside a 0.38-square-mile area. It provides improved network traffic handling capabilities while allowing smooth connectivity between apps and hardware.

  • Increased Speed 

Customers may easily download apps in only a few seconds thanks to 5G technology’s high download speed, regardless of how large the software is. Aside from the fast app download speed, 5G provides a significant benefit to smartphone app merchants that depend on in-app downloads and monetization schemes to make money from their apps. When it comes to entertainment apps, the biggest issue is streaming speed, which will be addressed by 5G networks, resulting in higher mobile app engagement.

Impact of 5G on Mobile App Development

  • Top-notch AR and 3D Models 

Mobile App development for immersive AR and 3D gaming will see a significant boost. Mobile app developers are unable to deliver much more service for AR and VR due to network difficulties and latency. However, with 5G technology, reducing latency can improve the user experience by allowing them to interact more effectively with the application. Apps that utilize cutting-edge 3D printers can be used in a variety of fields, including education, construction, and e-commerce. Users can, for example, a user may try on garments without going to the store or putting them on with only a few clicks. Before making a purchase choice, a home décor company can use immersive virtual reality and 5G network speeds to show buyers what different types of furniture might look like in their interiors. As a result, by creating an immersive retail experience online, there would be limitless possibilities that would alter the consumer experience and the way they purchase. Mobile app developers will be able to attract more clients to their platform by processing bigger volumes of data.

  • IoT Implementation Done Right

5G will usher in a slew of newly linked devices for which developers will design a variety of apps. It will also enable a wide range of IoT applications through the mobile app development process. These apps will run at their best, consuming less power and using a limited amount of data. Developers will be able to use the capabilities of machine learning and artificial intelligence with 5G to incorporate ambient technology into smarter apps. As a result of all of this, connected device adoption will accelerate, resulting in a better and more enjoyable user experience. In short, with the help of this sophisticated technology, businesses will be able to increase revenue.

  • A streaming video that is more fluid

5G-enabled applications are expected to provide users with rich media experiences. By enabling high-resolution live streaming at a faster rate, the technology will revolutionize video streaming. Reduced latency will aid in the smooth operation of video applications. Longer battery life means you’ll be able to watch for longer periods of time. Developers can use the app to advertise products and services by including high-performance 4K videos. It’s also a major boon for users!

  • Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) 

eMBB is another feature that works well in data-driven scenarios with high data rates. Apps can be designed with responsive and engaging interfaces using this feature, boosting the likelihood of app success by attracting more users. Other techniques to increase user engagement are to incorporate technology such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and so on.

  • The Cloud’s Compatibility Will Improve

Scalability is one of the most appealing features of 5G. It has high transmission rates, allowing the file to be transferred to the cloud more quickly and easily. 5G will also enable cloud storage and migration of technological infrastructure. What exactly does this imply? Developers can now lessen their reliance on hardware resources by including cloud accessibility in mobile app development. Due to low latency and fast performance, users may access their cloud storage with ease. Cloud computing will allow you to effectively restructure your company.


The 5G network will assist several businesses around the world, including mobile app development. The launch of 5G networks will have an impact on how people use their phones and open up new and enhanced prospects for app developers. Developers will be able to experiment with 5G and create new platforms and apps that provide faster and better user experiences thanks to the 5G network. It would not, however, be a stroll in the park. Because 5G necessitates major infrastructure upgrades, only established locations will be able to experience it first, whereas rural and developing areas are unlikely to do so very soon. As a result, developers will be faced with the difficult challenge of building different app versions for consumers, as some will be utilizing 5G-enabled smartphones while others will be using outdated 4G or 3G networks.

Do you have any requirements for Mobile App Development? We are ready to help you out.

5 Key Technology Decisions for a Scalable MVP Sujeet Pillai August 3, 2022


Focus on the long term when deciding on technology. Many times, a technology that you feel is ideal for creating an MVP may not be able to scale up for the final product. When making a technology selection, someone who has a thorough vision for the product must be clear on the management and technical aspects. Some of the technical decisions to be made are enlisted below.

Architecture: Microservices or Modular Monolith

Most businesses will be far better off implementing a modular monolith until the scale is large enough for microservices to make sense. For most small to medium-sized tasks, the modular monolith is an excellent architecture. Modular Monolith retains a level of modularity akin to that of microservices. Because communication takes place mostly within the monolith, it is significantly easier than with microservices. 

Although neither is ideal for everyone, one of them may be ideal for you and your development team. We’ll still have a monolith, but it’ll be modular, which means the costs will be significantly lower than with microservices, resulting in resource savings. In most circumstances, introducing a new module will not be prohibitively expensive. Debugging is also a lot easier, thanks to the improved communication between modules. The deployment procedure is much more straightforward. 

Database: NoSQL or RDBMS?

NoSQL databases feature flexible data structures, can scale horizontally, have lightning-fast queries, and are simple to work with for developers. NoSQL databases have numerous characteristics that SQL databases cannot handle. Examples include– without incurring significant expenses and making crucial tradeoffs in terms of performance, agility, and other factors. Most NoSQL database developers or companies are drawn to the rapid capabilities that allow them to get to the market early and deliver upgrades faster.

Modern applications with more complicated, continuously changing data sets require a flexible data model. It doesn’t need to be specified right away, making NoSQL a preferable solution. NoSQL databases, unlike relational databases, can store and handle data in real-time. As a result, NoSQL databases have numerous advantages over relational databases.

Extent of Functionality?

The MVP strategy is consistent with the lean startup philosophy of producing the correct product with a small budget in a short amount of time. The cost of MVP development can be reduced by having only a few of the high-priority, but essential features. The MVP then enables risk-free testing of the software.

Entrepreneurs frequently assume that all features are essential and will be required by end customers. In actuality, elimination is the source of creativity. Remove all extraneous features and swiftly launch the product with only the most basic functionality, which is the product’s main concept. An MVP app concentrates on a single concept and does not include any other features. Concentrate on the most important features. The first and most important thing to remember is to concentrate on the essential functions rather than adding too many features.

Buy or Build?

We frequently try to buy our way out of trouble. There’s nothing wrong with it. The Buy-Validate-Build Methodology enables rapid validation and failure. Entrepreneurs frequently attempt to create everything from the ground up, but is this beneficial for your MVP? It must be measured in terms of cost, time, and effort. In most circumstances, it has been discovered that purchasing is a more practical option. 

However, if you have a unique business model that necessitates the development of a new algorithm as uniqueness, then go ahead and construct one. If your algorithm isn’t the real beacon, go out and buy one before optimizing it. The Buy, Validate, and Build Methodology is the most preferred strategy. This assists in completing the MVP on schedule, establishing a revenue stream, determining product-market fit, and ultimately focusing on profitability.

Prioritize and stick to it

Prioritization aids in maintaining attention to the overall fundamental aim. You must set measurable MVP objectives. Prioritize where to begin, what to construct, when to launch, and when to alter course. All of the features that the MVP will support should be prioritized. Analyze the needs, such as what the users desire, to prioritize the MVP features. And does this product provide them with any benefit?

Sort and prioritize the remaining MVP features on the scale of high priority, medium priority, and low priority. It’s time to start working on an MVP. If a company wants to see how its future product will appear, it may build an MVP prototype. It’s hardly a stretch to claim that MVP teaches priorities.

Conclusion: The purpose of developing an MVP is to quickly launch a product based on a pre-existing concept on a limited budget. This strategy allows a corporation to obtain user feedback on the core product and incorporate it into future upgrades. As a business owner, it is critical to concentrate on key responsibilities such as running a business, raising funds, and establishing a team. With so many complex technological decisions to make when designing an MVP, it’s best to leave it to the experts @ Incentius.


Mobile App Localization: Why It is Important for Mobile App Success Sujeet Pillai June 1, 2022

Apps play a significant role in people’s daily lives. Apps are used in every country on the planet. People rely on mobile devices — and the apps they enable – for both business and recreation. Companies who create applications primarily for their home markets are passing up significant income prospects. If you’ve created an app that’s popular in your own nation, chances are overseas markets will be interested in it as well. Companies may acquire a plethora of new users through app localization by creating an app that resonates with individuals. All you need is the correct mobile app localization to get your software into those new areas.

What is App Localization?

App localization is the process of modifying your mobile app so that it can be used in multiple countries by catering to local consumers. This includes employing their native language, introducing cultural sensitivities, and changing keywords in their search queries.

Why Do You Need App Localization?

Because mobile applications are becoming increasingly significant, it is critical that they be localized. Mobile applications have evolved into marketing tools, and app localization ensures that the relevant items appear when potential buyers conduct searches. The information about the items should be in a language that people can comprehend. Localization of mobile applications allows these programmes to meet the demands of users who speak different languages. App Localization entails converting currencies, units, and dates into the appropriate representations.

Benefits of App Localization:

1. Global Accessibility:

The investment in mobile app creation is modest, but it might pay off handsomely if it becomes popular. Are you still certain that your own region is the best market for your software? Bring yourself up to date! If you limit yourself to a single-language app launch – regardless of your native language – you will miss out on massive markets. Mobile entrepreneurs and app developers may reach a vast number of people all over the world by using platforms like Google Play and Apple’s App Store. The linguistic barrier, on the other hand, is unavoidable. If a company is ready to expand, app localization can be a viable conduit for expansion.

The company’s expansion ambitions can be met by focusing on multiple languages and areas. As a result, it is critical to seek for corporate software development companies that can help you design your application with translation. It might help you compete with local developers and get superior outcomes in a short period of time.

2. Economically Beneficial:

Although the notion of app localization may appear intimidating and costly, businesses will see a return on their investment. A company’s market share and revenue may be expected to grow with each new territory it enters. Localization may make your application available in different regions of the world based on their audience, and at no extra expense. As a result, it may assist you in reducing many expenditures associated with mobile application development, which will benefit you in the long term. To get your money’s value out of your mobile applications, consumers must download them. Localized apps perform significantly better on this front. Without app localization, you would have to design an application for each target audience, which might significantly increase costs.

There are presently over five billion active mobile customers worldwide. Consider how many profits you could generate if your mobile app was localized to reach even a small percentage of that number!

3. More Recommendation:

When a company’s app gets new users, the next step is to keep those customers engaged in their offerings. Because the app business is so competitive, it might be difficult to keep clients. Achieving immaculate app localization is one method to ensure user loyalty. If your application is tailored to a local audience, it has a far better chance of getting suggested. Localization enables you to develop your application with content, design, and features that are tailored to the specific locale. As a result, it also aids in promotion.

Because your application checks all of the requirements for the target population, it will undoubtedly be well-optimized, which might help you attract a lot more visitors than you expect. The reviews will improve as a result of the approach, and your revenue will increase multifold in no time. Customers are likely to abandon an app if it fails to match their expectations. By partnering with app localization service providers, businesses can ensure that the localization is appealing and engaging, resulting in a devoted consumer base.

4. Enhance Brand Image:

The number of monthly active users is an important indicator that assures a higher placement in app stores. As a result, a rise in users from other nations translates into higher overall app rankings. Many components of the app localization process are involved, including localizing metadata, which helps buyers to find the app more readily through keyword and phrase searches. Businesses all across the globe invest in app localization because it allows them to become viral in a much shorter period of time. The programme communicates with individuals all around the world because of localisation, which helps it become viral much faster than you may anticipate. This allows you to connect with people all around the world via various social media sites.

Because your application is localized, you may provide discounts to the local audience based on their unique events. You may elicit favorable emotional responses from app users using this method. Customers are then encouraged to trust your company and buy your products and services as a result of these favorable reactions. You can meet your app’s sales goals while keeping a great brand reputation by using app localization tools.


Understanding your audience in different markets is the goal of app localization. It allows you to have your application created for local users, which might help you develop a more established relationship and improve the program’s speed. Because language and culture have a significant impact on user perceptions and habits, making the appropriate changes to an app is critical for effective worldwide expansion. All of this will be available without the need to develop a unique application for each user base.    

Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing Sujeet Pillai May 23, 2022

Companies should examine their current IT infrastructure, consider their workload and application restrictions. Then they must determine if the cloud will address or eliminate their current challenges and limitations. So, in this blog, we’ll lay out these cloud facts for you, and hopefully, we’ll cover the most significant ones to answer your queries. The following are the benefits and drawbacks of using cloud computing:

What are the Benefits of Cloud Computing?

1. Reduced administrative bottlenecks:

Cloud computing makes management easier within a company. Whenever hardware is purchased or upgraded, the entire process involves several administrative duties that consume a significant amount of time. When it comes to cloud services, all you have to do is evaluate the finest cloud service providers and their plans, then choose the one that best meets your needs. The company’s modest IT department, which it can afford to recruit, will focus only on end-user experience management. Because the majority of the other work, such as maintainability, is handled off-site, you can be assured that your IT infrastructure will be managed effectively at all times. Hence, in the cloud, your system maintenance duties are also removed. These are all left to the cloud service. Your sole criterion is that you have faith in your provider to complete the task on a consistent basis. Cloud resources are available from anywhere on the planet, at any time, on any device, and you have total control over them.

2. Huge, perhaps unlimited storage:

You’ll have to acquire the physical infrastructure that works best for your firm if you don’t use the cloud. However, you never know when you might need to enhance the storage capacity of your company. Cloud computing may free up space in your workplace for extra workstation or conveniences, while also removing the need to budget for future equipment upgrades. You won’t have to worry about installing specialized breakers, high-voltage wiring, specific HVAC systems, or even backup power if you use the cloud. The cloud allows you to easily extend your storage as your demands grow. You can buy as much storage as you need, regardless of whose cloud you use, and it’s significantly less expensive than having to buy new storage gear and software on a regular basis. Most cloud services provide you a large storage space where you may keep all of your important data. Even if you use it all, you can always upgrade to more secure cloud storage.

3. Backup and Recovery:

Data loss may have a severe impact on your organization. You might lose vital information, which could cost you a lot of money, waste your time, and harm your brand’s reputation. Cloud backup is a service that backs up and stores data and apps on a business’s servers on a distant server. In the case of a system malfunction, shutdown, or natural catastrophe, businesses choose to back up to the cloud to keep files and data accessible. You may have all of your data automatically backed up to the cloud on a routine basis. Moreover, the majority of cloud service providers are typically capable of handling data recovery. Because you save all of your data on the cloud, backing it up and recovering it is easier than storing it on a physical device. Consumers can do this on their own private or corporate servers, but cloud-service providers do it automatically and without the need for users to think about it. As a result, compared to other traditional data storage techniques, the backup and recovery procedure is more easier.

4. Increased Automation:   

Software integration in the cloud is typically something that happens naturally. Also, if you employ cloud-based apps, they will be automatically updated without the users’ input. You won’t have to put in any extra work to personalize and integrate your apps according to your preferences. This is normally taken care of on its own. You may even handpick the services and software applications that you believe would work best for your company. Updating a system on a regular basis may be a difficult undertaking. Every individual’s system must be updated by the IT department, which not only consumes time but also reduces productivity. Cloud computing goes a long way in streamlining these routine updates, allowing your staff to focus on the tasks that propel your company ahead.

What are the Disadvantages of Cloud Computing?

1. Limited Control and Flexibility:

Cloud computing makes management easier within a company. Whenever hardware is purchased or upgraded, the entire process involves several administrative duties that consume a significant amount of time. When it comes to cloud services, all you have to do is evaluate the finest cloud service providers and their plans, then choose the one that best meets your needs. The company’s modest IT department, which it can afford to recruit, will focus only on end-user experience management. Because the majority of the other work, such as maintainability, is handled off-site, you can be assured that your IT infrastructure will be managed effectively at all times. Hence, in the cloud, your system maintenance duties are also removed. These are all left to the cloud service. Your sole criterion is that you have faith in your provider to complete the task on a consistent basis. Cloud resources are available from anywhere on the planet, at any time, on any device, and you have total control over them.

2. Dependence on Internet Connectivity:

Because cloud infrastructure is owned, managed, and regulated entirely by the service provider, cloud customers have less influence over the operation and execution of services within it. Customers maintain control over their apps, data, and services, but may not have the same amount of control over their backend infrastructure, such as firmware updates and management or server shell access. The end-user license agreement (EULA) and management policies of a cloud provider may place restrictions on what customers may do with their deployments. It specifies what restrictions the supplier can impose on your deployment use. Even if it doesn’t enable you to change the architecture in any manner, all authorized cloud computing companies provide your company control over its apps and data.

3. Cloud Downtime:

One of the most common criticisms about cloud computing is that it causes downtime. Unfortunately, no company is exempt, particularly when vital business activities cannot afford to be disrupted. The vulnerability of public clouds is that everyone has access to the same server, which increases the danger of attack and slows down the server. Furthermore, because the cloud necessitates a high internet connection and adequate capacity, there is always the risk of a service interruption, which might result in company downtime. Today, no company can afford to lose money due to a disruption in vital business operations. You should prepare for cloud outages and business interruptions. Attempt to reduce the negative impact and provide the highest degree of service availability for your customers and employees.


The benefits of putting data on the cloud are difficult to miss, but are the drawbacks expected to be dismissed as well? To be fair, companies must do a thorough analysis of their infrastructure and requirements. However, the advantages of cloud computing outnumber the downsides by a large margin. Cloud computing is a managed service that may help businesses of all sizes save time and money.

Modern Database Management Best Practices Amit Jain May 20, 2022

As the volume of company data has increased, database management has become increasingly critical. Rapid data expansion causes a slew of undesirable outcomes, including poor application performance and compliance risk, to mention a few. 

Database management entails a variety of proactive strategies for mitigating the negative consequences of data accumulation. Database Management is the process of organizing, storing, and retrieving data from a computer. It may also refer to a Database Administrator’s (DBA) data storage, operations, and security procedures throughout the data’s life cycle. Organizations may prevent events that impair productivity and income and increase data integration for more business intelligence by controlling data across its full lifespan.

1. Draft Relevant Business Goals:

A strong data management vision, clear targets, well-defined metrics to assess progress, and a solid business purpose are all part of a well-developed data strategy. There are a plethora of other things you can do with your data, but it’s critical to start by defining your objectives. If you know what your business goals are, you can keep just the data that is useful to the organization, making database maintenance a breeze. It’s critical for your DBAs to understand the plan for the data they’re collecting and to concentrate entirely on the data that’s important to the company’s overall objectives. 

Your company needs should be reflected in an executable, focused database management plan, as well as the metrics you’ll use to measure your performance. Knowing your company’s business objectives allows you to maintain only the data that is relevant to your company, making database maintenance and administration easier. Setting meaningful company objectives is the very first practice you should consider because it offers you a guiding light so you don’t get lost.

2.Clear Policies and Procedures should be crafted:

When implementing best database management practices, you must establish rules and processes for your database settings. Creating particular backup and recovery processes and regulations allows your team to respond more quickly in the event of a disaster. Standard methods for deleting old files, conducting maintenance, and indexing files should be included in policies. These standards limit the risk of misunderstandings or errors, which is especially crucial in bigger businesses with various datasets and database managers.

Data should also be verified for correctness on a regular basis, as obsolete data might be useless to your organization. Most significantly, having explicit policies makes database maintenance and day-to-day management much easier. Lastly but not least, rules should contain procedures for erasing data and securely destroying storage media such as hard disks and servers.

3. Ensure High Standard of Data Quality:

Data is the King you do not want to mess with. Or as they say today- Data is the new Oil. Your DBA should try to maintain a high level of data quality by eliminating data that does not match the criteria and adjusting quality standards to reflect your evolving strategy. Even if they don’t work directly with the DBA or the database, everyone in your firm should understand the principles of data quality protection. Someone who is unaware of the dangers of duplicating data might add to your team’s workload. 

Teach everyone how to submit high-quality data and how to recognise good data. Train all team members who have access to the data on the right procedures to gather and enter data to help your team focus on data quality. You must set clear goals for improving data quality using relevant and quantifiable metrics. Make sure the stewards are included in the process when data managers develop objectives. These database management practices pay a lot in the short as-well-as long run.

4.Data Security and Backup must be a priority:

When it comes to database management in your company, data security and backup are key responsibilities. There are never enough backups when it comes to data. It’s critical to have a reliable backup system in place and to keep an eye on it to make sure it’s working properly. Furthermore, in the event of data loss or corruption, every organization should have a disaster recovery strategy in place. Because disasters can happen, it’s critical for your company to have a data recovery policy in place. 

Although no disaster can be completely predicted or avoided, you can strengthen your database’s data security and manage the risks associated with worst-case situations. If or when a possible breach occurs, having a strategic process in place is critical. Security concerns evolve in tandem with technological advancements, corporate expansion, and database features. Your staff should keep current with the market and seek to anticipate the demands of your database.

Here’s your Takeaway-Use Quality Data Management Services!

Choosing appropriate services is a crucial step in establishing a high-quality data management system for your business. Keep in mind that the ultimate objective is to have a modular architecture that can connect to and structure a number of data sources and analysis methods from the start. 

This is when Incentius comes into picture. You want to locate a customer data platform that will provide you with a truthful and concise view into your connections and user data, as well as the ability to communicate with your market precisely and promptly. You want your data management system to make your tasks simpler by automatically enriching and cleaning data to guarantee you have the most comprehensive and full picture of your data. We are here, consider bothering us for it.

Programming mistakes to avoid Marketing January 12, 2022

Behind building software, there is a team of skilled, talented programmers who put their heart and soul into any project. Programming is a process that the developers’ community thoroughly enjoys because this is their passion, this is what they do for a living. There are dos and don’ts for everything in life. Programming is no different. Programming is not a very simple process and requires a lot of effort and attention. To make sure that all of your hard work does not go wasted, here are some programming mistakes that you should look out for: 

1. Avoid repetition:

Why make your program bulky when you have the chance to not do that? If you are copy-pasting a certain code multiple times, then you need to understand this sign and do something about it. Repetitive coding is very common and most of the programmers might have come across the same mistake but there are always other options for you to make the coding process easy without being repetitive. Inserting functions or loops in your code might be a few options that will help you through the process.

2. Understand the assignment:

 Input, output, conditions, programmers need to take into account every little detail they can think of. Coding is not a quick process. It consumes your time, hard work, skills, and so one would need to ensure that they are not proceeding in the wrong direction. After hours of coding, late nights spent in front of the screen, nobody would want to see that the software has failed because of some silly errors. Take your time to understand the project, what the requirements are, and how to go about the process. Ask the clients what they expect from this project. Get into the details, research thoroughly and be prepared. Make sure everything is in place before you begin. 

3. Variable Names:

 Say you are working on a program today and the day has come to an end. You decide to complete the remaining part of the program tomorrow when you come back to the office. Now as you come back to the office and look at the screen, what would you want to see? Variables names precisely according to what the function represents or variables named after whatever it is that you were feeling good about yesterday? The prior choice, correct? Variables play an essential role in any and every language. Naming them is not a difficult task but it just needs to be accurate. 

4. Keep it Simple:

One needs to understand that coding may be a complex process but every program does not need a complex code. Keep it simple, keep it basic. The idea is to solve problems and if that can be obtained through an easier yet efficient path, then go for it. A code that is simple, efficient, and easy to manage will cause no harm and thus it becomes the ideal choice.

5. Negate confusion:

There are so many choices for building software in the market today. Python, Java, Scala, or frameworks like Vue, Node.JS, etc. They all have their different set of capabilities and thus attract the attention of developers. You need to understand that language overload is going to cause more problems and will not result in a fruitful outcome. Algorithmic thinking should be the basis for your projects. 

6. Backup is important:

Taking risks is brave but when it involves continuously working for 6 hours, skipping lunch, and hard pass on that afternoon nap, then you might not want to be the daring type. After putting so much effort into a project, how would it feel to know that the entire data is gone? Just like that? You would feel pretty frustrated, right? That completely makes sense. To avoid that from happening, make sure that you take timely backups and keep the programming updated. Such a precious piece of work deserves to be protected at all costs. 


It is okay if you make a mistake unknowingly, but if the same thing happens twice then it cannot be termed as a mistake. Now that you know about some of the most popular programming mistakes, make sure that you avoid these as they will have a positive impact on your coding. 

Do you need to be a programmer to start a Software Startup? Marketing January 10, 2022

In today’s world, we often hear about new startups and businesses. Some of these startups are led by experienced professionals while the others are headed by professionals who have just entered the world of startups and entrepreneurs. Every year, several software startups enter the market. Not all of these startups are started by programmers or people who are software developers. Having a great startup idea can sometimes be enough to start a business.

Starting an online business can be challenging. A few things that can help you begin your software startup are: 

1. Have a clear idea:

You might not know how to work through the process, how to develop the software but what is important is that you must know what the result should be. You can hire a team of software developers for the required results and guide them by clearly laying out the goals and requirements.

2. Undergo basic training:

If you believe that a certain skill set is required to operate a software startup, then you can undergo basic training and learn a little about the world of software. With time and experience, you will be able to learn many new things that will be helpful in the entrepreneurial world. Your software startup will teach you things along the way.

3. Have a structured business plan:

An idea can start the process, but you need to understand that without a plan, the process can take a wrong turn. Your efforts will be of no use if you do not have a proper plan. Before you engage and enter the software development market, make sure you thoroughly research all areas of the sector. This section provides information about your company’s description, location, marketing objectives, rivals, procedures, required equipment, and expenses. This will also help you determine whether you can start and run a software firm.

4. Online promotions:

With the introduction of social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc. your business can become a success if you spread the word through these platforms. Software development is a field that has its major clients looking for companies and organizations online. In current times, people like to sit at home and surf the internet to get the services they need. Establish social media profiles for your company and provide details about your new product regularly. It also is a good idea to use post upgrades on various social media sites to target a specific group at a low cost, depending on factors such as cost.

5. An entrepreneurial mindset:

Having a mindset that motivates you to work to your fullest potential and overcome every obstacle is essential. Starting a new venture can be challenging due to many factors. If you are new to entrepreneurship, then entering the market will take some time as you adjust to the happenings and realize where to focus your efforts. A software firm will require software developers. 

6. Build a website:

An online website can be an official platform where you communicate with your customers. Including chatbots, questionnaires, query sections, about us pages, and the team’s description can help the users understand the company better. An online website will also allow users to reach out to you at any given time, from any given place. You can keep them updated through blogs, and slowly build a dynamic website that will allow them to engage with you.


Starting a software startup without any knowledge of programming is not impossible. Be prepared with a structured plan, and stick with your goals. Hiring a good team can be helpful in the long run.